When you were the first person he saw when he opened his eyes (All)

I n f i n i t i z e Y o u ★ | An Infinite Scenarios Request Shop | Busy.

When you were the first person he saw when he opened his eyes (All)

Requested by: Maggie



“______-ah, you must come here now! Sunggyu had an accident and now he’s at the hospital!” You heard Hoya’s panic voice at the other line after you answered the phone. You gasped and you quickly asked him which hospital Sunggyu was at and hailed a cab. When you arrived, you quickly asked the nurse where was Sunggyu. You raced upstairs, not bothering to use the elevator, and arrived in front of the emergency room. You saw the rest of Infinite gathering in front of the room with worried faces. Dongwoo’s head snapped up when he heard your voice. “______-ah!” He stood up. “Dongwoo oppa, how’s Gyu oppa? How did this happen?!” You asked him all in one breath. “He was crossing the street from a cafe when a car hit him and he rolled to the side of the road, his head hit the pavement. I-It was bleeding. A lot.” Dongwoo explained and grimaced at the last part, remembering the sight of their leader’s blood. You cupped your mouth and tears rolled down your cheeks. You were very worried for him. Myungsoo soothingly rubbed your back. The emergency room’s doors opened and the doctor came out. “Is he okay?” You asked. “Fortunately he didn’t lose too much blood. It’s a good thing you had brought him here sooner. We bandaged his head and now he’s okay. He’ll probably wake up in an hour or two. Now the nurses are moving him to another room.” The doctor explained. You sighed in relief and closed your eyes before heading to the room Sunggyu’s at.

You waited and waited. You had waited for an hour in Sunggyu’s room, holding his hand, gazing at his sleeping face. The other Infinite members had gone out to buy food for you and Sunggyu, because you refused to leave Sunggyu and it’s almost time for dinner. Then you felt his finger twitched. You stared at his hand in surprise. His finger twitched again and he stirred. Then he whispered your name. “______-ah..” You stood up and caressed his cheek. “Yes, oppa, I’m here. It’s me.” You whispered. His eyes fluttered open and the first thing he saw was your face, staring at him worriedly. His lips automatically curved into a smile. “Hey baby.” He whispered, searching your eyes. From your swollen eyes, he could tell that you’ve been crying. “Thanks for staying here for me. I’m sorry baby. Were you worried?” He asked. “You have no idea how worried I was!” You answered, a tear slipped from your eye. He softened and pulled you into his arms. “Baby, it’s okay now, I’m okay. Don’t cry. I’m sorry.” He rubbed your back as you buried your face into his chest.



“What happened?!” You asked with wide eyes. “W-we were walking out from a tv station building when somebody threw a s-stone at us. I-I think t-the person was an a-anti-fan. Un-unfortunately, it hit D-dongwoo hyung hard in the head and it started b-bleeding.” Sungjong explained between sobs. Tears dropped from your eyes as you stared at your now unconscious Dongwoo. You his hand with your thumb. His hand suddenly twitched. You gasped. Dongwoo slowly opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was your crying face, your tears landed on his palm. “Hyung! Dongwoo hyung woke up!” Sungyeol shouted at Sunggyu who instantly bolted up from the couch. “______-ah. Don’t cry.” He slowly wiped your tears with his thumb as he gazed at you. You stood up and hit him in the chest. “You pabo! How could you get hit?!” You cried. Dongwoo searched your eyes before his lips broke into a smile and he pulled you towards him and embraced you. “I’m sorry, jagiya. Don’t cry.” He comforted.



You paced worriedly in front of the room that night as all of you waited for the doctor to finish treating Woohyun. “You- All of you seriously don’t know how Woohyun became like this?” You asked, upset, as you stared at Infinite. “We seriously don’t know anything. We were on a practice break and Woohyun hyung said he was going to the minimarket. When we and manager hyungs got curious why he didn’t come back after half an hour and decided to look for him, some Inspirits went here and told Hyoan hyung they found Woohyun hyung was full of bruises cuts and blood and that he was unconscious, like someone who got into a fight. After that we instantly brought him here.” You smoothed your face and sighed. After a few minutes, the doctor got out and told all of you that they finished treating him, and only one person could go into the room. Infinite decided that it was better if you go in and you thanked them. You walked in and sat by the bed. You stared at Woohyun and caressed his cheek, wondering how all of this happened. Suddenly he stirred and he opened his eyes slowly, still adjusting to the bright lights in the room. Then he saw you. Suddenly a tear landed on his cheek. He stared at you. You cried. “How did this happen?” You whispered softly as you held his hand. “I-I ran into some big guys... and they forced me to give my handphone, wallet, and watch. But I refused and they started beating me up. I couldn’t even defend myself. Yeah, I know. I’m so weak, right?” He attempted a joke and smiled weakly. But when you didn’t smile, he softened and motioned you to come closer to him. “Baby, come here.” You scooted closer and he cupped your cheeks. “I’m sorry baby. I’m sorry I worried you. I’m sorry I couldn’t defend myself. But those guys.. were really big and scary though.” He shuddered a bit and smiled. “Now don’t cry.” He kissed your tears.



Your eyes widened as you stared at the tv screen in front of you. You were watching the news and the breaking news’ headline was: Infinite got into a car accident. Your vision blurred as tears filled your eyes. You grabbed your purse and raced out of your house.

You bursted into room 503, the room Hoya and Myungsoo was at. “Oppa!” You closed the door and walked to Howon’s sleeping figure on the bed. “Hoya hyung is still unconscious until now.” Myungsoo whispered. You whipped your head at Myungsoo with tear-stained cheeks. “How did this happened?” Myungsoo sighed, “We were heading to the restaurant for dinner after a schedule and Hyowan hyung was driving. Then a truck crashed into our van. I managed to get out with only a broken arm,” He gestured to his bandaged left arm, “but Hoya hyung had scratches and cuts everywhere, and I heard he was losing so much blood. His condition is still better than Hyoan hyung though.” Myungsoo finished. You turned back to Hoya and caressed his cheek, before leaning in, kissing his temple. “Oppa, wake up soon, please.” You whispered. As if he heard you, his hand twitched. Your eyes widened. Soon his eyes fluttered open and to his delight, the first thing he saw was you. “Oppa!” You held his hand tightly. “Hey.” He smiled. But he smiled dropped when he saw your tears. “Baby, were you worried?” He gazed at you softly and squeezed your hand. You didn’t say anything but leaned down and buried your hace in his neck. He softened and patted your back. “I’m okay, baby. It’s okay. I’m here for you.” Hoya whispered into your ear. Myungsoo smiled and shook his head at the sweet sight.



“Excuse me? Where is patient Lee Sungyeol’s room?” You asked the nurse. “Ah, Lee Sungyeol-ssi? Which Lee Sungyeol?” She asked back. “Infinite’s Lee Sungyeol.” You answered almost immediately. “Ah, that Lee Sungyeol. Let me check. Um.. Lee Sungyeol-ssi is at Room 337.” She smiled. “Thank you!” You headed to the room. You got a call from Infinite’s manager, Gonam, that Sungyeol was attacked by another anti-fan. The anti-fan hit him in the head with a bat and Sungyeol was immediately taken to the hospital. You opened the door, not bothering to knock, making Sunggyu jump slightly in his seat. “Is he alright?” You asked as you walked towards him. There he is. Infinite’s choding laying on the bed with his eyes closed, his head bandaged. You ran your fingers on his bandage. You didn’t even notice that a tear rolled down your cheek. Dongwoo rubbed your back soothingly. Suddenly Sungyeol’s head moved. He stirred. You stared at him with wide eyes. Sungyeol smiled when he saw you but then he furrowed his eyebrows. “Don’t cry anymore, honey. Don’t cry. I’m strong. I’m your boyfriend after all.” He grinned cheekily. Yes, even at that condition, he was still a choding. Your rolled your eyes and wiped your tears. “There, happy?” Infinite laughed. He chuckled and motioned you to come closer. He embraced you. “Aw, my baby was worried, was she?” He cooed and patted your head.



“What? Is he okay? I’ll be there. You ended the call and quickly headed to the hospital. Woohyun told you that Myungsoo had an accident when he was filming a tv commercial. He fell from a bike and according to Woohyun, his head was bleeding and he suffered from a broken leg. You sighed anxiously.

You gasped at the sight before you. Myungsoo’s head was bandaged, as well as his leg. You wiped your tears and held his hand as you gazed at his face. Sungyeol and Sungjong squeezed your shoulders in comfort. Suddenly, his point finger twitched. You blinked. Myungsoo stirred. He slowly opened his eyes. He stared at you. Sungyeol whispered, “We’ll give you some time alone.” Infinite exited the room. “Oppa, are you okay?” You asked worriedly. “Now that you’re here, I think I am.” He whispered as he caressed your palm. “Stop crying already. I said I’m okay.” He smiled and wiped your tears. When you didn’t stop, he slowly sat up and drew you closer to him. “Don’t cry. I said I’m okay.” He gave pecked your eyes and wiped your tears once again.



“Are you sure you don’t want to join us? We can have Myungsoo waiting for him.” Dongwoo asked again. Infinite was trying to convince you to join them for lunch but you insisted that you wanted to stay by Sungjong’s side. “Yes, I’m sure oppa.” You answered. “Okay then. We’ll buy you food.” Dongwoo nodded and left with the others. Your eyes landed on Sungjong again. You sighed and gazed at him. You traced the dark circles under his eyes and tears welled up in your eyes. “I told him already..I told him not to overwork himself.” You mumbled as you keep tracing the circles. Suddenly Sungjong’s eyes fluttered open and you automatically withdrew your hand. “Eh? ______? Where am I?” Sungjong gazed at you. “Yah oppa! I told you not to overwork yourself! Why didn’t you listen to me?!” You cried. Sungjong stayed quiet. “Mianhae.. I’m sorry baby. I’m sorry I made you worried.” He apologized. He pulled you into his arms. “I’m sorry, honey. Shh, it’s okay.” He comforted you and and inhaled your scent.



Hello guys.

I'm sorry it took me a few days to finish this.

I was busy with school.  ಥ__ಥ

I hope you like it.



I have a confession to make.

Honestly,  didn't purposely made Sunggyu's longer.

It just happened.

hur hur hur.



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UPDATED! :D Sorry it took so long T.T I was having an exam week and I still have around two exams to go... The next scenario is in progress! :) Love you all :3


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aww, i really like your scenarios. Short but cute :)
Chapter 7: I wanna touch Greasy Abs *-*
Chapter 7: Oh weeee!!! Thank you so much!! I really love it!! <33
flabbycow #4
Chapter 4: Why do all of them have bands on their hands?
I love these scenes!!!
CarmenL #6
no need sorry ^^
Hwaiting for your exam~~^U^

Why L's version so coolXDDDDDD
Choding Yeol don't wake me up like this~ I will dizzy whole morning~=P
I love all the scenarios :)