Preparations for the play

KyuWook - First Times

A week, 4 days later


“Wookie, could you come here please? The pants just ripped.”


“Why don’t you ask Siwon?”


“Because! Pretty please?”


I laughed softly before approaching Kyu, who had troubles with his Romeo clothes again. Again, yes, because it happened quite often since the costumes were made with cheap material. Actually, the only costume that was not cheap… was the dress I had to wear as Juliet. Yes. The dress “I” had to wear as Juliet. They really had to make a new dress, since the one for the usual Juliet wouldn’t fit me. And they had decided to make it cuter and not as cheap as the other one. I still don’t really know why. After all, I was only playing Juliet for a few minutes…


I shrugged. That was their problem, wasn’t it? For now, I had to concentrate on helping out Kyu with his cheap costume. I laughed when I saw where the pants had ripped.


“Oh Kyu, seriously? How could your pants rip there?”


He pouted. “Don’t laugh! This is the reason why I didn’t ask Siwon!”


This was still quite embarrassing even for me though, because I had to repair the crotch of the pants… And since they would most probably rip again and even more if Kyu had to take them off, I would have to do this while Kyu was wearing them. I sighed and started working, blushing because Kyu’s crotch was right in my face and my hands were working very close to his… um… that.


Actually, I didn’t know why I was still so shy about this. We had made love more than once since my first time - because yeah, Kyu often came over after school -… and it was not the first time my face was so close to his crotch. It had been closer than that once, but I’ll let you imagine the details. Anyways. Plus, I knew that what I was doing here was not what I was doing in bed. But I was still pretty embarrassed…




I looked up and saw Kyu’s smirk. I blushed some more. “Kyu, how can you say this when I’m…”


“Can’t I love you no matter what you’re doing?”


I smiled. “You know that’s not what I meant.”


He waited for me to finish before he kneeled in front of me so he could press a soft kiss on my lips. I kissed him back, making a few of the girls not far from us sigh.


“What a waste…”


“Right? No perfect babies coming from those two…”


I blushed softly when I heard them and hid in Kyu’s arms. I knew the girls in theatre would never say this to be mean. They were simply joking. But it still kind of hurt me and it was not their fault. I knew that gays - and lesbians too, actually - could not live a life like everyone else. No babies coming from making love and, in a few countries, no marriage either.


Kyu must’ve felt my sudden mood swing because he kissed me again before whispering in my ear:


“One week after Romeo and Juliet, I’ll be coming to your house and we’ll have a date. A real one, because it’s been more than a week since the last time we had one. Okay?”


He knew me too well. My sad mood became a 180° happy mood right away. “A date? For real?”


He smiled. “Of course, for real. And I’m pretty sure you’re going to like it.”


“Where will we go?”


“You’ll see. I’ll arrive at 6 PM that time though, okay? You’ll have time to sleep, we’ll eat together at night.”


I nodded softly. I was getting used to Kyu being mysterious and not wanting to tell me beforehand what he had planned. I was actually happy that he would not let go of his decision even with me doing puppy eyes because I wanted to know. I liked surprises, but sometimes I couldn’t help but try to get info about them. Of course, when I managed to, they turned into not being surprises anymore. Kyu was the only one who could resist my puppy eyes attack.


We went back to what we were doing before his pants ripped, and I sighed when I noticed that the girls were done with my accessories. They looked at me with evil stars in their eyes and I sighed some more. Torture was only starting.


They made me try out the dress and the wig I had to wear to look more like Juliet, before they started making me pretty and all, just to see what kind of make-up would be beautiful on me. When Kyu tried to enter the room - the room that was usually reserved to girls only -, they pushed him outside, saying that he should not see me before the play. I blushed.


“Um, girls, that’s…”


“Yeah, I know, usually it’s for marriage, but we still don’t want him to see you before the night of the show. I want to see his face when he’ll see you for the first time in this dress on stage!”


They all started to giggle and I pouted softly. “Okay, okay…”


When they were done with me, they pulled me in front of the big mirror, most of them telling me how beautiful I looked. I blushed when I saw how I looked like. I… actually, I did look like a very beautiful girl. They even had added fake s in the dress so I would look even more like a girl.


“You’re so beautiful, baby Wookie,” one of them praised me.


“Th… thanks…”


“I can’t wait to see K’s face when he’ll see you!” another one laughed.


“Ten bucks he’ll be so amazed that he’ll have difficulties saying his lines!” a voice I hadn’t heard for a while suddenly resounded.


I turned and blushed like crazy when I saw Ama near the door, smirking. I sighed. “Hi, Ama.”


She growled softly. “You don’t seem happy to see me.”


I had a fake smile. “No, really, I’m really happy to see you. See the bright smile on my face.”


She laughed. “I’m glad you’re not that innocent baby from before. Take care, and take care of Baby Kyu too!”


I nodded, but before I could say anything, like ask her what she was doing here, she had already left. That cat girl was still impossible to catch no matter what we tried…






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Chapter 37: I feel like I was just tickled to death by fluff and
cuteness and I've never felt better! XD
ryena87 #2
Chapter 38: Kyu just ing rich, handsome and and and.. Akh lost my words again to explain this story. Its always great fic as usual ^o^/ love love love you and your fics :) #throwingconfetti
ismary666 #3
Chapter 38: Jajajajjajaja, I didn´t realize the previous chap was the end, ajajjajajaa, I´m in the moon, ejjejjee, well, now all R´s first times belong K, this should always be, I say :)
And, yes, another time, we thank you for this lovely, sweet and tender story.
I still have a lot for read :) I´m happy
ismary666 #4
Chapter 37: So romantic, jejejeje, the diamond ring, the wine, the violinist, the roses, all of romantic things, even K knows R´s size of clothes and fingers :)
ismary666 #5
Chapter 36: Such divine thing, two Juliets, at the same two, ex and new, K´s boyfriends, ejjejejeje, it´s sounds like a family, jajajajajjaa, then, I remembered GoonT where SM crying, ohhh!!!! god that´s intensity

"Let me walk you to the door", there´s no place in the entire world where we´ll found a boyfriend like this ^____^
ismary666 #6
Chapter 35: Take care?
take cara of baby K?
it´s some kind of warning? I feel scared :|
ismary666 #7
Chapter 34: Poor little W, the thought of losing his lovely K torments him cruelly :)
ismary666 #8
Chapter 33: It couldn´t be more romantic, Romeo and Juliet, ejjejejeje, not enough romantic, R wants flowers from K :)
ismary666 #9
Chapter 32: ok, I love W thoughts "...his... that" ajjajajajjaja
ismary666 #10
Chapter 31: Chap with honey, sweet, sugar, syrope, ajjajajjajaa, I ran out of adjectives ^__^
and I agree with R "My boyfriend definitely was the best boyfriend in the entire world "