Unnie and Dongsaeng Talk


Scene: 3 girl in a room talking about a place to celebrate birthday girl..(me)


Dong Saeng: Unnie..where you want to eat tomorrow? *look at me

Unnie 1: yeah..where you want to eat, Fika? *look at me too

Me: can you guys decide for me? you are the one who want to treat me for my birthday..*happily smiling

Dong Saeng: how about SR (Secret Recipe) ? * blinking her eyes

Unnie 1: i'm vote for SR...you are younger than me *pointing her look at the younger girl

Dong Saeng: huh? i'm suggest it first! *with WTH look

Unnie 1: i'm older than you. you should give in to me, because i'm old already. if i start crying, my face will get wrinkled *randomly answer with her poker face

Dong Saeng + Me: Huh! *looking at each other and start laughing..




A/N: not funny isn't?? and the english totally bad!!!...muahaaha

and i got special gift in advanced...extra happy for today....yeay...:)


2012 gift..yeay



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Chapter 5: respect ah ngan Rania ^^
ayoo...with so many ghost why that 'sweet aka candy ghost??' T^T i'm allergik with that ghost my dear.. T^T..but I'm still going to be ur loyal reader ^^ LOL
hahahah XDD suroh angkat kain die angkat kain je XD baju x angkat XD
chap 2: LOL XDD
trololooololllol XDDDD soooo funny XDD can't stop laughing XDD