The Beginning of Something Terrible

Severely Severed


Key yelled out as he quickly sat up on his bed,panting heavily. He touched his face, noticing how he was sweating even when the air was on full blast. He placed his hand on his chest and felt his heart beating rapidly. Key looked around his room frantically as if there was someone else there.

"It's just a nightmare", he told himself, sighing as he looked at the clock.

"Oh !'

As soon as he read that 6:30 a.m on the clock, he jumped out of bed, rushing to his closet. It was too late to take a shower unfortunately, so he had to settle with deodorant. As he slipped on his shirt and pulled up his pants, he brushed his teeth with lightning speed, surprisingly not falling down in the process. He got his shoes on and ran by the kitchen. He had no time to make himself something to eat so he had no choice but to skip breakfast.

If I lived with parents I probably wouldn't have to miss breakfast, Key thought as he closed the door and ran towards school.


"Well look who finally made it. Just in time hyung~"

"Sorry Taemin. I overslept." Key pouted, trying to excuse his almost tardiness.

Taemin just smiled and patted his bestfriend on the head.

"Jeez, hyung, Sometimes I think you should be the dongsaeng instead of me."

They both chuckled and made their way to their classrooms.

"See you in lunch hyung!" Taemin waved and entered his class.

"Bye Taeminnie"

Key wasted no time in making his way to his seat before the teacher would mark him late for not being seated. Everyone sat down as the teacher caught everyones attention and began calling attendance. Soon began a very normal day of school. The teacher started off with English, Key's favortie subject. He loved it so much because one day he was gonna travel to America. He always found America interesting and exploring outside of Korea sounded like fun. He smiled as the teacher called on him to repeat a sentence and he repeated it correctly, recieveing praise from the teacher. A few hours later was now Math, Key's least favorite subject.

Time to take a nap.

He crossed his arms on his desk and laid his head in between them. Soon enough, Key fell into dreamland.

[Dream Sequence] 

Why does the surface feel hard?

I slowly opened my eyes and got up.

When did I fall asleep outside? I could of sworn I was in class.

I looked around. I was at the back of the school, where Physical Education usually took place. No one was here. It was eerily quiet, you couldn't even hear the sound of passing cars or the wind blowing. I tried walking back into the building, but my body wouldn't budge.  I was stuck at that spot, facing the building, I couldn't even turn my body around. I began to look around once more, yelling for anyone.

"Hello! Hello! Is there anyone there?!" Complete Silence.

The only noise heard now was my heavy breathing as fear rised inside of me. I looked up and suddenly a girl appeared at the top of the building. It felt like I knew her , but I couldn't fully recognize her especially since her long,black hair was covering her face. She just stood at the edge, looking lifeless. Her skin was an unhealthy shade of gray, almost appearing like ghost.

"Excuse me!" I called out to her, seeing if  she could assist me. "Can you please help me?!"

She stayed quiet. I started to call out again, but got the same result. Could she not hear me from here? I was shouting as loud as I could, but still nothing. I sighed as I lowered my head to the ground, seeing as how it was futile. Out of nowhere, a bloodcurdling scream was let out. I quickly looked up and saw the girl. Needless to say, it was the most horrifying scene I have ever witnessed.

Her back was arched and her arms where twisted in different directions. Her hair moved out of her face revealing a disfigured face. Her eyes were gouged out and blood was falling out of them and . She continued to scream as if she was in immense pain. For some reason I couldn't scream or look away. My eyes were glued to the girl. She began to sway back and foward. 

"Stop! Your gonna fall!" I yelled,but nothing came out. I was put on mute.

My eyes widdened as the girl stepped off the edge of the building,falling to her utimely death. I watched as she was falling, but she was getting closer and closer. Soon her face was centimeters away from me. She was floating above me,upside down. I stared straight in to her nonexsisting eyes. She smiled showing her sharp teeth full of blood. 

"Keeeeey" she said quietly. Just after that she began screaming once again and grabbed my face with her hand and her sharp nails where digging into my face,causing blood to stream down my face. I opened my mouth to yell but nothing came out.

"Welcome to hell"

[Dream Sequence End]

"AAHH!" Key lifted his head up and yelled, forgetting the fact that he was still in class.

Everyone stared at him. Some wide-eyed, some giggling. The teacher glared at him. Key bowed his head in apology to the teacher and she simply turned around and went back to the lesson. Everyone murmured about the incident, but the teachers sshhhing caused everyone to be quiet.

Key rubbed his eyes and breathed slowly, trying to stop his rapidly beating heart.

First this morning, now in class? I've been having lots of nightmares lately, he thought as he looked around class, trying not to go back to sleep and repeat the terrifying nightmare. Somtething caught his eye though. A girl sitting at the other side of the class. She looked.......familiar. As he kept looking, the girl turned to his direction and a chill ran down his spine. There was no mistaking it.

She is the girl in his nightmare.


Hello everyone :D This is my first story and le first chpater so I hope you like it so far - w - it will get interesting trust me~ I also would have written more, but it's 7:20 a.m right now [pulling an all nighter!] and my neck is in extreme pain @.@ Please stick around as Key's story unfolds ~~~~~~



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ohhh, I really like this. please update soon. :3
Woah, you could write a horror story. These two chapters gave me goosebumps. o.o
YukiBt #4
This sounds cool~ ^^ Please post a story for this or let me know when you plan to start writing something for it :)