The Devil Targets the Lamb

The Devil Does Cry

        Chapter 7 - The Devil Targets the Lamb

  As Dara was in her room, she laid on her bed while holding out the ripped paper near her face. She still hasn’t added him into her contacts but she should soon, knowing Bom would bother her about it. She rolled on her stomach and pulled out her cell phone out of her pocket and added Seunghyun to her contacts. Instead of putting Seunghyun, she put, Stupid Tabi for no apparent reason.

  Dara rolled back on her back and went through her phone. She didn’t have anybody on her phone except for Bom and Seunghyun. There were also two other numbers on there, but she hated looking at it.



  She shut her phone, not wanting to see it. Her eyes closed, but she suddenly received a text from Bom. Dara grinned and opened it.

  Here’s Jiyong’s number, too! I asked it from Seunghyun! Maybe you should try opening up to him too! But open up to Seunghyun more since he’s in the same class. <3 – Your Other Park Sister.

  Dara rolled her eyes as she saw Jiyong’s number at the bottom. She saved the number and thought of a nickname for him. “Hm… Idiot Lamb…” She pressed save and fell asleep.


  The next morning, she checked her phone and found her message box filled with three text messages from Idiot Lamb. “What does this boy want?” She muttered to herself and began reading the text messages.

  Yah! You better not hurt my friend! – Idiot Lamb

  She rolled her eyes.  “Why would I hurt him?”

  I’m watching you! If you ever do something to Seunghyun, you going to get something from me! – Idiot Lamb

  Dara deleted it.

  Oh. Btw, Bom gave me your number. – Idiot Lamb

  Her eye twitched. Why did Bom give him her number? Now he’s going to text her everyday, warning her not to hurt Seunghyun. It’s not like she’ll hurt him if he kept his word, but as for Jiyong, it was another story.

  She knew this boy wouldn’t give up unless she showed him a lesson. Today at school, she’s going to be doing something about it. She’s going to target the lamb.

  Dara got ready for school as she thought of ways to torture the poor lamb. Once she’s finished with him, she knew he would leave her completely alone. As for Seunghyun, she didn’t mind his company because he knew how to keep distances.

  That little lamb needs to know who he’s talking to. Dara thought as she dressed up in her uniform. She heard her phone beeping as she received a text message. Opening it, she smiled.

  Good morning Dara. Sorry I gave Jiyong your number. You just need to know more people so you can be popular and if you open up to Seunghyun, that means you have to open up to Jiyong. They’re like a package. Wherever one goes, the other goes with it. See you at school! <3 – Your Other Park Sister

  Dara sighed through her nose. Oh Bom. Why are you doing this to me? She thought to herself and headed out the door.

  Dara found her aunt sitting at the table, sipping some coffee and reading a book. Her glasses were on the bridge on her nose as she concentrated on the words. She didn’t notice Dara until she finished her chapter and took a break. “Oh, Dara, are you going to eat?” She asked as she stretched her arms.

  Dara shook her head and said coldly, “I’m not hungry.”

  “Breakfast is the most import-”

  “I said, I’m not hungry!” Dara spat through gritted teeth and stormed out of the house. She slammed the door behind her and grunted. Damn . She wasn’t even home last night…

  Arriving at school, she spotted her target and grinned evilly. A dark cloud formed about her as the plan stormed through her brain.

  The poor lamb was walking casually towards the school while whistling to himself. He was oblivious of Dara coming up to him. In fact, he didn’t even notice a change in the height of the sidewalk and fell flat on his face.

  Dara stopped and gave him an “are you serious” look. She face palmed herself and groaned. This boy really is an idiot lamb.

  Jiyong got up and brushed himself off as if nothing happened. He cleared his throat and continued walking. A few students stared at him, but he wasn’t paying attention. Some snickered, but as they found Dara trailing behind, they grew quiet.

  Jiyong wondered why people were cowering and turned around. His eyes grew wide as he saw the Devil glaring at him with a dark aura surrounding her. “AH!” Jiyong wanted to get away, but Dara grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards her.

  They were so close to each other, Jiyong could smell the scent of caramel. It was intoxicating, but since it was Dara, his admiration flew away in a second.

  “Yah. Just because you have my number, doesn’t mean you could text me without permission.” Dara sneered.

  Jiyong nodded his head vigorously. He held up his right hand. “I won’t do it again. I promise.”

  She squinted her eyes, looking deep into his dark orbs. “You better keep that promise.”

  He gulped. “I will. Now, can you let me go?”

  Dara released him and shoved him out of her way. She walked passed him without another sound.

  Jiyong let out a puff of air. “Aish! That was scary! I wonder how Seunghyun handles her during class!” The only reason why he had text Dara was because he was bored and thought about the safety of his best friend. Next time he’s bored, he should just text his other friends. Maybe that would be the best idea. But Dara came into his mind first at that time and now he regretted that decision.


  Just because Dara confronted Jiyong in the morning didn’t mean she would stop there. In fact, during the first break she would visit Jiyong at his classroom and scare him even more. How? She was still thinking about it.

  “What are you thinking about?” Seunghyun’s voice came into her thoughts.

  She stared at him. I didn’t tell him to talk! She shrugged it off as she spotted Bom coming in the room. “It’s nothing.”

  Seunghyun pursed his lips. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure,” Dara muttered.

  Seunghyun left it as that, giving her space.

  Soon, she couldn’t stand his silence and said, “What does Jiyong hate the most?”

  He was surprised by the sudden question. Why would she ask something like that? And why was it about Jiyong? “Uhm… Horrible fashion? He’s a fashionista.”

  Dara grinned. “Oh really? What else?”

  “He has abandonment issues. I’m not really sure why. I guess he’s like that.” He paused as he recalled some things that have occurred in the past. Seunghyun shuddered at the thought and continued, “He hates being called G-Dragon because he had a horrible experience. And there’s also-”


  Seunghyun nodded. “Yepp, he doesn’t like that nickname. He would get pissed it anyone said it to him.”


  “Well, because… Because…”

  “Tell me.”

  “It’s kind of personal.”

  Dara glared at him.

  Seunghyun broke in a cold sweat, intimidated by her cold glare. “Okay. Well, he used to write and compose music. He would also perform them during school and because we used to be in a gang, thus came the name G-Dragon. I also performed with him and was called T.O.P, but I don’t mind if people call me that unlike Jiyong. His girlfriend, Chae Rin used to call him that. When they broke up, he swore he would hit the next person who called him that. He left the group and so did I. I don’t know what happened with them afterwards, but I guess everyone split.”

  “Hmm… Interesting.” This is really interesting information I have picked up today.

  “Why are you asking?” Seunghyun asked as worry filled his eyes.

  “It’s nothing.” She brushed him off as an idea came into her mind. We’ll see who’s stronger at lunch. And once he finds out he’ll loose to me, he’ll definitely respect me.


  Once lunch came, Dara told Bom she would catch up with her later.

  At first, Bom was confused, but then she realized Seunghyun and Jiyong usually come in late. She thought she would be walking with them. If not, Bom knew Dara could take care of herself. Bom smiled. “Okay, I’ll see you later. Do you want me to buy your lunch for you?”

  Dara shook her head. “Not today.”

  “Okay.” Bom took a glance at Seunghyun, who was now getting up, and left.

  Dara watched her go and turned to Seunghyun. “When does Jiyong come?”

  “Huh?” Seunghyun was confused.

  “When does Jiyong come?”

  He felt a pang of jealousy as he heard Jiyong’s name. Why does she want to know? Is she waiting for him? “He’s coming soon.”

  Dara made a face. She didn’t have time, so she walked out the room. By the doorway, she found Jiyong appearing from a corner. There he is. She went up to him and took him by the arm.

  Jiyong stiffened and stared at her. “What are you- whoa!”

  Dara dragged him pass her classroom and downstairs.

  Seunghyun was coming out at the same time and saw them together. The pain in his heart shot through him like a bullet. Why was she with him? He felt hurt. It was a strange feeling, but he wanted Dara all for himself.

  His eyes fell as he bit his lip. He looked where they disappeared from and decided to follow.


  “H-Hey! Where are we going?” Jiyong asked, panicking as he found out he was being dragged to the back of the school. Is she going kill me?! Ah! She’s going to take me to the back of the school and kill me! Goodbye sweet world!

  “Just shut up.” She shot.

  Jiyong closed his mouth.

  When they were outside, Dara flung him in front of her. She pointed straight at his nose. “I’m going to warn you. If you ever get on my nerves, I’ll start calling you G-Dragon.”

  He flinched at the nickname. His eyes widened. “Where did you hear that?”

  “That doesn’t matter.”

  “Who told you? Was it Seunghyun?”

  “And if it was?”

  His eyes fell. He didn’t blame his best friend, but he couldn’t understand why Seunghyun would tell her that. Does he love her that much to where he would let out our deepest secrets? One day, he might tell her he loves her and where would I be in his heart? We won’t be as close as before. “I just hate that nickname.”

  “I know.”

  “Then don’t call me that.”

  Dara smirked and taunted him. “Well, G-Dragon, fight me.”


  “Fight me and whoever wins, you’ll have to respect them. You were in a gang before, so you would understand.”

  “I-I’m not going to fight especially not a girl.” I quit that gang for a reason. I didn’t want to fight anymore. I wanted to be myself and that was the best decision I have ever made. I’m glad Seunghyun followed me. That’s why I respect him. But a fight would change nothing. “I’m not fighting you.”

  “Why not?” A guy not fighting? What a wimp!

  “It’s not worth it.” Jiyong stared into her eyes. There was something he noticed in her. He may be a clueless idiot, but he could see right through people. “Dara, I’m not sure what happened to you in the past, but you can’t be fighting all your life.” He chewed on his bottom lip, remembering how Seunghyun wouldn’t give up on believing in Dara. “You-you should really give Seunghyun a chance.”

  Dara still didn’t trust these two boys. She didn’t want to deal with them, but they kept appearing in her life. Why can’t they just leave? She clenched her fist. “Give me a good reason why I should give him a chance.”

  Jiyong’s eyes softened. “He really cares about you.”

  Dara bit her lip hard. She could taste her blood. Care? Does he really care about me? Ha! Like I would believe that. The only person who has actually taken care of me my whole life were my parents and Bom. No one else dared to even get near me; not even my own aunt.

  “Dara…” Jiyong reached out.

  She jolted back. “Don’t touch me! You don’t understand anything, nor does Seunghyun! Just leave me alone!” Here, she was suppose to show who’s boss, but now it ended up being a whole mess. Mixed emotions were felt throughout her body – most she knew while others she didn’t.

  “Please, Dara…”

  Why is he being like this all of a sudden? Why does he suddenly care? First he was afraid of me, but ever since he found out Seunghyun knew me, he’s less afraid! This is ruining the balance and I blame Seunghyun! “I don’t need your help! How many times do I have to tell you?!”

  “What about Seunghyun?” Suddenly, Jiyong’s confidence rose. His adrenaline was running even though he wasn’t doing anything physical. This conversation was heating up.

  “What about Seunghyun?” She retorted. Dara didn’t understood anything at all.

  “He can help you.”

  “I don’t need his help!”

  “Yes, you do! I can see Bom is trying, but it’s not enough!”

  “Tell me why should I open up to Seunghyun?! Tell me!” She has been wanting to know that answer ever since Bom had asked her to open up. It didn’t make sense. Why was everyone controlling her and telling her to be with him.

  “Because he loves you!” Jiyong burst as he couldn’t take it anymore. He gasped and covered his mouth. . What am I saying? I don’t even know if that’s the truth!

  “What?” Her eyes grew wide. Love? She has never heard that word in a long time other than from Bom.

  “H-He loves you…” His eyes trailed. There was no way to take it back. It was too late.

  “You’re lying.”

  “He’s not.” It was Seunghyun. He appeared from behind a corner, hands in his pocket. “I love you, Dara.”

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I bet you guys are like, WTF just happened?! But I'm serious, there's a reason why things are going on the way it should be...


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Chapter 14: my Tabisan!!! wae??? I fell sorry for dara, also for GD... love your story :xoxo
x0xlilpunkx0x #2
Chapter 16: I read the whole story in one sitting! It pulled me in from chapter one!
When Seunghyun died, I could hear my heart shatter >: So sad
yssassyla #3
Chapter 16: OMG! I didn't see that one coming! I'm crying. My Bingu TOP wae?!
jekomgarcia #4
My Tabisan heart! Why!?! Someone who looks exactly like Tabi needs to appear. Huhuhu… :( Oh well.
Nooooo!!!!! My tabisan...why?????
Felt sorry for dara...just when she about to find happiness in her life... :-((
TOP has to be reincarnated. A fallen angel. HE HAS TO BE! :(((
#7 killed my made me cry..but anyway..That's how the story goes..and base on your title it matches well..Good luck on your sequel..FIGHTING!..;)
ckenzieal #8
Really authornim, WTF!? Honestly, I didn't expect something like this would happen to tabi. :( I seriously cried a lot while reading the last chap. Huuwahhhh! *still can't get over* I thought this would be a happy ending with TABISAN. So that's why ji is always there for dara, 'cause he has a major role in dara's life! Tch. Poor tabi, is it really true he got into a hit and run? Hmmm...something is fishy here. Anyways, off to read your sequel! Kyahhh!!! PANDARA! So excited. Kekeke. Gomawo ^^
I bet you guys are like, WTF just happened?! But I'm serious, there's a reason why things are going on the way it should be...
ellisd #10
Oh wow Seunghyun died. That's sad.