I didn't mean to kidnap you


~Minho POV~
This is perfect. I am so close. So close to Heechul. He is gonna pay. He is going to wish he never hurt my Minnie. Shooting down others I came to a large room where Heechul stood in the middle. "I've been expecting you." he said in that creepy godfather voice.  I glare at him and bring my gun up pointing it at him. "Oh so your going to kill me now. Fine do it. But when you go back to prison poor Taemin will be lonely." I stopped he's right I can't go back. 

"Why would you do this to me? I was a threat to you? Me a low scumbag who had to do the dirty work."

"You and your brother had the brains and strength to take over our gang. I arranged the other gang to come and kill both of you but they only got half of the job done. Looks like I'll have to finish it." he kicked the gun out of my hands and pointed his knife at me. "Prepare to die." stabbing the air where I was standing he growled with a devilish smile. I dodged all his attacks with ease till I hit the wall where he slashed my stomach. I groaned a little in pain but ran toward him punching him in the face. Suddenly a scream erupted And I turned to see Jonghyun, Key and Taemin. As I turned Heechul too this opportunity to stab me in the chest to the right of my sternum. Punching him I pull out the knife but that's when I heard the sirens. Policemen scattered around the room running to Heechul and putting him in handcuffs but none came to me. I turn to run to the others and to seen my Minnie. 

"Minnie. Minnie. I'm so glad your ok." I say as I reach them but Taemin shies away when Key set him down on the ground. "Minnie. What's wrong?" 


"I'm sorry Minho. Im dirty. Please don't touch me." he said as I tried to hold him. It hurt. My chest. Was that his fault? Wait. No it isn't. My Kness the ground and I held onto my chest as my hand was now covered in blood. 


"Oh . Minho stay with me. Someone call an ambulance." key yelled as he put pressure on my wound. I heard another scream and it came from Taemin. He was crying and holding onto my shirt. My vision slowly started fading till I was in nothingness. 
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pame_123 #1
Chapter 22: I was ree reading the story and I just nodis was that the date minho say is the exact day of my birthay 24 day of the 6 month
CrazyLovingKpopper #2
Chapter 23: Saranghaeyo Fanfic
CrazyLovingKpopper #3
Chapter 23: Saranghaeyo Fanfic
Chapter 18: Minho should not blame himself for not preventing Taemin going back to his parents, he was kind out of it in the hospital. Its Key's fault! How bad lyhe was looking after Taemin when he have not even known that he was taken!
Chapter 22: I love this story soo much! beautiful ending! <3 saranghae! ^^
Chapter 23: Loved this! It was beautiful!^^
Chapter 22: Aww Minho came back. Such a happy ending :D
This was a great story :D