The SM Trainee

Park Chanyeol's Sweet Revenge



Jae Ha’s POV


“Done!” I beamed as I dropped the stacks of paper work on the president’s table. She was in shock but then changed to serious and even managed to raise an eyebrow at me.

“Are you sure you have an accurate answer?” she asked, questioning my accounting abilities.

“Of course, you can always check it as many times you want.” I challenged her and there’s no way she’ll read the first page through, she never did anything. “We’re $675 short on budget.” I said and quickly grabbed my bag from my chair. I still have an hour but I have to make sure I won’t be late.

“W-wait!” the president stopped me from leaving the student council room.


“Did you come up with an idea on where to get the money we needed?” she asked.

“I didn’t. It’s your call, you’re the president. You’ll have the vice president to help you so if you excuse me, the auditor shall now leave the room.” I formally said and dashed outside.

I was running but stopped at every teacher I see just to bow at them. It’s rude to not greet them and I don’t want to see that little mistake on my score card.

Either way, I’m not going to give in. I’m not gonna make this as an excuse and I also don’t want to be the school’s biggest joke. ‘The school nerd/scholar is actually an SM trainee’—I can totally see that as a school paper headline once my secret is revealed. I never even performed at school dances because people find it funny so what could they possibly think of once they find out I’m in line for a lifetime role of singing while hip swaying on stage.

People said they see me as an accountant, a lawyer or a doctor in the future but my sister thinks I should just be an idol since I have the ‘looks’. I couldn’t blame her though, I wanted to study at Kyunghee or SNU but I don’t think we’ll be able to afford to enter me at any college in the future. Thanks to him, my dream has been robbed and I’m now stuck as a trainee.

“Ryu Jae Ha.” Mrs. Kim called and I halted.

Great. My 60 minutes might just be useless after all.

“Are you in a hurry?” she asked

“Y-No.” I lied

“Oh perfect timing, but don’t worry, it’s just a quick task.” She said and the moment I heard ‘task’ I knew I’m doomed. I can’t just refuse to this, I have to be the cookie cutter girl so that I’ll have a great recommendation letter to send in SNU—yes, I’m still hoping I’d get in. “Here” Mrs. Kim handed me a green portfolio. “Please deliver it to Ms. Lee.”

I took the folder heavy heartedly and just ran for the faculty room wasting no time.




“Damn it! Did I get lost again?” I asked myself. I was running clinging at the little time I have left and I even forgot to change into my training clothes.

Maybe I should’ve rejected to help Mrs. Kim this time. She said it wouldn’t take long and yeah, if only Ms. Lee was actually in the faculty room! The personnel in the faculty room told me she already left for the remedial classes so I was forced to deliver it on her class which is in the other building.

I was looking at the placards posted on the doors searching for the right practice room. Because I wasn’t looking at where I was going I suddenly hit something and fell.


“Aigoo! Why is time always against me? And why the hell would this creature delay me from my schedule?!” I seethed.

I looked down and realized I knocked down a man and I’m on top of him! Without thinking twice I quickly stood up and just ran without apologizing.

“Yah! That was a hit and run!” I heard an angry yell of a deep voiced man and it must’ve been the person I fell on. On normal occasions I would never run without apologizing but I just had to make it on time or else I’d be voted to clean the practice room, be late for my night shift and worse, get my salary cut off. Besides, he’s not going to find out who I am anyway.

I have been running all day long and I deserve a stop for at least a minute. I placed my hands on my knees and had my whole weight supported by my legs. I was panting like crazy.

When I regained some stamina I started walking and boy—how my eyes brightened when I saw a soda machine. I approached the vending machine and looked at the selection before reaching for my purse.

“Great.” I hissed when I realized the money I have left is only enough for my transportation later.

I turned around and saw two people happily conversing, based on how the way they’re talking I could tell that they’re couple.

Because I was so tired I dazed off at them and the two were distracted once they took notice of me, the two looked at me like ‘what are you doing?’. The guy looked familiar, no; he’s not just someone familiar, he is one of the exo sunabes!

I quickly bowed 90 degrees at them.

“M-mianhaeyo sunbaenims, please carry on” I stuttered and before the awkward wind hit us I swiftly abandoned the two.




“Great work guys, you can go home now.” Choreographer unnie declared the class’ dismissal.

I sat down on the floor completely energy drained.

 “Thank god it’s Friday.” I muttered under my breath. I don’t think I’ll be able to attend school the next day if only it isn’t Saturday tomorrow and I hate missing school because I’ll get a pile of school work to accomplish.

I woke up feeling very weak this morning because of yesterday. Gladly I wasn’t late and I was also able to make it to work on time. It was a full house yesterday and manager unnie told me that tonight will be packed too because it’s Friday.

When things were starting to feel great I realized I still have to go to work.


I got up from my lazy and I almost loss my balance in the process but fortunately my friend Chae Jin was there to support me.

“Easy there.” She said as she grabbed me by the way.

“Oh, thank you Chae Jin” I said laughing at my clumsiness

“Wow, you look really worn out.” She remarked with a worried face.

“What? I’m totally fine, see” I flashed a smile on and even tried to squat twice that felt like forever.

“The stubborn Ryu Jae Ha as always.” She said. “You shouldn’t go to work, you’re obviously drained out. You’re paler than a vampire.”

I grabbed my bag pack and took out the almost empty bottle of water. I drank the whole content and was really thirsty for more.

“Then I might get a minor role for a horror movie, that’s good news right? More income for me.” I joked and surprisingly I was even able to grin.




“See yah!” I bid farewell to Chae Jin

“Oh wait, I almost forgot.” Chae Jin ran back. “Here.” She said as she handed me a bottle of cold blue Gatorade.

“I-I can’t take this.” I said and tried to give it back to her but she refused and just ran.

“Don’t over work yourself Jae Ha!” she yelled

I smiled at the fact that I have this amazing person as my friend. She’s the only one who understood me and supported me at times I feel like giving up on life.

“I’ll repay you soon!” I yelled back.

I ped my bag pack and placed the gift I received from Chae Jin. I looked down on my feet and realized my shoes were untied. Before crouching down I noticed this shadow on the pavement that was definitely not mine and by the looks of it it’s a man and we all know that the world is filled with dangerous men.

In a blink of an eye I turned to my back and kicked the person on his shin.

“Ahh!” the man winced and bent down in pain. “What’d you do that for?!” the man looked up.

Oh. My. God.

I just kicked Park Chanyeol.



A/N: Author's Note

Chapter three! the girl in the alien green jansport bag is Ryu Jae Ha (^_^) hey guys, I'm just writing here in my little corner as usual to thank my loyal subscribers for your wonderful comments, I had fun reading them haha. And to my new subscribers, thanks guys! *gives out cookies* I shall be going now and continue spazzing about Super Junior's y, Free & Single MV asdfghjkl *cant contain feels*

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pudding_islove #1
Chapter 13: Why does you stop updating ???
gogogodolls #2
Rereading this gem again, the feelsss
Authornim, come baek~ ;~;
yikplanet #4
Chapter 13: Awwwww all the feels came back in. What would happen next. Huhu i want Chanyeol to be happy again. /rereading lol
Chapter 10: Huhu why no update ??? Please update... i just want an update....ㅠㅠ i have to know the ending...
purplephoenix #6
why is there no update till now ;A;
Chapter 13: Omg..this is interesting...please update soon author-nim
Chapter 13: Update soon author-nim. I really miss reading this TT_TT
maqolo #9
Chapter 13: Please Update..
I would be so happy!:-)
MissIceyCream13 #10
Chapter 13: Sooo... Update.?