Cotton Candy

Cotton Candy


“Cotton candy!” Kevin exclaimed, pointing to a stand lined with bags of fluffy multicolored sugar. “Can we get some?” He asked, shooting Eli his best pleading puppy-dog face.

“You’re gonna get sick from all this candy, Kev,” Eli sighed.

“Pwetty pwease?” Kevin pouted.

“All right, all right. What color do you want?”


“I swear, one day you’ll be the death of me,” Eli grinned, allowing Kevin to pull him in the direction of the stand.

When Kevin was happily munching on his cotton candy without a care in the world, Eli seized the opportunity to study his befuddling band mate. His eyes traced the lines of Kevin’s face, from his almond eyes to the tip of his tiny nose. His cheeks were rosy from running around the theme park all day and his lips, blue around the edges, were full and red and glossy in a way that only Kevin’s lips could be…

Eli quickly shooed the thought away. Sure, Kevin was his favorite. They were like brothers. JUST brothers. And he wanted to keep it that way.

“Wanna try some?” Kevin grinned, offering a handful of fluff to Eli.

“Nah, too sugary.”

“Is not! You’re just weird…” Kevin grumbled. He stuffed the handful into his mouth and kept quietly – and almost ruefully – chomping on the treat.

Eli laughed quietly at Kevin’s antics. He was always so adorable, like a teddy bear. Eli just wanted to squeeze him tightly and never let him go.

No. Brothers. Right.

Eli cleared his throat. “I wanna ride the Ferris Wheel. Care to join me?”

“I thought you were scared of heights!” Kevin protested.

“Not the Ferris Wheel!” Eli laughed, wandering off to the ride. He handed the ticket taker two tickets and climbed in the tiny car, scooting to one end so Kevin could fit.

“Fine. But if you throw up, go that way,” he warned, pointing out the side of the cart. “And if you start freaking out I’ll let you hold my hand.”

“Thanks,” Eli half-smiled. He pulled down the safety bar across their laps and sat back. With a sudden lurch, the car moved backward one spot so the next person could get on in front of them.

After several more lurches and an unbelievably adorable baby burp from Kevin, the wheel began spinning, slowly at first and then gaining a little bit of speed.

When they reached the top during the wheel’s first cycle, Eli felt a thin hand slip into his. “I must be scared of heights,” Kevin whispered.

“If you need to throw up, aim that way,” Eli laughed, pointing over the side of the cart.

“Great. Use my own words against me.”

Around the wheel’s fourth cycle, their car stopped at the very top, and all the lights and the music died. “Did the ride break?” Eli mused, looking at the ground and trying to see what was happening.

“We’re not stuck up here are we?!” Kevin started breathing heavily, eyes going wide. “Please tell me we’re not stuck!!!”

“Don’t worry, they’ll fix it soon, I promise,” Eli said softly, rubbing his thumb over Kevin’s hand as soothingly as possible.

“Eli~, I don’t like it up here!”

“I know, I know, it’ll all be over soon, just relax.” He took his hand from Kevin’s and wrapped his arm around his friend, pulling his head into the crook of his neck. “Shh, calm down, you’ll be okay.” He felt Kevin’s arms wrap around his waist.

 For a moment he froze, feeling the line he didn’t want to cross slowly rupturing. But then the feeling of Kevin’s tiny, shuddering frame pressed up against him became overwhelming, and he let himself fall.

They sat there like that, Kevin shuddering in Eli’s arms, Eli Kevin’s head softly, for what seemed like ages, when the Ferris Wheel finally started moving again. Kevin untangled himself from Eli’s arms and practically jumped out of the car the moment they reached the ground.

“You okay now?” Eli asked, placing a gentle hand on Kevin’s shoulder.

“Thank you, Eli!” Kevin grinned, jumping into his arms. Eli stood there, unsure of what to do. It wasn’t an entirely uncomfortable situation. It was just new. It was different. It made no sense and it was the only thing he wanted.

“Come on,” Eli said, pulling Kevin off of him. He smiled down at Kevin’s adorable face and kissed his cheek quickly. “Let’s go get some more cotton candy!”

Kevin’s face turned tomato red and his hand found its way to his cheek. He smiled shyly. “Can we get pink this time?”

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Chapter 1: *dead* >.< too....cute.... xD Elvin <3
More ElVin fluff PLEEEASE. Haha, pink, this time. ;P
ajhskakja >__< so cute <3 I love this :3
Woah...this is cute... ^___^
I love it... <3 <3 <3
Ahh Elvin is too precious :)