The Game

Two Coins


Zac: "What do you mean? It's English; go on tell us what happened."

Maria: "Nate, take them outside."

Nate:" You sure?"

Maria:"Of course! Now, go."

Nate: "Now come on you two."

Craig:"Wait, what about him?"

Sky: "Yeah!"

Maria: "Just go!"


When they left, Maria immediately locked the door.


Maria: “Listen, I'll tell you a story. During the ancient times, two Greek gods, Poseidon and Athena decided to play a game, a game which they called "Two Coins". The game is simple both gods both of the gods would each pick a colour according to their will and the players would bath the coin with a special paint. Now, Poseidon chose the colour blue which represents the sea while Athena chose gold for beauty.”


Zac:  “Wait, what’s the point of this story?”


Maria: “Just let me finish. Wait, now were was I? Ah! Now the gods chose the players at the age of seven, the gods would reveal themselves to the children and give them a gift of language. And gods would talk to them when the time is right, when they are prepared to choose their side and to kill the other ones that took side of the other god. Now here comes the tricky part, Players wouldn’t know who the other players are and the only way to know is that they could speak or understood the god’s language.”

Zac: “Wait, slow down my brain cannot process everything all at once. So basically the chosen ones would go on a killing spree? And the gods’ language, please tell me you’re kidding.”

Maria:” basically yes. They would have to kill; it’s like kill or to be killed.  Tell me if you remember anything because judging by your tone you hadn’t talked to the gods yet.”


A clip of memory flickered into Zachari’s mind. It was a birthday party, 7 candles were lightening up, it was a beach party. Zachari tried to remember the faces of those who were there, but the more he tried to remember the more the images blur. But there was a guy behind everyone, he was in the water. He smiled and waved at him. The man threw a box on the sand. The next thing Zachari could remember that he had opened the box. There was nothing inside.

Zac: “The guy on the water.”


Zachari said the thought out loud.


Maria: “That would be Poseidon judging from the words guy and water.”

Zac: “No it can’t be. Greek gods are just fables, imaginations of people from Greece.”

Mar: “No Zac, they’re real you already saw Poseidon. Soon he will speak to you and tell you are a fine warrior and he would offer victory and life. If you would tell him you want to think about it Athena would come looking for you then she too will speak to you and she too would offer you victory.”

Zac: “Wait, you already saw them?”

Mar: “Yes, yes of course.”

Zac: “Does Athena have long curly hair and beautiful eyes?

Mar: “Yes.”


Zac then stumbles on the bed beside Maria.


Mar: “I know it’s a lot to take in but please believe in my, trust me. The gods exist.”

Zac: “Mar, you’re my friend but I’m sorry but no, I can’t take any more of this nonsense.”

Zac stood and reached for the door.

Maria: “Don’t run away Zac, the gods will find you and if you decline them they will erase your existence only those who knows the game and who knows you they will only be the ones who will remember you.”

Zachari: “Thanks I’ll keep that in mind.”




Author’s note:

Sorry this chapter is overly long sorry don’t worry the next chapter will be overly short :)

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