Past and Present

First Impression Never Last.


After eating, you said that you can go home alone, Aron insisted that he should accompany you home,

But you nag him on being such a worry wart, after a few bickerings he finally give up and kissed you in the cheek.


As you walk alone, you happen to pass a somewhat couple looking people hugging on the alley,

You shook your head as you pass them, "Sheesh can't they just wait, and do it on their own house?" You whispered,

But you heard a girl screaming for help, you turned and you saw a girl struggling to get away from the man,

"Sssshhhh be quiet!" The man shouted as he cover the girl'smouth with his hand.

You saw how the girl looks so terrified as she wave her hand, she made an eye contact with you,

And you felt the urge that you have to help her, so you rush your way towards the girl,

You kick the legs of the man hard, making him whimper in pain, *He reeks of alcohol, ughh how i hate this smell* You said to yourself,

"Sh*t ... you pest, i'm gonna do you first!" The man cursed as he try to stand up,

You grab the girl's hand and run towards your house,

"T-thank you .." The girl said as she catch her breath.

You smiled at her as you saw the gates of your house,


Your mother asked you questions about the girl you just helped,

"Ohhh so your name is Jung Eunji?" Your mother asked for confirmation,

The girl nod politely "Neh~ you can call me Eunji" She smiled whole heartedly,

Eunji grab your hands and place it in her cheeks, " Kamsahamnida for helping me back there"

"Ani haha it's ok, as long as you're okay" You scratch your neck,

Eunji stood up and bowed "Thanks for your hospitality, but i have to go now, thanks Ji rin-sshi" Eunji bow 90 degress to show respect,

"No need to be formal whenever you're feeling lonely, you're welcome here" You said as you tap her shoulders,

Eunji hugged you "Thanks i'll visit you next time bye!" Eunji waved as she step out from the house,

You wave back at her and closed the door,

"Okay about A-----" "Umma let's talk about that tomorrow, i'm tired" You lazily sigh,

"Hahaha dodging the question arasso arasso sleep sleep" Your umma pushed you as you walk towards the staircase,


You changed into a simple pajamas and jump towards the bed,

"Ahhhh sofffftttt" You said as you roll yourself into the fluffy comfy bed

"Hmmmm Eunji jung ... she's nice .... i like her, i hope we can be friends" You muttered as you slowly drift to dreamland.


A loud sound coming from the alarm clock woke you up,

You squinted your eyes to check the alarm clock, your eyes widened when you see that you're almost late,

"Aiissshhh i'm late i'm late i'm late!" You rushed towards the bathroom to wash up.


As expected you arrived in your class late, you earned an earful scold coming from your teacher

You sigh as you walk towards your seat, you noticed that Aron is grinning widely,

"Morning !" He beamed happily, "Wow you're happy today why?" You asked,

"Because you're here" He said as he hug you in class, You pat his head hard making him broke the hug,

"Don't be naughty here" You arranged your chair and put you bag into the holder in your side,

You noticed that JR is missing, "Where's JR?" You asked Aron,

"Maybe .. he transferred or something" Aron said coldly,

"Aisshhh why are you ----" Your words were cut by the opening sound of the door,

"Mr. Kim .. you're late!" The teacher said, JR just nod shyly as he walk in the aisle of the class,

"Mianhe seonsaengnim" He mimic the thing you did as you enter the classroom,

"You and Ms. Park is late today, hmm i have to label both of you as the Late couple" The teacher teased earning laughters from the class,

Some say "Awwww what about Aron oppa?" "Ohhh Aron oppa leave her and be with me!" "Ohh poor Aron hyung" "Ji rin unnie is lucky"

You just shook your head, while JR blushed and Aron is pissed,

"Okay keep quiet anyways you the Late couple meet me after school arasso?" The teacher asked,

"Neh~ " You and JR both said in unison,

The teacher continued the class, JR turned and smiled, you nod at him and focused in the teacher,

Lunch break came, you're walking with Aron who is drinking milk

"Milk?" You raised your eye brow, "Neh~ i want to be tall" He said proudly,

He drank the whole content of the bottle with just one gulp, "Ahhhhhh" He exclaimed.

"Kids, anyways i met a girl last night, she was about to get " You said,

Aron looked at you "Did something happened to you?" He asked worriedly,

"I said the girl i met is about to get , not me babo" You whack his forehead softly,

He chuckled and continue walking besides you "Ohhhh "

"And her name is Eunji ... Jung Eunji" At the moment you mentioned her name,

Aron dropped the glass that he's holding, "What the ... are you okay Aron?" You asked,

"Neh~" Aron nodded awkwardly ... "AIsshh Ajusshi can you help us here" You shouted,

The janitor walked towards you with cleaning materials in his hand "I'll do this kids, i can't afford the two of you getting hurt" The janitor said,

"Mianhe Ajusshi gomawo" You politely bowed as you pull Aron out of his trance,

"Do you know Eunji?" You asked him after he regained his self,

Aron shook his head "No ... i don't .... know .... her ..."


*Somethings not right here ...* You said as you shrug your shoulders.

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it feels weird after i reread the whole chapter 21 .. haha anyways hope you'll continue this fic :)


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Love this story so much!
Ahhh!!! :) It's finished!!! I loved the ending! Though i would've love to see the part where Minhyun and Ren fight with Baekho! :) Hahahahah :P
Liked it alot! ♥ And sorry for the late comment!
Ohhhh.... fight fight!!! Aron is going to kick Jr!!! Hahahaha :P
Waiting for more! :)
FinJee #5
If its me, i'll be fcking happy having a hot boy as my stalker even i got amnesia xDD
ohhh... i bet that she will slowly start to have feelings for Aron again!! ... and probably eventually remember everything that happened! :)
:( Aron a stalker :( Poor thing! Hoping that Ji Rin remembers him