
My Perfect Summer



It was an epic hot day that everyone can be dying, wishing that the sun is nice enough not to kill them by tanning them. Since there were too many people or kids in the indoor of the theme park, you suddenly suggested you should go to outdoor theme park without a thinking. The gang except Chanyeol were all complained that they definitely don't want to go to outdoor since they wanted to try ice skate to chill themself. 

"I will go.." Chanyeol admitted, giving you a soft pat, which makes you happy over the fact that Chanyeol will accompany you. It's going to be great summer, you thought. Both Kai and D.O gave Chanyeol a wolf whistle before earning themselves a hard whack from Chanyeol, which break thawkward silence between Sehun and Baekhyun.

"That's just so sweet of you, Chanchan," Yoona chuckled, winking at me as if you are the lucky girl one. You nervously gave her a soft whack.

Obviously, Baekhyun rolled his eyes to the statement that Chanyeol that he will go with you as if he is on period, not wanting to speak any words. Baekhyun can't do anything he wanted to do, so let's say he is the weakest one among the gang. Here is our cute little boy, Sehun wanted to join with you along too since he likes to have fun with you and Chanyeol together but when he was about to speak the words, his brother, Kai obviously pulled Sehun to himself, signaling that Kai wants Sehun to play with Kai, who wants to stay inside with D.O too. 

"I will go too, I have to admit this.' Yoona nervously admitted, clinging to your arm, "But I will go later though." 

You groaned, not wanting to be alone with Chanyeol since you knew that you are going to have these mean heart beats, "Why not, Yoona?" 

She pouted herself as if she is feeling sorry but of course, she doesn't. "Well, I have to take care of these stupid kids here. Mainly Baekhyun. Chanchan is mature right? He can take care of you. Okay? Baekhyun wants to ice skate here though, right Baekbaek?"

"No way! There is no way I want to be with you." Baekhyun barked, giving Yoona a cold glare. Pressing his lip tightly, thinking that he should do ice skate but he seriously wanted to ice skate since it was one of his hobbies when he was little. 

Yoona gave him a look, crossing her arm. "Baekhyun, I thought it was your hobby since you were little." She gave him a wink, minding him that he will think about it; skate or friends?

"Whatever you do, I will just follow you." Baekhyun grumbled as if it was just a hint to Yoona that Baekhyun chooses ice skating over friends. Yoona couldn't stop smiling to herself, knowing that she is the winner this time. "Please don't just waste my time.." Baekhyun muttered, pressing his lip tightly and tugging Yoona's top as if he is a kid, who loves spoiled his favourite cousin (it's true though). 

Yoona suddenly lit her eyes brightly as sparkle, though she was really happy that Baekhyun finally admitted what he wanted to do. "Okay, Baekhyunnie! I will spend it for you!"

"What a cousin complex." Kai scoffed, trying not to be jealous over the fact that Baekhyun and Yoona can be too closer while Sehun can survive without Kai. Earning himself a whack from Yoona, Kai groaned, "You are definitely not my type. You hit any various people except your cousin-"

"Which is really sweet," you commented before Kai finish his lines," I am kind of jealous though."

"But you are not alone..please." Chanyeol fissed, setting his cold eyes on your eyes, which makes you to stop continue. "Let's go." 

You gently nodded, showing that you are following the order of Chanyeol as if you were his maid (you wouldn't mind being one,though) Waving at Yoona and the rest, you slowly walked to Chanyeol's side, "See you guys later." 

Also, Kai decided to bring D.O and Sehun with him, wanting to seperate away from Yoona and Baekhyun since the triplet don't want to hang out with Yoona, who is full of complains but they knew that Yoona is important one since she is only person who can control Baekhyun's temper. "We changed our mind, we are going to haunted house." Kai confessed, leaving you and Chanyeol alone walked off to the exit gate. 

"Okay,sure." Yoona responded, gently pulling Baekhyun to her side, "Just becareful." As they were already separated, the triplets were all happily skipping to haunted house, not just because they are excited for the haunted house but leaving these 2 people, Yoona and Baekhyun. 

"Kyungsoo, Sehun, so yeah?" Kai giggled, placing his both arms on D.O and Sehun, which makes them to get closer each other. "Finally, we are free." D.O laughed, giving a pat on Kai's back. "You are genius,bro." 

"Yeah but he cannot live on his own without me." Sehun growled, rolling his eyes to Kai, which makes him sounds like he doesn't really appreciate it. "You know I want to be with-"

"Fine, if you are going to be with these both Chanyeol and Ruka and are you going to be left like an unwanted puppy? Do you want that? Do you want to be with people who doesn't even care about you?" Kai argued, letting his arms go and shaking Sehun's shoulder.

"They does care about me!" I cried, slamming Kai's hands off.

"Yeah but they don't love you that way I love you!"

"No, you just only care about yourself. Not wanting to be alone!" I yelled back to prove him wrong, preparing the fist, aiming to Kai.

D.O suddenly appeared between us, slowly pushing me away from Kai, not getting closer to him that might causes us to have fist fight in public. "Hey, Sehun, Kai loves you more than anyone. He cares about you. He is telling you that he dislike leaving you alone being a clueless puppy."

Sehun suddenly froze, running his hand through his hair, signaling that he is full of mess; who is taking care of him? 

Kai can't help himself to look at his loving brother's confused look, slowly, he came closer to Sehun to comfort him, gently rubbing his back as I wrapped him. "What do you see now? Do you see that Yoona is taking care of Baekhyun? Chanyeol is taking care of Ruka,too?" Kai muttered, still wrapping Sehun. "That's because they actually love them since they were little. They grew up loving each other, right? Just like you and me." They may sound like cheesy but overall, they are effective enough. 

Sehun suddenly felt the warmness of Kai's heart, realizing that some of the part what Kai had said are true but it's damn true that he actually still loves Jongin since he was little. "You idiot, you surely don't know how to help but thank you." 

D.O,on the other hand, snapped, "Guys, seriously, let's go already."

"D.O is jealous." Kai teased, letting his hands go, "Sehun-ah, you finally understood."

Sehun shook his head nonchatantly while D.O responded, giving Kai a cold glare, "I am not jealous though."

They finally got back together, having fun as if they are Three Musketeers.



Meanwhile you and Chanyeol were finally at the outdoor brigde, you had fun with Chanyeol talking about random stuffs. Chanyeol suddenly stopped making the way to another attraction, letting out a bitter laugh, "So what are we going to do?" 

You giggled, pointing to the roller coaster, "What about this?" You knew that Chanyeol hates getting wet since the water is included in the roller coaster. 

"Oh no, you don't. Look, I am wearing this beautiful t-shirt and don't even think about this cool Atlantis Adventure which is not cool in reality. You know there is a roller coaster indoor too." 

"Shut up, I know that." you scoffed, rolling your eyes as if you are the coolest or popular person among the gang. To stop Chanyeol complains, you decided to walk to roller coaster without waiting for Chanyeol.

"Hey." Chanyeol called as I ignored him, grumbly walking. "Hey, you!" yelled Chanyeol, can't getting over the fact that I had walked far away from him. Of course, he mindlessly sprint to your side. When he had reached, he suddenly grabbed your wrist to make you to stop walking and taking more time to breathe. "Hey you, I am coming with you."

You suddenly smirked at him, knowing that you are the winner that know how to control Chanyeol. You suddenly pulled Chanyeol into a bear hug as if Chanyeol is only a big teddy bear to you (he is..). "Thank you, Yeollie." 

"But you owe-"

"Yes,yes,yes I will owe you." you added without letting him finish his lines, knowing what he actually wants. He is really taking it too serious, you thought. Suddenly, Chanyeol took a look on his plastic bag that he held it for long time since he went to that shop to wait for you to finish the Viking ship ride. I raised my eyebrows, wondering why Chanyeol takes a look, "What's wrong?"

Chanyeol grabbed the bunny headband from the plastic bag and put the headband on your head as if you are Cinderella who just lost her one of the heel. As the headband had been on your head, Chanyeol let out a sweet warm laugh,moving your bang to the side. "You are so..bunny." Which is not a compliment to me at all. It was cute but worse at the same time. 

"You don't know how to compliment the girl." you groaned, swinging the back of my hair with my hand.

He gave you one of his iest smirk, which is you cannot resist it anymore. You suddenly felt weak, since your heart beats so fast as a roller coaster. Roller coaster syndrome, you thought. You cannot help youself but asdfghjkl is in your mind like you suddenly felt you want to do some ert thing with him. Please, not now. I know he is one of the hottie too, you thought, which makes you not to respond. "You are so cute, being like this." Chanyeol said in his deep y tone, poking the bunny ear on my head, which my heart goes beat so freaking fast. 


"See? I am so good at compliment the girl." Chanyeol laughed, which is really cutest thing ever but he annoyed you though since the compliment is not true. But atleast, you got trolled and yet, you got admit yourself that you actually want to be called cute by Chanyeol though. 

Suddenly, a rushing couple were pushing you, making their way to the roller coaster, you were about to fall but luckily, Chanyeol grabbed your wrist strongly the way like a prince who is saving a princess from a stupid jealous witch. Suddenly, some random people were looking at you two in a friendly way as if they are the audiences, who are watching the Disney Princess movie. You pulled yourself to stand up, letting your hand go. "Thank, man."

"Let's go to the roller coaster." Chanyeol suggested, walking off and grabbing your wrist. You tried to let it go but still, he grabbed your hand. It's more holding hands than grabbing hand to you though. (He was actually holding your hand, you are not dreaming.) 

This is like a fairytale, you thought, still holding Chanyeol's warm hand. 



"Yoona, over here!" Baekhyun called, happily skating around. He was actually unbelieveably happy that he finally skated. It's like a world to him already or rather than that, a childhood is back to him. 

Yoona groaned, trying to skating to Baekhyun faster as possible, "Just don't you dare to skate that fast. Wait for me." Again, the phone beeped, which makes her stop to skate, which is sick.

"Hello, what do you want?" Yoona replied with a cold tone, making sure that the voice has to be scary enough to end the call soon. 

"Gosh, stop using these cold tone! Yoona, it's me, Yuri!" 

"I know it's you, Yul, just tell me what do you want?"

"Actually, I just want to tell you something but before that, what are you doing?"

"Skating with Baekhyun."

"Omo, really? Aww, that is so sweet of you, you sweet cousin. Anyways, I just want to tell you about tonight photoshoot."

"Can't we talk about it later? Baekhyun is staring at me. He actually dislikes it if I am taking the job too serious."

"Well, is he important to you?"

"He is. I love him since when he was born. I was lonely when I was little, you know. Until I met this new magical friend, which happened to be my cousin. He was such as angel though."

"Gross, what a cousin complex. But ok, I got it since you got your day off. You lucky brat. We will talk about it, later!"

"Later." Yoona heaved a sigh, looking back to Baekhyun and waving at him, which is signaling that Yoona is ok.

Baekhyun suddenly skated to her side as Yoona had just put the phone into her pocket on her jacket. "Who was it?"

"Nothing." Yoona grinned, patting on Baekhyun's head as if he is a deer like Bambi on the Disney movie, "Let's go!" 


A/N I am right here to say thanks to these adorable subbies! :) Now you realized that writing style here is changed a lot right? /sigh its hard to maintain the writing style thoouugh but overall I am trying my best. To be honest, this is definitely my favourite chapter I ever had written. HAHA. Also I am so proud that the fact I finally improved my writing style or rather than that, my pure innocent writing style finally comes back right in middle of my summer. /sigh its early morning here in the malaysia and I need to sleep more since i slept at around 3 or 4 am to work on this xD lol. And oh, I love the chanyeol part but honestly, the triplet is my favourite character though. they are cuties. :D haha. I cannot stick Kai or Sehun to Yoona or baekhyun because i sercetly ship SeKai and KaiSoo too. trolol. :P Baekai is okay for me though (their dancing to beatboxing is cuuuutee ><) and oh i am kind of disappointed that the first 11 chapters have these DIFFERENT writing style /sigh. and oh, maybe I should write another fanfic? just because my mind is almost exploded already haha :D xx thank you people! Please comments as possible :D x 



and oh if you mind, ADD ME AS A FRIEND BECAUSE I AM SOO SOCIAL. haha. serious. ><;

ok bye. spamming this with these <3's gifs x)




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Chapter Seven ;) xx Heh


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Negaii #1
Chapter 15: *gasp*

Update as soon as possible!!!
@train_trina: Of course, I miss you ;3;~ Aww welcome back! :3 How was your vacation though? Aww thank you~~ ^^ I am not stopping, of course! :D I am still working on it ;) HEHE you are so cutee ^^ I love you !
@Negaii:Yeah, I am still working on it! No worries! Thanks <3

@Train_trina: Thank you so much for these sweet comments.
Negaii #4