

              All the servants in the palace were busy preparing for the arrival of the newcomers. It is a tradition that the newcomers are well welcomed by the senior employees. The dining hall looks extravagant considering that the things that were used are not the best since the best are always reserved for the guests of the royal family.

                While everyone was busy preparing things a guy with feminine features was just sitting on a corner and was watching as everyone run back and forth.  I know it is a tradition to welcome newcomers, but, why in such an extravagant way? He asked himself, suddenly someone tapped him by the shoulder.

                “Yo Ren!” A dashing young man said.

                “Oh it’s you JR, how was your trip to Switzerland?” (A/N: lool I can’t think of any place)The guy who was observing the servants replied.

                “Nah, it was pretty boring since you guys weren’t there” He then took a seat beside Ren.

                “Well you can never hope for me to go with you since I can never leave the grounds of the palace.” Ren said as he flip his blonde bangs away from his eyes.

                “Speaking of getting out of this place, I heard that everyone is calling you a princess now.”

                “Naah that was just a misunderstanding, but I don’t care if they call me a girl since I kinda like the attention that I’m receiving.”

                “How did they saw you? I mean, how did they even found out about you?”

                “Stupid Baekho dared me to go out even though he knows I mustn’t and accidentally revealed my identity.”

                “But, you still went out,” JR said.

                “I was curious with what’s beyond the walls of the palace so I didn’t even thought of fighting the temptation.”

                “Well at least you got home safe.”

                “Yeah, but, why is it that everyone is so paranoid with me going out.”

                “Well…untie and uncle I mean …the king and queen just want to protect you co’z they don’t want you to experience what happened years ago.”

                Ren remained silent.

                “Well I gotta be going now mom and dad will be furious if they found out that I am fooling around again.” JR said as he stood up.

                “Say hi to them for me,” Ren said.

                JR just waved the back of his hand as he walks away.

                “Well I gotta go back to my room now or my tutor will get mad again.” Ren said while standing up.



                “So, how do I look?” Soo Yun asked her brother.

                “hmm enough to be called a human,” He replied.

                Soo Yun punched Woo Jin’s arm.

                “Ouch that hurts,”

                “You deserve it.”

                “Come on you two stop fighting,” Their mom said. “Come over here Soo Yun”

                She obediently followed her mother’s order. Her mom cupped her chin up and applied some lipstick to her.

                “There, perfect.” Her mom said.

                Soo Yun looked to the wall clock and saw that it was already 8:45. “Oh I have to get going now,” she said as she grabbed her bag.

                “Have fun my dear,” Her mom said.

                “Hey if ever you see the princess, snap a picture of her for me!”

                “Shut up Woo Jin! Bye mom! Wish me luck!” She said as she run outside the gate and cued a cab.

                “I’m sure proud of your sister, she takes all responsibilities that she doesn’t even need to do,” Their mom said.

                “Yeah she’s so responsible to us that it kinda creeps me out, I wonder if she will ever get a husband.” Her brother joked.

                “Well if she gets a husband…he has to take care of your sister very well…because she deserves it.”

A/N: YOOO GUYS !!!! sorry if I was not able to update for like the whole year I was busy with my other fanfic and I was a graduating student so I got a lot of stuff to finish in school... I'm terribly sorry.....

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Chapter 4: At least you have a good excuse to not update...
I'm glad you're back!
Chapter 4: It suddenly remembered me of Ren being in Jeon Woo Chi as a reporter . x)
the plot is cute :D
Criam_Rose #5
WAAAAH!!!! let's not argue about their ages...sigh...anyways better tell you something.......I made an account in tweeter ...but I'm to lazy to always check up on it so I don't really have followers...then one day someone followed me the account was Real Ren...something something...(which was too obvious to believe) then I commented at one of his pics I said "KYAA!! LIke it!!..then the following day .......I was back to zero followers...I mean....aaargh....anyways thank you guys for putting up comments and me some infos about Kpop....
I don't really know but the thing I know is Ren and Minzy's age are quite same. Anyway, I saw Action's MV. They're great especially Ren and JR. Good job for this chapter !
no Minzy is born in 1994 Ren is born 1995
Criam_Rose #8
Woah !!! Minzy's younger???? I thought She's older....