


A/N: I just realized that the tense that I used in the first chapter was wrong….but since you guys read it already I won’t edit it anymore so from this chapter onwards I will use past tense during narration…Thank you!!!!


                A certain girl was waiting nervously inside her very small house. Oh my God let me pass please. She thought to herself. Her name is Gwak Soo Yun. She was born in a not so fortunate family, and in order to help her family she took the royal exam.

                The Royal Exam is an exam for those who aspire to be servants in the palace. Most people want this job; however, this exam is out of the ordinary.  In order to pass this test you must have outstanding intellectual capacity and amazing skills in doing household chores. Even though most of the work are about housekeeping (or rather palace keeping…lol) people who pass this test also have receive different benefits. They are given a scholarship in a school; the school depends on what kind of work they have in the palace. For example, you’re a maid then you will be sent to XXX University where they focus on how to be good housekeepers. But the most wanted yet hardest work that a person could, have is to be an attendant of the Royal Family. The benefits that a person could get are way over the top. If the person is attending school then he or she could go to the same school of the prince or the princess, their pay are also very, very high, but only few could get this kind of position.

                  An hour passed and a mailman came knocking on the door. Soo Yun went out to receive an envelope, and went inside and called her mother. Her mother hurriedly went out of the kitchen. They sat on the floor of the living room looking at the envelope.

                 “Umma here it is,” Soo yun looked to her mother.

                  “Hurry, open it up,” Her mom told her.

                  Soo Yun took a deep breath and slowly opened the envelope. She carefully pulled the paper inside it and read word per word. She was stunned at what she read. She kept starring at it with her jaws dropped.

                  “So, what does it say?” Her mom curiously asked.


                    “Come on Soo Yun!”

                     “I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She yelled in joy, and jumped up and down. Her mother was surprised and joined her daughter who had gone crazy.

                    “Soo Yun I am so proud of you,” Her mom told her.

                 Soo Yun’s eyes started to tear up. “Umma!” She hugged her mother tightly.

                Someone came in, and it turned out that it was her younger brother Woo Jin. “Oooh Unnie, what’s the result of your exam?”

                Soo Yun showed it to him. “Ommo you passed!”

                The three of them jumped and hugged each other. Soo Yun, then went to her father’s portrait.

                He died in an accident ten years ago. Soo Yun was just seven and Woo Jin was only three. They weren’t really that poor back then, but when their father died the family lost a lot of financial support.

                “Appa, gomawo….I know you helped me so I can pass the test…..Appa, I promise I will bring umma and Woo Jin out of this unfortunate place.” She prayed to him.

                Her mom started to tear up. For, the last ten years Soo Yun did nothing but help her mother so they could all survive. She studied very hard so that she could get scholarship in school, and when school is done she will go straight to her mother’s shop to help her.

                “Unnie, You better keep that promise okay,” Woo Jin said.

                “Aigoo, You better study hard too, your also part of this family, so do your share!”  Soo Yun demanded.

                “Aishh, but I’m not as smart as you,” He protested. “Yah, by the way I heard that the princess is near your age.”


                “Can you give me a picture of her if ever you see her…I heard that she’s a hottie.”

                “YAH! Shut your mouth, you know I can’t do that, insolent brat.”

                “Tsk….fine if you don’t get me her picture I will spread this all over the neighborhood.” He showed her something. It was a picture of her in a very revealing swimsuit.

                Soo Yun’s eyes popped out. “Hey give that to me!”

                Woo Jin stuck his tongue out and ran away. Soo Yun chased him outside the house.

                Inside the house only their mother was left. She went near her husband’s portrait. “Appa,” She started to sob. “Gomawo thank you for everything, for giving me two wonderful children. It’s just sad that you’re not hear with us,” her tears kept on coming. “I thought we will never make it thru but…..our children … our children really took up from you, especially Soo Yun. Appa I hope that you can hear me right now. I and our children love you so much,” She kept on crying.

                A little later Soo Yun went back to the house, because she failed to catch her brother. She saw her mother crying in front of her father’s altar. Umma. She thought.  Umma, leave everything to me.


A/N: hooo......I updated again....AND OMG WATCH THEIR NEW MUSIC VIDEO.......I WANNA BE SANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!anyways......comment and subscribe

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Chapter 4: At least you have a good excuse to not update...
I'm glad you're back!
Chapter 4: It suddenly remembered me of Ren being in Jeon Woo Chi as a reporter . x)
the plot is cute :D
Criam_Rose #5
WAAAAH!!!! let's not argue about their ages...sigh...anyways better tell you something.......I made an account in tweeter ...but I'm to lazy to always check up on it so I don't really have followers...then one day someone followed me the account was Real Ren...something something...(which was too obvious to believe) then I commented at one of his pics I said "KYAA!! LIke it!!..then the following day .......I was back to zero followers...I mean....aaargh....anyways thank you guys for putting up comments and me some infos about Kpop....
I don't really know but the thing I know is Ren and Minzy's age are quite same. Anyway, I saw Action's MV. They're great especially Ren and JR. Good job for this chapter !
no Minzy is born in 1994 Ren is born 1995
Criam_Rose #8
Woah !!! Minzy's younger???? I thought She's older....