Part 3: Collide


Class starts at eight. Usually, JongIn and Kyungsoo goes to school together thirty minutes before their class since their apartment is just a few blocks away from their school.


Kyungsoo is now putting his socks on. He noticed JongIn going out from his room all prepared and ready to go. Their eyes met for a few seconds but JongIn averted his gaze right away to lock the door of his room. Kyungsoo's eyes quickly drifted on his wallclock. Ten minutes before 7:30 am. He's early! He thought. He looked back to Jongin who is now walking through the living room getting his spare house keys from the drawer and placing it inside his pocket. On the other hand, Kyungsoo still needs to arrange his school stuff back to his bag when he heard the door closed. He didn't even say anything. He pouted.


Inside the room, their classmates are aware that the two sits together. However, when Kyungsoo entered first thing he checked is 'Where is JongIn?' He is not sitting on his chair. He get in, dropped his bag on his chair and scanned through the four corners of the room. He's not there. He creased his eyebrows together in confusion. Where is he? He asked himself.

"Have you seen JongIm?" Kyungsoo elbowed his classmate sitting next to him. But the latter just gave him an I-don't-know look and pouted..

Kyungsoo was sure Jongin's wearing their school uniform and he went out ahead of him so how come he's not yet here? His thoughts were interrupted by a loud pang of bag slumping down over the chair next to him. He raised his head up to see JongIn. "Where have you been?" Kyungsoo asked.

Jongin just looked at him with no intentions of answering his question. Kyungsoo sighed.


Jongin slouched on his chair, biting the nail on his right thumb while observing Kyungsoo's breathing. The latter suddenly turned to look at him, caught, JongIn quickly removed his gape and acted like he's looking on something else. Kyungsoo's brows were hitting up, he cannot control the growing glare on his eyes. He inhaled deeply and started, "You know what if you don't want to talk to me it's fine but please don't make me ..." Kyungsoo tries to calm down, he tries to tone down his voice, but he cannot, unfortunately. "... don't make me worry." Kyungsoo heard Jongin's sarcastic smirk and saw JongIn's please-don't-make-me-laugh expression.


Kyungsoo grabbed his bag and went out of the room. Unbelievable. JongIn was surprised. The whole class was surprised. But Jongin took a hold of his pride firmly and acted like it's none of my business anyway. He'll be back in just a few minutes I am sure of that. He thought.


Their professor popped out from the door and greeted the whole class with one big smile and a pleasant morning. Everyone's surprised. What's wrong with him? Everyone thought. JongIn cannot focus because Kyungsoo hasn't returned yet. The professor started checking the attendance.

"Do Kyungsoo..." The professor's tenor voice seriously creeps the students.

Nobody answered.

"Do Kyungsoo..." The professor repeated.

JongIn raised his hand. "He.. He was here earlier, he just went out. He'll be back."

"Is his bag right there?"

"Uhmmm... no sir."

"Then he's already absent." From a soft sweet voice, it turned into one big scowl and glaring eyes.

JongIn slumped his body back on the chair. One rule in class, never dare to put your phones out while the bipolar prof is still in. But, he took his phone out anyways, and hid from the professor. he started messaging ...

          The professor is here ... where are you?

He was browsing through his contacts when he remembered he deleted Kyungsoo's number yesterday. But not to worry, because he memorized it anyway.


Jongin heard the doors of the apartment unlocked. From the computer, he loocked on the clock. He's early! He say to himself. He slowly turned around waited for Kyungsoo to come to his room, two feet slumped together on the desktop chair, a sweater on, blanket covering his body, both arms folded in front of his chest, and two cottonballs stucked in his nostrils.

Kyungsoo tried to suppress his laughter but he couldn't help so he just covered his mouth. His bestfriend was sick for two days. JongIn doesn't and cannot go to school, and to refrain his mind from worrying Kyungsoo finishes his laboratory works early so that he could go home early and be on his best friend's side. He crossed his arms over his chest, "You can still surf the net with that condition, huh?" Kyungsoo leaned closer to the screen and checks out what JongIn has been doing. "A fanboard? Kyungsoo nostril flared up in surprise. "Since when did you get a fan board? Oh no-no.. since when did you got a fan?" He arched his right brow seriously high.

"Since yesterday?" Jongin's eyes thinned as he smiled widely. He pointed on the middle right part of the screen and continued. "Look... I already got 11, 293 viewers already. Something seemed familair?" JongIn put down both of his feet on the floor while Kyungsoo still deciphers what JongIn has been talking about. "Oh come on! 1-12-93!!" He tossed both of his hand apart infront of Kyungsoo. He almost wanted to snap his fingers so that Kyungsoo would get it.

Kyungsoo gently brushed JongIn's face down with his palm. "Silly ... Alright. Shut the computer down while I prepare your porridge okay? What else would you like to eat?"

JongIn placed his left index finger and thumb together under his chin like a child thinking about his favorite food. "Hmm.."

"3... 2... 1... Okay! Kimchi spaghetti then." Kyungsoo winked before retreating from JongIn's room.

"That is my favorite." Jongin murmured. He obediently turned off the computer and head out from his room on barefoot, blanket still over his shivering body. Meanwhile, Kyungsoo is still in his uniform, school bag just placed on the couch (unusual, because Kyungsoo right after class always head straight to his room and neatly place his bag on his desk), kitchen slippers and apron on stirring on a casserole. Kyungsoo heard the screech of the chair from the dining table as he tries to taste the porridge he is making. He added salt when he didn't taste anything. "One minute and it's all done." He yelled sure enough JongIn will hear. He walked through the dining room to check his best friend. "Will you please take those cottons off your nose. And your foot, how many times should I say do not put your feet up the chair in front of the dining table?" JongIn joined him while he says the last sentence.

Kyungsoo retreated back to the kitchen.

"You sound like my mom." Jongin bellowed.

"That is her request anyways." Kyungsoo's now transferring the porridge in a large bowl and placed two spoon on the side. "To be my mom?" Kyungsoo ignored the question. In a few steps, he carried the tray and placed it on the table. "You eat this while I prepare the spag -" JongIn pulled Kyungsoo back on the chair. Transferred the other spoon and placed it in Kyungsoo's palm. "No need. I don't have appetite anyways. This is fine."

"You sure?"

Jongin nodded blowing some air on his hot spoonful of porridge.

"Okay!" Kyungsoo chirped as they share the same bowl of porridge together.


[a/n] New Year gift from me. ^________^ And I am warning you, next chapter will be a little dramatic. :))

Cheers everyone!!! Till we meet again next year which means in just a few hours....


Happy 2013!!!!

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ManidiLira #1
Chapter 3: love the new update, can't wait for more xD
Chapter 1: Why are they seem so surprised by it ? D.o should accept the kiss with honor xD
Xandra #3
Chapter 1: This is seriously interesting.
14blackbirds #4
Can't wait to read the rest of this fanfic!!!! :)