Dream becomes Reality

Severely Severed


Key’s eyes remained wide open as he was still staring at the girl on the other side. It’s just a coincidence right? She can’t be the girl in his dreams? It’s just dream, a fable. Dreams are not reality, just something your mind makes up while you’re asleep. But yet, Key got chills as he kept staring at the girl.
Key jumped slightly at the loud ringing noise indicating that class was over and it was time for lunch. He watched as the girl got up and went to lunch with her group of friends. I should be doing the same. He got up and headed to the cafeteria to meet up with Taemin, trying to shake away the strange thoughts.
“Key? Keeeeeeyyyy Hyung?” 
Taemin waved his hands in front of his hyung, who was spacing out for reasons he was unaware about.
“Wha-What?” Key finally came out of his thoughts.
“Is something wrong? You were spacing out really bad just now” Taemin tilted his head, cutely.
“N-Nothing” Key smiled as if nothing was actually wrong, but of course that girl was still on his mind. He was trying to think of a logical explanation as to why she resembled the terrifying girl in his dreams, but nothing clicked. Maybe I’m over thinking this? He thinks, nodding his head to his question. However, Key wasn’t satisfied with letting it go, so there’s only one thing he can do.
“Um, Taemin I’ll be right back ok?” With that, Key got up and left a very confused Taemin.
Key seems off today, Taemin thought as he sat there eating his lunch.
She must be around here somewhere. Key was walking around aimlessly searching for the “dream” girl, but she was nowhere to be found. She wasn’t in the lunchroom nor was she in the hallways. He even checked most of the classrooms that were empty around the cafeteria area, but no, she wasn’t in any of them. The last place he could check was the outside area, where Physical Education took place.
He went through the double door, squinting at the sun’s brightness. After getting used to the light, he opened his eyes wide and began walking around. He saw plenty of girls, talking and gossiping and what not, but still not her. Where the hell can she be? All of sudden people began screaming in terror.
“GET DOWN FROM THERE” yelled a boy.
Key turned around and looked up to see what everyone else was exclaiming about and when he did, his heart stopped. What?! H-How?! It’s exactly like-
At the edge of the roof top was the girl. The girl Key was looking for ,the girl in his dream and right now it was scaring Key. How everything right in front of his eyes was exactly like how his dream was not to long ago.
There she was on the brink of suicide. Everyone was in disbelief, some girl were crying, there were teachers at the scene with megaphones, pleading with the girl to step down. But she did not respond. She didn’t even flinch. Her long, black hair was covering her face making it impossible to see what reactions she had. But the reaction on Key was obvious. He was terrified. No words escaped his lips as he kept staring at the girl, inside praying that she does not commit what she committed in his dreams. After what seems to be an eternity to Key, the girl finally moved. She began swaying back and forth. Keys heart dropped. No! No! No! Small tears began forming in Keys eyes. It was happening.
And just like that, the girl slipped of the edge of the school building, plummeting to death. Everyone was yelling, screaming, crying, the terror was felt, but Key tuned them out as his eyes followed the girl falling. She was getting closer and closer to Key’s face when everything froze. No one was moving, everyone was frozen in time except for Key. His eyes were wide and full of fear as the girl stopped right above him, just as he had dreamed. He wanted to look away, but he couldn’t. His eyes would simply not let him gaze away from the replaying scene.
Keeeeyyy” The girl whispered softly. Key could only wait to see what the girl was going to say as he could not let words form. She looked straight into Keys eyes, sending chills throughout his body.
Welcome to Hell” she said as she let out a high-pitched scream.
Time unfroze and she ended up falling right in front of Key. Bones were heard cracking and blood oozed out, falling on Key’s face and uniform. Everyone yelled. Sobs were heard from thousands of students, teachers calling 911; everything was happening at that spilt moment. 
Key stood there in disbelief. T-The dream…..it-it was real. Before he could process anything else, he fainted, only black was seen now.
Omg Im soooo sorry it took me so long to write this ; A ; After working the KPOP Stand at Supercon I got suuuupppper distracted and ! SOOOOOO SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME DX I promise to update the third chapter as soooooooon as possible!
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ohhh, I really like this. please update soon. :3
Woah, you could write a horror story. These two chapters gave me goosebumps. o.o
YukiBt #4
This sounds cool~ ^^ Please post a story for this or let me know when you plan to start writing something for it :)