Confronting the Devil

The Devil Does Cry

     Chapter 5 - Confronting the Devil

  After that day in the park, Seunghyun couldn’t get his mind off of Dara – not that he ever has – and it bothered him. Every night, he was lying on his bed, thinking and remembering those teary eyes. He may have only seen them for a split second, but in his mind, it remained there.

  As he stared at the ceiling and placed the back of his hand on his forehead, he began thinking. “What happened to her?” He closed his eyes and tried piecing the pieces together. “What does she mean I will never understand?! I’m sure if she explained everything, I’ll be able to understand! If she keeps pushing me away, I won’t be able to help her! Gah!” He flipped over and planted his face into the pillow.

  Seunghyun shifted to his side and bit his lips. Someday he has to confront her. Someday… But when would that be? Next month? Next week? Tomorrow? Whenever he feels like it? He didn’t know. All he did know was he wanted to know what is wrong with her.

  He closed his eyes and for the millionth time this week, he began to wonder when Dara will be comfortable with him. It has already been two weeks and she still doesn’t want to speak with him! And after the day at the park, she wouldn’t even look at him or get mad. The silent Dara was scarier than the loud and angered Dara.

  It took him nearly an hour before he could fall asleep.


  Dara was in her room, ripping up pieces of paper she no longer needed. She wanted to punch something. She raised a fist and punched the wall. Oh how she wanted to do that to Seunghyun. Ever since that day at the park, he kept giving her pity and she didn’t want that. The thing she hated the most other than anger and annoyance was pity. She didn’t want anyone to pity her especially when she has this reputation!

  She hit the wall again, creating another dent. Her knuckles bleed like they did when she punched the tree, but this time she didn’t receive any splinters.

  “What’s with that boy?!” She fell to her knees and trembled. “Why can’t he leave me alone?” This time, tears never fell. She never wanted anyone to see her tear up, not even herself, but at the park something tore her up and she wasn’t able to hold it.

  “What is wrong with you?!” Her aunt exclaimed, entering Dara’s room. She found another dent in the wall and Dara’s bloodied knuckle. Dara’s aunt became furious. She crouched next to her and grabbed her wrist. “What the hell is wrong with you? You’re a lady! Why do you keep acting like this?!”

  Dara jerked away from her grasp and took a couple of steps back. “You’re what’s wrong with me! You never cared for me! You only took me in because there was no one else of family blood near this area!”

  Dara’s aunt came up to her and slapped her across the face. Her eyes and cheeks were burning with rage. “I’ll have you know, you’re lucky that you even have a roof over your head, you disgraceful child!”

  “You’re a drunken ! I’d rather live in the streets rather than with you!” Dara shouted at her aunt.

  Her aunt became furious and slapped her again. “Don’t you dare speak to me like that again!” With that, she stepped out of the room and slammed the door behind her.

  Dara rolled her eyes and let out a frustrated sigh. Yes, she would rather live in the streets rather than this old dump. Or maybe she could live at Bom’s but her parents wouldn’t allow it for they had limited space.

  Dara headed to the bathroom, finding her first aid kit. She cleaned her wound and wrapped it. The blood didn’t seep through for it wasn’t too deep, but she still felt the sting. She shook it off and went back to her room, falling face first on her bed. She buried her head into a pillow and screamed her lungs out. Someday, she would escape this place. Someday, she’ll be able to be free.


  It was the third week in knowing Dara and Seunghyun was starting to get desperate. Just one more week and it would be a month since he first met her. However, he still couldn’t get her secret out.

  In the hallways, he met with Jiyong at his locker. Seunghyun leaned against the locker next to Jiyong’s and took a deep breath. “What am I suppose to do?” He asked thoughtfully.

  Jiyong closed his locker and looked at his friend. “Huh?”

  “What am I suppose to do with Dara?”

  He shrugged. He no longer wanted to interfere with their relationship. There was no way to change Seunghyun’s mind. He knew Seunghyun was blindly in love with her, but he hasn’t realized it yet.

  “I should confront her.”

  Jiyong’s eyes widened. Confront her? Does he mean he’ll confess?! “What?!”

  “I need to know what she’s like. I need to know everything about her.”

  “Oh…” But it kind of sounds creepy…

  “Today, I’m going to confront her.” He nodded his head. “Yeah, I’m going to do it today after school. I’ll bring her to the roof and ask her everything.”

  Jiyong nodded unsurely. It sounds very creepy at this moment… “Okay, you go do that! I’m going to class. I’ll see you later?”

  “Yeah. Bye.”


  In the classroom, Seunghyun passed a note to Dara since he knew she wouldn’t speak to him.

  This time, she noticed it and sneered. She wanted to toss it in the trash and never look at it again, but she had promised Bom she would give him a chance. Dara roughly took the note and read it.

  Meet me at the roof after school. I have something to tell you. –Tabi

  Tabi? She thought and looked at him. He was facing the board, so she shrugged it off. I guess I’ll meet with him… Dara crumbled the piece of paper and stood without warning. Everyone’s eyes fell on her including their teacher, Mrs. Yoon.

  “Miss Park, go back to your seat.”

  “I’m just throwing away trash.” She simply stated.

  “You need to raise your hand first.” Mrs. Yoon was a tough teacher. She knew how to handle stubborn students like Dara, but she also had a soft side to her. “If you ask, I’ll let you, but for now sit down. I’m still explaining the lesson.”

  Dara sighed through her nose and sat down. Sure she’s stubborn, but she isn’t rude.

  Mrs. Yoon nodded and continued her lesson.

  Seunghyun was watching Dara’s hand the whole time. He watched as she was griping onto the crumbled paper tight and squeezing it like a stress ball. What if she’s not going to come? What if she’s just going to ditch me? She’s going to throw it away anyways. He shook his head. No! I’m going to wait for her. I have to ask her. It’s now or never! He made a fist. Hwaiting!

  Dara only glanced at him for a moment and found him making faces for no apparent reason. She gave him a weird look. What’s with this boy?


  Seunghyun quickly went out the classroom door without waiting for Dara, knowing she would be with Bom for a while. As he was walking down the hallway, he bumped into Jiyong as he was turning the corner.

  Jiyong dropped his book and took a step back. “Whoa! What’s the hurry, Seunghyun?” He asked while he picked his book up.

  Seunghyun didn’t say a word and continued to his destination.

  Jiyong stared at him in confusion and shrugged it off. When he started walking again, he spotted Dara and Bom coming out of their classroom, talking. Jiyong froze and swished his head around, searching for a place to hide. He found a trash can and leaped behind it, tumbling along the way. He poked his head up and listened.

  “Hey, want to go study at my house today?”  Bom asked, giving Dara a worried look.

  Dara shook her head. “Not today, Bom.”

  “But you said you wanted to get away-”

  “I know what I said,” Dara interrupted, “But I have another matter to attend to.”

  Bom pursed her lips. “Okay, fine. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow or text me tonight so I know you’re fine.”

  She nodded.

  Bom took her into a hug and left without another word.

  Dara sighed and went to the same direction when Seunghyun was going.

  Jiyong gasped. What?! Don’t tell me Seunghyun actually did it?! Dara’s actually going to meet Seunghyun at the roof! What? Should I go? Should I stay? He debated in his head, turning his head towards the retreating Dara and the flood of students going towards the exit. Ah! I’m going crazy! He stood up and decided to be a stalker today.


  Seunghyun paced back and forth. Maybe he got there to early because time seemed to be going slow for him. What seemed like five minutes was actually two minutes. He began to worry whether Dara would come up here and talk to him. She would always ignore him, so what made him think she will talk to him now?

  He didn’t know. He just had a feeling.

  “Ah! Where is she?!” Seunghyun ran his hand through his hair and sighed. “Calm down, Seunghyun. Calm down. You need to wait. She’ll be here soon,” he told himself. Who knew a simple girl would make him go crazy! He took deep breath and paced even faster.

  “Ah! This is useless! I’m going to find her!” He walked up to the door and was immediately slammed against it as it swung open.

  Dara heard the bang and stepped out. “Oh! Are you okay?!” She left the door open and came to Seunghyun’s aid. However, when she came close to him, she realized it was him and stepped back. “Ah, you’ll be okay…” Guys could handle anything.

  Seunghyun rubbed his forehead. “Ow…” He looked down to see Dara. Hey, she’s here! “D-Dara!” He stuttered.

  She raised her eyebrows.

  “Dara!” He was lost for words as he gazed at her eyes. Why was it so difficult to talk to her now that she’s listening to him? Seunghyun tore his gaze away from her as he began to blush.

  “Well, get on with it.” Dara tapped her foot impatiently. She didn’t want this to be a waste of time. She needed to come back to her aunt before sundown.

  “Uh… Well…” He struggled with his words.

  “I’m leaving.” She stated and spun around.

  “Wait!” Seunghyun called, but didn’t dare to touch her.

  “What?” Dara turned her head.

  “I have to ask you this.” He gulped. It was time to be straight forward. “Will you please open up to me? I promise you, I won’t hurt you. I’ll-I’ll even go away if you tell me to. I just want to know you better.”

  She narrowed her eyes. That was the weirdest notion someone has ever offered her. “What?”

  “I just want to know you better,” he repeated, taking out the extra fluff.

  She rolled her eyes. Bom told me to give him a chance. “I don’t know…”

  “Like I said, I won’t hang out with you all the time! If you tell me to leave, I’ll gladly leave you. If you never want to see me again, so be it! But we’re still going to see each other at school, by the way.”

  Dara bit her lips. She liked being alone but not being left alone. It was a strange concept, but she can never bring herself to never see each other again. People were the ones who left her willingly. There was only one person whom she didn’t want to have contact with, however.

  Seunghyun gave her pleading eyes. Just say the word and I’ll leave.

  Dara heaved a deep sigh. “You can stay whenever you like, but you better keep your distance. I don’t want people gossiping about me. I hate it. And you better not follow me everywhere I go. If I call for you, that’s when you can talk to me. Other than that, you leave me alone.” This time she really left, not noticing Jiyong hiding behind a corner. She was too engulfed in her own thoughts to feel his presence.

  Dara snorted. This boy is the weirdest boy I have ever met!

  Seunghyun smiled to himself, but thought about it. Soon his smile turned to a frown. Why do I feel like this is more of a contract than a simple suggestion? I feel like I’m her slave! He made a face and scratched his head.

  It was about time to head back home. As he was muttering nonsense to himself, he walked down the stairs, also not noticing Jiyong.

  Jiyong’s eyes widened. Did she just agree to Seunghyun’s terms? But then again, she twisted his words a ton… Gah! What am I going to do with these two?! What am I going to do with Seunghyun? He’s going way too far in this! He cried inside. Ah! I can’t interfere! He hit his head against the wall as confusion seeped in. I want to help him, but I also don’t want to loose him! He’s my best friend and if I do something he’ll hate me! Ah! He slammed his head harder and stopped, knowing he would feel a bump tomorrow. Whatever… I’m just going to watch them… There’s no point in changing Seunghyun’s mind now…

  With those thoughts in his mind, he walked down the stairs, slowly. He didn’t want to get caught by either Dara or Seunghyun. Jiyong knew he would get a beating from Dara and scolding from Seunghyun if they found out he was eavesdropping.

  At the last step, he paused for a moment and finally walked out.

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I bet you guys are like, WTF just happened?! But I'm serious, there's a reason why things are going on the way it should be...


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Chapter 14: my Tabisan!!! wae??? I fell sorry for dara, also for GD... love your story :xoxo
x0xlilpunkx0x #2
Chapter 16: I read the whole story in one sitting! It pulled me in from chapter one!
When Seunghyun died, I could hear my heart shatter >: So sad
yssassyla #3
Chapter 16: OMG! I didn't see that one coming! I'm crying. My Bingu TOP wae?!
jekomgarcia #4
My Tabisan heart! Why!?! Someone who looks exactly like Tabi needs to appear. Huhuhu… :( Oh well.
Nooooo!!!!! My tabisan...why?????
Felt sorry for dara...just when she about to find happiness in her life... :-((
TOP has to be reincarnated. A fallen angel. HE HAS TO BE! :(((
#7 killed my made me cry..but anyway..That's how the story goes..and base on your title it matches well..Good luck on your sequel..FIGHTING!..;)
ckenzieal #8
Really authornim, WTF!? Honestly, I didn't expect something like this would happen to tabi. :( I seriously cried a lot while reading the last chap. Huuwahhhh! *still can't get over* I thought this would be a happy ending with TABISAN. So that's why ji is always there for dara, 'cause he has a major role in dara's life! Tch. Poor tabi, is it really true he got into a hit and run? Hmmm...something is fishy here. Anyways, off to read your sequel! Kyahhh!!! PANDARA! So excited. Kekeke. Gomawo ^^
I bet you guys are like, WTF just happened?! But I'm serious, there's a reason why things are going on the way it should be...
ellisd #10
Oh wow Seunghyun died. That's sad.