The Play

KyuWook - First Times

The night of the play


“Have you seen my hair accessory?”


“Someone help me with my costume please!”


“Are the lights okay?”


“What about the sound?”


“Hey, there’s one mic missing! We have to find it!”


I sighed, nervous, while everyone was running everywhere to find things to get ready for the play. I was not dressed as Juliet yet, since I would only appear at the very end of Romeo and Juliet.


I sighed again when I remembered that my parents would surely come back home before me, and then I would have to face them and tell them where I had been and everything. I never told them I had to stay after school tonight. I never had the chance to anyways. They were never home. Happily, my boyfriend could drive me home. If he hadn’t had his license, I would’ve been forced to call my parents so they could bring me back home, which was something I didn’t want to do.


“Are you nervous, Juliet?”


I smiled, recognizing the voice behind me. White arms hugged me tight and I purred softly. “A bit, Romeo. I know we’re going to do that correctly, but still…”


“I know. I love you.”


“I love you too.”


“Don’t forget, okay? The person who will be playing Juliet is not my lover for real. You’re my only lover, so, don’t be too jealous, okay?”


“Okay. Oh, yeah, Kyu, by the way, who’s that girl? She was never there during the rehearsals.”


He chuckled. “Actually, the girl who was supposed to be Juliet broke her leg while playing soccer the other day. So we had to find her a replacement.”


I raised a brow. “A replacement? Not me, I hope.”


He shook his head, smirking. “Nope. You’ll see.”


No matter how much I asked, he wouldn’t tell me more about this, so I could only wait for the play to start to see who was Juliet. And, believe me, the wait was SO worth it.


At first, when Juliet appeared on stage, I could only notice how beautiful that person was. And then, I noticed the Asian looking eyes. And then, I noticed the heart-shaped mouth. You don’t know how much I had to contain myself real hard not to die of laughter.




“Oh Romeo…” Min’s voice softly resounded.


Oh, seriously… this just made me want to die from laughter. Honestly. Especially the part where Min, I mean, Juliet, had to declare her love for Romeo, and then Romeo had to declare his love for Juliet. This part was just… awesome. Of course I would’ve wanted to be Juliet, but I wasn’t as good as acting as Min, so I didn’t mind it that much.


I waited for the intermission impatiently. When he finally came backstage, I looked at him with a huge smile.


“What a beautiful Juliet we have here.”


He pouted. “Oh, please, don’t do this to me.”


I laughed softly. “C’mon, you look very pretty in this dress!”


“I don’t care, really… It’s just horrible that I have to play the young woman in love when her lover is my EX.”


I shrugged. “Oh, Min, I’m pretty sure it’s not THAT horrible. But hey, how did you end up being Juliet anyways?”


Kyu arrived at that moment and hugged me tight before explaining it himself: “We wanted to give Ama that role at first… but, first, the dress was way too long for her; second, she would’ve been too dangerous on stage and, third, she HATES dresses. She would’ve killed me for making her wear that.”


“But Min?”


My friend sighed. “I’m ashamed to confess that I kind of like dresses.”


I couldn’t help but laugh. That was unexpected, but… okay!


After the intermission, I started getting more and more nervous though. After all, my turn was coming very quickly and the girls backstage made me change myself into Juliet before they started putting make-up on me. It didn’t take that long before I was ready and I anxiously waited for my turn to be Juliet.


Actually, my role was, at first, to play dead. And then, when Romeo would die, I had to wake up and cry over his dead body before committing suicide. Basically, that was it. I didn’t have much to say, so my role wasn’t very complicated, but I had to be very convincing.


Honestly? I wanted to laugh when I saw Kyu’s eyes becoming big and round when he saw me in a dress, with a wig and make-up. He stayed silent for thirty long seconds and I really wanted to tell him to keep talking, but I had to play dead. He started stuttering after he finally remembered how to talk, and I could hear an evil laugh somewhere in the room. Oh, Ama…


After Kyu finally remembered that he had to say his lines, everything went perfectly well… until I had to cry over Romeo’s body after waking up. I couldn’t help but feel very sad when I saw Kyu on the ground, playing dead. Just like when they had tested my acting skills, I felt my heart being destroyed and I started to cry for real.


“Romeo… Romeo!”


Tears kept flowing on my cheeks and I could hear a few people in the auditorium crying too. Deep inside I was happy that I could make people cry, but at the moment that was not my top priority. That top priority was that Kyu, I mean, Romeo, was on the floor and was “dead”.


I had to keep calm though. I had to remember what I had to do. I had to remember that I had to stab myself with his dagger. Of course, the dagger was a fake one and the blade simply retracted when you pushed it.


I cried for a few minutes, saying the little lines I had to say, before I “committed suicide” and let myself fall next to Kyu, and using my “last bits of life” to hug him and “die” there with him. After that, of course, a few people had to arrive and cry and say that the families shall not be enemies anymore, but I didn’t really listen to them. When we could finally get up and thank people and everything, I went right next to Kyu, Min being on Kyu’s other side, and we bowed at the exact same time before Min and I looked at each other and removed our wigs in front of the spectators, who let out a gasp of surprise when they saw that Juliet had been played by two boys. We then all came backstage.


I had only one foot backstage when Kyu hugged me tight and lifted me in his arms to turn and turn around with me. I couldn’t help but hold on to him tight, a bit scared. “Kyu?!”


“Not Kyu. Romeo. I’m still Romeo.”


He softly put me down but didn’t let me go and kissed me passionately. I smiled. “Okay, okay. Meaning, I’m still your Juliet?”


“You are. I love you, Juliet.”


“I love you, Romeo.”


We suddenly got interrupted by the backstage girls, who kidnapped me to remove the make-up on my face. I waved Kyu goodbye and let the girls take care of me. While they were at it, I saw Ama come in and get the 10$ she really had bet with someone from the staff. I laughed softly. “You won after all.”


She crossed her arms and smiled, proud. “Of course I won. I would’ve been in a bad mood if I had lost anyways.”


“I heard you laugh from the stage.”


“I really wanted to scream ‘GIMME MY 10 BUCKS, I WON’, but… naaaah. It would’ve embarrassed you.”


“And Kyu.”


“Naaaah. Just you. Embarrassing Kyu is fun. Embarrassing you is mean.”


I laughed softly. “If you say so…”


“I do ~ Well then, I’ll let you become a boy again. Cho!”


Huh? Cho? Was that her way to say goodbye? I shrugged. That was Ama, after all…


After I changed back to being a boy, Kyu came to me and kissed me softly. He was still partly dressed as Romeo, so I chuckled. “Kyu, go and change…”


“Not before you kiss me back.”


I kissed him back. “Change?”


He smiled. “Okay. I’ll be right back. Wait for me, okay?”


I laughed. “Where do you want me to go? You’re the one driving me back home.”


He shrugged and went to change. When he came back, I was still exactly at the same place, waiting for him. He drove me back home and I sighed in relief when I saw that my parents weren’t home yet. That was surprising but relieving. I wouldn’t have to get yelled at by my mom because I had been to the play…


I was about to kiss Kyu and step out of the car, but he stopped me before I could kiss him. I tilted my head to the side. “Don’t you want a goodbye kiss before I go home?”


He smiled. “Let me walk you to the door.”


I blushed softly but nodded. That was so romantic…


He did walk me to the door. And, under the light placed next to the door, we kissed passionately. I snuggled into his arms and hugged him tight before kissing him one last time. “I love you, Kyu.”


He smiled softly. “I love you too, Wookie. Goodnight.”


“Goodnight, Kyu. Have sweet dreams.”


“Have sweet dreams too.”


He left and I entered my house before throwing myself on my bed, blushing softly. Tonight had been awesome. And I couldn’t wait until the date Kyu had planned…








OKAY YOU CAN DO IT, 12 COMMENTS IF YOU WANT THE LAST CHAPPIE. It's the last one, so... yeah :/ Asking for more xD Plz? :3

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Chapter 37: I feel like I was just tickled to death by fluff and
cuteness and I've never felt better! XD
ryena87 #2
Chapter 38: Kyu just ing rich, handsome and and and.. Akh lost my words again to explain this story. Its always great fic as usual ^o^/ love love love you and your fics :) #throwingconfetti
ismary666 #3
Chapter 38: Jajajajjajaja, I didn´t realize the previous chap was the end, ajajjajajaa, I´m in the moon, ejjejjee, well, now all R´s first times belong K, this should always be, I say :)
And, yes, another time, we thank you for this lovely, sweet and tender story.
I still have a lot for read :) I´m happy
ismary666 #4
Chapter 37: So romantic, jejejeje, the diamond ring, the wine, the violinist, the roses, all of romantic things, even K knows R´s size of clothes and fingers :)
ismary666 #5
Chapter 36: Such divine thing, two Juliets, at the same two, ex and new, K´s boyfriends, ejjejejeje, it´s sounds like a family, jajajajajjaa, then, I remembered GoonT where SM crying, ohhh!!!! god that´s intensity

"Let me walk you to the door", there´s no place in the entire world where we´ll found a boyfriend like this ^____^
ismary666 #6
Chapter 35: Take care?
take cara of baby K?
it´s some kind of warning? I feel scared :|
ismary666 #7
Chapter 34: Poor little W, the thought of losing his lovely K torments him cruelly :)
ismary666 #8
Chapter 33: It couldn´t be more romantic, Romeo and Juliet, ejjejejeje, not enough romantic, R wants flowers from K :)
ismary666 #9
Chapter 32: ok, I love W thoughts "...his... that" ajjajajajjaja
ismary666 #10
Chapter 31: Chap with honey, sweet, sugar, syrope, ajjajajjajaa, I ran out of adjectives ^__^
and I agree with R "My boyfriend definitely was the best boyfriend in the entire world "