Paparazzi Shot


               "WE HAVE A PRINCESS!!!!!!!!!!" the  ahjusshi  yelled as he distributed the newspaper.

               "OMO!...she's so pretty" A girl said to her friend.

               "She really is a princess just by her looks," the friend replied.

                 Few days ago everyone was minding their own business. Now, everyone is crazy about the princess. Everyone knows that the royal family never revealed their child's identity, however because some turn of events. She got exposed...accidentaly




               A man is rapidly walking towards a room. He enters the room. "Your highness, please excuse my rudeness, but HOW MAY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU NOT TO LEAVE THE PALACE GROUNDS!!!!!!!" he yelled.

              "I know, I know, but it was my cousins's fault, and besides I was really dying to see the outside word" A pretty person replied.

             "Now look at what you've done everybody now thinks that you're actually a girl," He said.

              "Let them think what they want...and besides won't it be interesting if people doesn't know the truth. You know how much I like it when people give attention to me." Prince Ren smirked.

               For 17 years the king and queen hid the true identity of ren, because of a terrible past. He is forbidden to set foot outside the palace, like  acaged bird. However because of his cousin's craziness, all the queen and king's hard work is now a waste.




A/N: YO GUYS...Criam_Rose here.....well this is the first chapter...I think It's kinda lousy but still a good start..........ohhh and You guys If ever you haven't read my other Fanfiction then you better read it......though its still ongoing.....but stilll.....Ongoing stories is as exciting as ongoing make you think what might happen's the link and please look forward to.....the release of NU'EST First Mini Album Action........on July 11, 2012 I think...though I may not be able to buy one please buy in my behalf......and me it to me please take a picture.......thank you... Love lots.....

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Chapter 4: At least you have a good excuse to not update...
I'm glad you're back!
Chapter 4: It suddenly remembered me of Ren being in Jeon Woo Chi as a reporter . x)
the plot is cute :D
Criam_Rose #5
WAAAAH!!!! let's not argue about their ages...sigh...anyways better tell you something.......I made an account in tweeter ...but I'm to lazy to always check up on it so I don't really have followers...then one day someone followed me the account was Real Ren...something something...(which was too obvious to believe) then I commented at one of his pics I said "KYAA!! LIke it!!..then the following day .......I was back to zero followers...I mean....aaargh....anyways thank you guys for putting up comments and me some infos about Kpop....
I don't really know but the thing I know is Ren and Minzy's age are quite same. Anyway, I saw Action's MV. They're great especially Ren and JR. Good job for this chapter !
no Minzy is born in 1994 Ren is born 1995
Criam_Rose #8
Woah !!! Minzy's younger???? I thought She's older....