Chapter I – Meeting new people

Is it heaven or hell?

Choi Minki, nicknamed Ren by his friends, took a deep breath before pushing open the door of the cab. So here he was, standing in front of Incheon airport, only a flight away from his dreams.


Once inside, he immediately began looking for a sign from his new school, which happened to be the famous all boys artistic academy of Seoul. No longer than three months ago, the young blonde received a letter. A long awaited confirmation from the prestigious academy he dreamed of. At first, his parents were reluctant to let their only son go. But even though they were still saddened, they were also extremely proud of Ren. It wasn’t everyone’s son that got accepted. On top of that, at the young age of only fifteen.


They also were happy to see their unique son realise his biggest dream. Saying goodbye had been hard for both parties, but here he was, ready for a new kind of adventure.


At that moment he spotted a Flag that said: “Welcome to ABAAS - All Boys Artistic Academy of Seoul”.


A smile appeared on Ren’s pretty and kind of feminine face as he slowly approached the group of boys already gathered besides the flag, looking around his age. They all seemed kind of awkward, not really knowing what to do.


Ren was wondering if there wasn’t any adult with them when a brown haired guy approached him, seeing the questioning look on the other’s face.


“The only adult we were able to see since the beginning disappeared on the toilet about half an hour ago. We’re not even sure if he’s gonna come back at all…”


“Oh thanks.” The blonde smiled slightly. “That’s weird.”


“Believe me, if you would’ve seen this guy, you wouldn’t find anything weird anymore.” The brunette chuckled lightly.


Ren rose brow in a doubting way.


“Was he that extreme?”


“That’s the least you can say…whatever. What’s your name by the way? I’m Henry. Henry Lau. I’m Chinese, but I’ve lived most of my life in Canada.”


“I’m Choi Minki. But just call me Ren.” The boy slightly bowed, as did Henry. “You must be fluent in English then? Damn, I’m jealous.” He chuckled.


The brunette timidly scratched the back of his neck, his cheeks turning a light pink.


“Well, yeah, also some standard French…must be the reason why I got the SM scholarship…”


“Woah, you got the SM scholarship? That’s great!” exclaimed Ren, making the older blush even more.


Entering ABAAS was already hard enough, but obtaining that scholarship…


“Uhm, yep. But this year, seems like we’re a lot in my situation. Look, out of the nine others already here, there are six. And I heard two more will come.”


Ren quickly took a look at the other boys. His eyes immediately stopped upon falling on a boy with light brown hair, average height and a handsome face that looked oddly familiar.


Henry saw the blonde stare and followed his gaze.


“Ah, you’re interested in Ilhoon?”


The younger detached his eyes from said boy and instead looked at Henry, silently asking for information.


“He’s Jung Ilhoon. Is it his face? We all wondered after he arrived. Turns out he’s the little brother of JOO. You have to admit that they really look alike.”


Ren’s eyes widened in surprise.


“So even JOO’s little brother comes here? No wonder there are so many scholarships this year…” he whispered the last part, which made Henry laugh a little.


“You wish. People said he got offered one but refused because he was afraid people would favourite him because his sister is South Korea’s pride. But” Henry pointed slightly in lhoon’s direction. He was currently talking with a guy whose face Ren didn’t get to see. He was taller than Ilhoon and hat jet black hair. “If you ask me, the true reason he refused was to be in the same class as this guy. His name in Yook Sungjae. They came together, and don’t you see the little hearts in Ilhoon’s eyes when he looks at him?”


Ren was about to answer when two boys came towards them, arguing loudly. They both carried biker helmets under their arms.


“But I told you we had to turn right  at the third  light after the flower shop!”

Hissed the taller one of the two. Well he was taller only by a few centimetres but still.


“Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know you had an integrated GPS system now.” Answered the younger looking one.


“Well that’s called actually memorising the instructions we were given.”


They both stopped a few steps away from the group, ignoring the eleven pairs of eyes that were now set on them.


“Whatever. Still, you have to admit we arrived thanks to my  intuition.” Retorted the younger one, crossing his arms in front of his well built chest.


“Right, thank you very much. Five more minutes and we could’ve said goodbye dream…” the older one spoke sarcastically, rolling his eyes in the process.


“Argh, and why didn’t you just take the bus? You have an idea how long we waited in front of your house. Twenty ing minutes!” accused the brunette.


“Oh, so you wanted me to leave without my wallet?” the darker brunette faked a deeply touched expression.


“No, but I would’ve appreciated it if you had noticed it was in your pocket a little sooner!”


That was it. Another guy stepped out of the group after letting out a loud laugh.


He walked besides the taller one and lightly smacked him on the head before turning to the second guy.


“Sehunnie, I sincerely apologize for my boyfriend’s behaviour. Kai really doesn’t seem to be able to express his gratitude towards you, who patiently waited for him and safely brought him here. Right, Kim Jongin?” he looked at the brunette with a look that said it all.


“Sorry, Sehun…and thanks for your patience…”


Sehun chuckled and pinched Kai’s cheek.


“Nah, it’s okay.”


As if waiting for the right moment, the mysterious adult coughed loudly to gain attention. He was standing under the flag and his appearance made every student pray that this  was not  their teacher. Nor in any way related to the school activities.


But God’s patience with the boys seemed to be over as the man introduced himself.


“Hi there, kiddies. I’m Yoo Jaesuk, the dormitory responsible in charge of the first year students. You are, aren’t you?”


Yeah. Unfortunately they were…




Lame & boring chap is lame & boring, sorry ._.

I just have to introduce the characters, so the actual story may take a few chaps to start. Again, sorry, i'll try my best :D
Also, I once again apologize for my bad english, I'm trying my best :)

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Sojung-han #1
Chapter 2: Please update :D
choi_rick #2
Chapter 2: OMG you should have seen my expression when i read the words "yoo jaesuk" i was like oh now i know why you said weird kkkkk and i am so exited for ilhoonie and songie will probably kaisoo too since they're my 1st OTP in this fic ^^
Please update soon and see ya
nice story ^^
*nods* Looking forward to it~! hehe