The Run

Two Coins

When Zachari opened the door Sky, Nate and Craig was waiting for him to come out Zac tried not to have any eye contact with any of them, especially Nate. Nate tried to touch him and asked a question but he pulled away before Nate could even ask any thing and took up his pace and left them. He kept walking, trying to block their calls.


Zac ran out into the streets under the dull gray clouds. Zac wanted to go home, wanted to wake up from this horrible nightmare, but he knew the truth that he just heard those word from his friends like they were ordinary words. Kill. Greek gods. Game.


            ‘What if this is a game, if it was all true, then what does the gods think of us? Toys? Things that easily be replaces? No. None of what Maria said is true.’


These were Zac’s thoughts before the rain suddenly poured at him like the shower that was to its maximum, but the rain didn’t stop Zac from running as far away from the possible horrific truth. But as he run farther the rain poured harder, a few meters away from him, Zac saw the water took form of a man. And due to this shocking sight Zac stopped running, he felt amazement and fear flow from his body all at the same time.


When he looked closer to the man he felt a nostalgic feeling that he knows him but when he finally remember who the man was it was already too late to start running...




***author's note***


hey~ yey after 4000 years i've finally updated this story, i hope you enjoy :D

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