My Ghost Best Friend

A/N: Thank you everyone for subscribing! 


“Ready for your first day of work?” She sat behind me on my bed as I checked myself out in the mirror for the umpteenth time.

“I’m scared Taetae” I faced her and gave her the best pout I could think of, hoping she would encourage me to miss work but no.

“It’s bad enough that I am a ghost with no means to earn money, but seriously, you need to start working. Besides you will be working under your father! What’s there to worry about?”

“I don’t know... I have a bad feeling Taetae... What if my colleagues don’t like me? What i-“

“Everybody is going to love you, Fany-ah. I swear upon my dead soul that if they don’t like you, I will make sure I stir up some trouble in their lives till they like you. Ok?”

My cheeks started to feel hot before I stretched my arms out, “Can you give me a hug at least?” I asked, almost pleadingly.

Her eyes widened in surprise, and then she stood up hesitantly, “Are you sure? ... It’s going to be really cold.”

I shook my head, and she took me in.

It was cold to the touch, but the blood rushing through my veins and the heart thumping through my ribcage was enough to keep me warm. I wondered if she could feel my heart.

She quickly released her grip, making me sulk in the process.

And yet, a smile grazes over her lips, “It’s time for work!” She said and skipped happily through the wall.


My dad owned a newspaper company, and me being his daughter, I could choose any position I wanted to be and I opted to be a columnist. I did not want to be something huge like a CEO, just a writer that’s all. My dad being my dad, he insisted I should get my own office with the reason of preventing myself getting preyed on by my male colleagues.

If I hadn’t had an invisible to the world girl as my constant companion, I would have rolled my eyes at his statement but since it was so, I gladly accepted it much to his delight.

“Taetae, having the space to myself doesn’t mean you can start making paper plans and throw them around. There might be a camera here for all we know.” I said while throwing back the last paper plane that landed on my desk.
“Oh.” She grinned, “Sorry.” And threw one more in my direction before she walked over to my side and looked at my computer screen.

Her jaw dropped when her eyes landed on my computer screen, “You’ve been here all day and you still haven’t typed anything???”

“Writer’s block.” I shrugged. It’s true I had a writer’s block, I did not know what else to write. I’ve always admired writers that could write well, and now that there was a possibility I could write well, I was stuck.

“Writer’s block.” She repeated my words thoughtfully.

“What should I write Taetae, I’m stuck.” I pulled my hair in exasperation.

“How about starting with what you feel?”

I considered her suggestion and tried to figure out my emotions and let my fingers move along to the starting engine my mind was now running in.


I clicked send, and leaned back in my chair stretching my arms out. I mentally congratulated myself for being able to write something even if it was nothing much. I hoped it was enough, and I wondered how would my editor view it.

I was so immersed in typing away that I did not realize Taeyeon was missing.

“Taetae?” I said to the air, my arms still stretched, hoping that maybe wherever she is, she could hear me.

I was starting to lose hope in my ridiculous idea when suddenly, she walked through the wall.

“You called me?”

“Whoa, I didn’t know that works. How come we haven’t tried it before?”

“That’s because there was never really a situation that called for it.” She sat down on the chair opposite me and faced me.

“So where did you go? Found any cute people?”

“I was following a girl around.” My heart felt a little tug.

“There was this girl that I thought was interesting...” I think she went on about the reasons why that particular girl was so but I wasn’t paying attention.

I wasn’t the least interested to know if she was going to find a new object of desire.

“Fany are you listening to me?” She did a little wave, bringing my attention back to where she sat. 

I nodded.

“I said she is your chief editor, and that she saw your work you sent in a few minutes ago. I thought she was interesting until then.” She looked down and started shifting around nervously, “I did not like the queasy feeling she gave me when she saw your name and was looking at your article.” She pouted and I wondered why.

But I laughed, because she was so cute that I wished I could keep her in my pocket forever.


She felt cold and she went to check on the temperature. It read 20 deg, she had a bemused expression but decided that maybe she was coming down under the weather and proceeded on to put on a jacket.

‘Yes, blame the fickle minded weather’ She thought grudgingly.

She just received an email,

“The new writer... Ah, let’s see how she’s like.” She thought out loud.

“Tiffany Hwang.” She thought of the name and thought of the person that could possibly be the face. A pretty name should go with a pretty face, she smiled to herself when she thought of that and proceeded on to read the contents.

I think the book of thesaurus or people, complicate feelings more than they should. If you’re happy, you’re happy. If you’re sad, you’re sad. Two various ends of emotions and people think of big words to complicate the world of emotions. Words that sometimes they themselves don’t understand. 

The emotion so simple, and people complicate it. If you asked little children about their feelings, they would answer you with the emotions they know in its simplest form. 

“I’m happy.” And there they are, holding on to their candy looking back at you with pure joy in their eyes. The description was simple, but there was no hint of sorrow in it, unlike adults who uses big words, but do they really feel so? 

Do they know the big word they have just used and feel exactly the way it is? Because when I say I am ecstatic, I can still remember the disappointment I had when my best friend mentioned to me earlier that she had forgotten about my birthday and I had just received a belated present.

I am not saying that I don’t use big words at all, because in my line of work, it is almost necessary to use them. 

But today, I find myself wanting to be simple. I want to stick to the simplistic nature of emotions and not complicate it. 

I am happy, and whenever I look at someone special, I am happy. 

It wasn’t a big word, but it was sufficient enough to describe my emotion.

She started to feel warm now and started cursing at herself and the weather. Yes, blame the weather once again.

‘Tiffany... Could she be that Tiffany?’ She thought hopefully.

Checking her clock and she realized it was lunchtime.

‘Maybe I should meet this new writer’, she thought and grabbed her car keys as she strode out of her room.


I was still poking fun at Taeyeon’s expression as she related the whole incident to me when a knock was heard on my door.

I composed myself and shot a glare to Taeyeon, indicating that she should too, behave.

“Come in.”

The door opened and a head peeked in sheepishly before the door opened fully allowing her body to pass through the doorway.

Every step she took matched every beat of my heart and before I could react, she was standing in front of me.

She was tall and she had long black hair, and confidence was evident in every stride. She was in black pants, with a white shirt underneath it. The shirt was accompanied with a black skinny tie and a black blazer.

My mouth gaped as my brain processed the image before me, and I could feel my insides churn as my heart started to pump the blood furiously, to of all places, my face. 

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ketuk32 #1
Found it n love it, i don't know why, i love the story about taeyeon became ghost or wandering soul, hahahahaha
taenyxotaelovesfany #2
This sounds familiar..
juny98 #3
Chapter 22: Yuri is so damn funny lol btw i really like ur writing style and yes ur a good author also this story one of best story i ever read ^^
Chapter 22: Oh gosh.. You make me cry and then suddenly make me laugh bcoz Yuri XD
Rune121 #5
Chapter 22: YAAAAY. It's continued, omg i thought taeyeon died...@_@
paradiso #6
Chapter 22: Thankyouuuu!!!
Yeah you're back heheheh.
I want more taeny please hehhehe
KittenChow #7
Chapter 22: YESSSSSSSSSSS! Oh my god, I thought when Taeyeon disappeared that was the end, and I was like 'Well...that was depressing' BUT NOW YOU'RE BACK! YAY
Chapter 22: Please updte more author:D
Im happy my taeny togethr now:)
But i wnt yulsic too togethr of cos,keke