Don't Say Goodbye Chapter 3

Don't Say Goodbye


Ayumi was alone for 3 weeks. Minna don't know how to do anymore. She don't want to eat or talk

to anyone. She alone. When out at morning,at midnight she will go home. Yukiko can't stand with this anymore. 

"Ayumi-chan,please take ur breakfast first.and then u can go anywhere u want. i don't want u to get sick."say Yukiko.

she very kind and careful. "u all eat first. i will eat after u all finished" say Ayumi and still don't want to open the door.

"make sure u go down and eat,okay?'say Yukiko and go downstairs to get everyone at dining room.

"nee-chan where is Ayumi? is she still don't want to eat her breakfast?"say Karina. She know that was her fault. She never think that Ayumi will be like this. "she want us eat first and then she will come here."say Yukiko while she sit down and put strawberry jam on bread. everyone eat with no words.


"why Ayumi so stubborn? she still don't go down and eat her breakfast. i hv to go and see what is she doing."say Lin and untie her apron. "DON'T !!  she don't want to eat yet. let's finish our breakfast first,kay?"say Yukiko.she quickly get up at same time Ayumi went get down and meet everyone at dining room.


"gomenasai,i hv to go now. i don't hv much time to eat,see ya! "say Ayumi in hurry and close the door as soon as she wear her high shoes. 'where she want to go?'say Karina in her heart. 
Ayumi go to JUMP's studio and meet Daiki. "Yumi-chan,this is surprise that u want to meet me.what's it?"say Daiki to Ayumi as soon as he close the studio door. "nothing,what i want is u hv to go to hospital and operate.let's go !"say Ayumi and crab Daiki's left hand. "woow woow,slow down.what's wrong with u?Christmass is getting near. i can't operate at time like this."say Daiki and smile to Ayumi. 


"NO!!!u must to operate immediately.!!"say Ayumi and her tear come out and then she cry. "u know right,that i love u more that u love me.i don't want to losing u. so this is what u call LOVE ? u couple with me for 3 years and want to leave me just like that?" say Ayumi in cry. she don't want her loved one die.


"okay,okay but don't be like this.u make me want to cry along with u."say Daiki and kiss Ayumi's forehead. Ayumi just nod.


after a few weeks,Ayumi now get more better. she get well and sleep well. On Christmass day,everything was ready.and they really happy.they can sleep at studio for one night. "Everything is ready?"say Yamada to Keito. "Hai,turn it on now,Yamada-san."say Keito.and everyone get surprise when christmass tree that they decorate very beautiful with colourful light.


"uwaaa!!!so beautiful~ i like it.i don't believe that we all do this together."say Midori to Lisa.Lisa just nod.her eyes look at the christmass tree. 

"now for present,here is for my princess,Yukiko~~"say Takaki and give the present to Yukiko. and yukiko give present to

Takaki. "and here is for u~~"say Yukiko and kiss Takaki's lips. 

"uwaa~they kissed,i want to,Lin~"say Yamada to Lin. "hai hai,here ur present and here ur kiss."say Lin and give present to Lin and kiss Yamada's cheek.Yamada give present to Lin.

"Yumi-chan,i hv two present to un.No. one,here ur present and no. two, i will operate immediately."say Daiki,face to face.he don't want to make Ayumi suffer cz of him. "i hv present to is ur present."say Ayumi and give the present to Daiki.

 One night,they all spent their time together in the studio. Sleep at there and talk about something interesting.

they all hv fun,watch TV together.When time to sleep. only Ayumi,who still can't sleep. She always thinking about the operate. she wondering if Daiki can safe or not. She feel like want to cry but she hold,She don't want to make another get she close her eyes tight and at same time she fall alseep.

Everyone packing and clean the studio on 4th days after christmass. They really busy that time and forget that Daiki was faint at the corner of the room. "Daiki!!! Nani desu ka ??!!!"shout Hikaru when he want to clean at the same place where Daiki faint. he make minna very shock. 

~at hospital~

"Nani!!??what's wrong?how's Daiki??" say Ayumi as soon as she reach at the front ICU's room. Ayumi look shock cz what's hv happen. She almost faint but lucky Lisa was behind her. "u better sit down,Yumi-chan.ur face look very pale."say Lisa and walk slowly with Ayumi. 

"what's should i do? i don't want hes die.i can't imagine it"say Ayumi and she cry silently only she and Lisa can hear her cries.


"he's gonna be okay,just pray for him."say Lisa and smile to Ayumi.

Ayumi do what Lisa says and pray for Daiki.

1 hour~


2 hours~


3 hours~


4 hours~


5 hours~


6 hours~


~to be continue~

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