Memory in the month of Fasting


Scene: In Fasting Month


at 10.00pm on July, 20th

Rania: Mama., tomorrow i want to fasting also..

Mama: OK *smiling


at 4.50am on July, 21th

Mama: Rania..please wake up..lets eat..u said u want to fasting tomorrow

Rania: erm..*dun want to open her eyes...but finally wake up and eat together with her daddy, mama and older oppa


at 5.45am on July, 21th

Mama: starting now, u can't take any food ok..up til 7.30pm

Rania : OK mama!* said in confident mood!!


at 10.30 am on July, 21th

Me: Rania..!! what's in your hand??? *look at Rania holding a bowl of McD chicken porridge

Rania: i want to eat this *smiling

Me: Andwee...!!! it's not the time can't eat now

Rania: ... *return back the food into the fridge

Me: fuhhh...that was close!!


at 12.30 pm on July,  21th

Fir: mama..i want deh deh * (deh deh means milk)

Rania: mama..i want it too!!

Mama: can't get your milk like always...later at 7 i give it to you..OK???

Rania: why not??? fir can get it. why not me??

Mama: you said you want to fasting today. remember?? and fir still kid..he can't perform fasting yet

Rania: but, me also a kid

Me: your are big kid..fir is small kid..*shouting from upside the house



at 4.00pm on July, 21th


Rania: cik ka..can i get a candy???

Me: cannot..u cannot eat any food yet..

Rania: candy is not food..*looking at me with poor face

Me: aigo Rania..during fasting..u cannot let anything inside ur mouth..

Rania: .....


Finally at 7.30pm on July, 21th

Me: ok now you can eat...

Rania: yeay..* smiling...

*then, she finished up a plate of char kuey teow, a bowl (small size) of laksa johor and a bowl (small size) of McD chicken porridge...keke..

Me: so..tomorrow you still want to perform your fasting

Rania: can i get the char kuey teow again for tomorrow???

Me: YES..!!.....*smirking


A/N: Rania is 5 years old kid...and this year is her first time perform fasting together with her mama, daddy, and older oppa..up to date: she still in fasting mode..




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Chapter 5: respect ah ngan Rania ^^
ayoo...with so many ghost why that 'sweet aka candy ghost??' T^T i'm allergik with that ghost my dear.. T^T..but I'm still going to be ur loyal reader ^^ LOL
hahahah XDD suroh angkat kain die angkat kain je XD baju x angkat XD
chap 2: LOL XDD
trololooololllol XDDDD soooo funny XDD can't stop laughing XDD