A Little Sibling




Lion Dance and Acrobatic Dance for the Celebration of Chinese New Year in a Shopping Complex


Airiel: Mama..how come  that man can be lion???? Huwa…!!! *Crying continuously…

Mom: Huh? *with the question look and just smile


Arija: Mama..mama..i can do like that *smiling while her hand point to the dance

Mom: Huh? Andwe!!! ..*with the question look and shook her head



Me watching IRIS (Korean drama siries)


Arija: Cik Ka. Why that man crying?

Me: Because he is sick.

Arija: Why he is sick?

Me: He got shot.

Arija: Why he got shot?

Me: Because he got enemy. *with irritating voice and start answer randomly

Arija: Why he got enemy? Why his enemy shot him? If he is sick, why he didn’t go for doctor?

Me:  Huh?? *still can believe with those questions

Arija: Why? *look at me with her innocent face



At the kitchen


Arija: Mama.. I want to help *smiling

Mama: What do you want to help me? There is nothing you can do in here.

Arija: I can help you to ‘punch’ the chili *still smiling

Mama: Huh?? *thinking – how come my daughter can use that word..

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Chapter 5: respect ah ngan Rania ^^
ayoo...with so many ghost why that 'sweet aka candy ghost??' T^T i'm allergik with that ghost my dear.. T^T..but I'm still going to be ur loyal reader ^^ LOL
hahahah XDD suroh angkat kain die angkat kain je XD baju x angkat XD
chap 2: LOL XDD
trololooololllol XDDDD soooo funny XDD can't stop laughing XDD