She's out to get me. They are out to get me

Severely Severed


Where am I?
It’s so dark in here.
Hello? Is there anyone there?
Why do I feel someone’s arms around me?
Because I will never leave you Key.
STOP! Get away from me! Leave me alone!
Never, Kibum. You are MINE.
“Key! Key, wake up!”
Immediately, Key sat up from his bed, panting heavily. He was sweating despite the fact that it was chilly. He looked around, trying to recognize his surroundings. He was in the clinic. 
“Key, are you alright?”
He finally realized his best friends presense.
Taemin let out a sigh of relief. After hearing from students that Key got sent to the clinic because he suddenly fainted, he quickly rushed over to see if his most beloved hyung was ok. And thank god he was. 
“Key!” Taemin smiled and embraced his hyung. “I was so worried when I heard what happened to you! Are you fine? I walk in here and you were moving around and then began yelling. Do you feel alright?”
Key looked at Taemin and then down to his hands. He was so confused. How did he end up here? What hap-. Key’s eyes widened as he began remembering earlier events. The girl. The girl from his class. She was falling and then-
Welcome to Hell
“NO!” Key yelled, surprising Taemin. Key started to mumble no repeatedly while shaking furiously. The sight frightened Taemin. He grabbed Key’s shoulders and shook them a bit to grab his attention.
“Key! What’s wrong? Why are you saying no?”
Key looked up with such fear in his eyes making Taemin’s heart hurt greatly.
“She died.” Key whispered. Taemin was confused, but then remembered what happened earlier. It was the talk of the whole school. A girl committed suicide earlier in the back of the school. Everyone was shaken up about the bizarre incident. Taemin knew the girl as well. Her name was Suzy Bae. She was a cute, talented girl that all the boys would always chase after. Her parents were rich, mom was a doctor and dad was a lawyer, and from what he heard from her friends, she had a happy family relationship. She had lots of friends and always did club activities afterschool as well as she was one of the smartest students at school. So why? Why did she kill herself? It really confused Taemin.
“She died.” Key repeated again, still whispering. Taemin look at Key with worry written all over his face. He didn’t say anything though more like the fact that he didn’t have anything to say. 
“She died and I saw her-” Key stopped and trembled even harder. He’s traumatized, thought Taemin as he grabbed Key’s hand, holding it tightly.
“It’s ok Key. It was unexpected and-”
“No Taemin it’s not okay!” Tears began rolling down Key’s face. Taemin just stared at his hyung, startled at his outburst.
“Sh-she, she’s after m-me.”
“What? Key that’s impossible, she’s dead.”
“She’s o-out to get me.”
Suddenly, Key burst into tears, holding onto Taemin.
“H-help m-me T-Taemin.” Key begged and hiccupped. Taemin was left speechless as he held his hyung tighter. Something was really wrong. Key never acts like this, let alone cry for no good reason. Taemin was stumped though; all the things Key was saying made no sense to him. How could a dead person be after him? It’s just ludicrous.
Before Taemin could respond to Key’s crys for help, the nurse came in and asked Taemin if he could please leave so that she can attend Key. Taemin hesitated, but thought that it was best for the nurse to take care of Key.
Before he left he said, “Don’t worry Key, the nurse will help you”. Taemim smiled, hoping to comfort Key. Key let out a soft ok and with that Taemin got up and left. He still felt that something was horribly wrong, especially with Key, but he pushed the feeling away and went back to class.
[Key’s POV]
The nurse was asking me questions like How do you Feel? or Are you Sick?, but I just blocked her out. She wouldn’t understand my problems. She would just deem me crazy and send me to a mental hospital. At least with Taemin he would hear me out and try to solve the problem. Unfortunely this had to kick him out.
“Kibum, if you don’t answer me then I won’t know what’s wrong.”
I looked at her and sighed. Ugh, just get off my back.
“I feel fine. Can I just go back to class?” I lied, but anything to get her off my back.
“Are you sure?” She asked, not believing what I was saying. Then again, I was in tears a few seconds ago and begging my friend for assistance, but I put on a fake smile and assured her that I was well. With on Ok from the nurse, I quickly got up and left the clinic.
Of course, I wasn’t going back to class, not when I was feeling like and the fact that the girl’s desk was empty. I would not be able to keep calm with the reminder that she was gone. So I decided to ditch school. 
Quietly, I slipped out of the front gates of school and ran until it was out of sight. At last, I felt free from being confined at school. I inhaled and exhaled deeply, taking in the fresh air. 
Going home was out of the question since my eomeoni was there and if she found out I skipped school I would be in major . So, I instead went to the park. At least there I can sit down and have some peace & quiet and luckily it wasn’t too far from where I was standing.
A short walk later, I arrived to the park. There was barely anybody there since school was still in session. I found a bench and sat down. I relaxed myself a bit and closed my eyes. Everything that happened today was taking its toll on me. The dream, the suicide, but the most frightening thing was her; her smile, her face, her voice, everything, but was that really her? She looked like such a sweat girl. Even if I never really talked to her I could tell that she was nice and smart seeing as how she had so many friends and good grades, but then why? Why did she look like that? 
I shook my hide, eyes still closed shut. Whatever, I’ll just forget about her and this whole day will end.
"Are you sure, Keeey?"
I opened my eyes and gasped at the person in front of me. It was her. Her head was tilted with a creepy smile plastered on her bloody, bruised face. Her arms and legs were twisted in odd directions and her uniform was dirty and ripped. I began trembling at the sight.
“Wh-what do you wa-want from me?”
She just smiled and got up. She walked a bit, then turned and looked at me, still smiling. It sent shivers down my spine. All of a sudden, I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned and saw a little girl, her hair was covering her face. She looked up a let out a high-pitched scream. I jumped out of the bench,breathing heavily. As I turned to run, out of nowhere, there was a crowd of people, but they weren’t normal. They all were distorted. Some had snapped necks, some had twisted legs, arms and even bodies. They all looked at me while I was frozen in fear.
Keeeeey. They all said at the same time. Then they all came after me, lipping and groaning in pain. Snapping out of my frozen state I began running.
Running as far as my legs can take me, but everywhere I went, they were there. Staring me down, reaching out to grab me.
“NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!” I yelled in attempt of them backing off, but no, they kept on coming, so many of them. 
Tears rolled down my face as I continued running from the never ending demons that kept appearing.
“NO! STOP!”, I was yelling like a mad man. The street was filled with them, calling my name, begging to taste me. 
I stopped at an intersection, in the middle of the street. They were all surrounding me. I was trapped with nowhere to run.
"Keeeeey. Let us taste you.
They began biting me. My arms and legs, I could feel their teeth digging into my flesh.
“AAAAAAHHH!” I screamed from the pain I was feeling. I was dead. There was no way I would live.
It was dark suddenly. They were gone. Am I dead?
I could hear myself panting, my heart was beating. I felt pain, especially to my left side.
Who was calling me? God? Jesus? Angels?
“If you can hear me, don’t worry. I called 911 and they are one their way. Just stay with me ok!”
I slowly began opening my eyes. I can see light. I felt alive again. So I wasn’t dead? What happened?
I open my eyes to see a young, muscular man standing over me. His face was filled with concern as he kept looking at me.
“Are you ok? Where does it hurt?”
Why is he asking me that?
“W-what happened?” It hurts to speak, my body was aching.
“You got hit by a car.”
I gasped. I tried getting up, but it hurt so god damn much.
“No! Just lay there. I already called help.”
I stared at his chiseled face, for some reason I felt safe with him. He saved me from them.
“Th-thank Y-you” I whispered, unfortunately too low for him to hear, especially since sirens where now heard.
Before they picked me up, I requested something from the stranger.
“P-please stay with m-me.” I said loudly enough for him to hear, though my voice was raspy.
He smiled, such a heart-warming smile.
“Don’t worry. I won’t leave you.”
A/N: Sorry for such a y chapter XP I'll try harder as the story progress. 
So something is definitely wrong with poor Key. Who saves him? HMMMMMM 
Hope you will continue reading :D
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ohhh, I really like this. please update soon. :3
Woah, you could write a horror story. These two chapters gave me goosebumps. o.o
YukiBt #4
This sounds cool~ ^^ Please post a story for this or let me know when you plan to start writing something for it :)