I think...

My husband is an Alaskan Malamute - HIATUS

Key’s POV

“Lee Taemin, come out to the bar.” I said before hanging up, not bothering to hear his reply.

Choi Aecha…how could she even think about…argh.

I sped to the bar, ignoring the speed camera’s and ordered myself a few shots of whiskey before Taemin arrived.

“Hyung.” He placed his hand on my shoulder. I shook it off and he sighed.

“Why did you tell her? Who gave you the right to tell her?” I hissed as I grabbed his shirt collar. He stayed calm, like he always does.

“She has a right to know.”

“What right? What right does she have? Not even Yoona knows about this.” I glared at Taemin.

“She’s your wife, you can’t change that.”

“Have you two planned to say the same answer? Playing in pairs. Hah.” I scoffed as I took down another shot.

“Why can’t you tell her? Why can’t you trust her hyung? Compare her to Yoona and she’s an angel, she won’t throw anyone away for her benefit. She cares for you hyung.”

“Isn’t that bad for you? You like her.” I smirked to myself.

“I’m not that greedy hyung, if I wasn’t thinking about you the whole time, she would’ve been my girlfriend from the day you married.” Taemin took a seat beside me. “Besides, you like her too, I’m just giving you time.” He poured himself a shot and took it down smoothly.

“Keep her, I don’t want her.”

“Then why do you keep worrying about her? Thinking about her? Getting jealous because I’m always near her, because any man is near her? Hm? Because you don’t care for her?”

“Because she’s my wife.” I stated coldly. “She’s mine.”

“Which equally makes you hers, giving her a reason to know.”

“Lee Taemin you….despicable being.” I muttered under my breath before drinking some more. He wasn’t  wrong.

“You have no idea how embarrassed I was…” I quietly stated as I quickly wiped the tear that trickled slowly down my cheek. “You don’t know how ashamed of my life I was. What will she think of me? I don’t have to reason to hide anymore.”

The glass broke inside my hands and blood dripped onto the bench.

“She won’t care about that hyung. You know Aecha.” Taemin placed a hand on my shoulder.

“Why do you care so much? If you like her, shouldn’t you be trying to steal her away from me?” I smirked.

“Because I know she’ll never like me with the heart she has for you.” He quickly said in a pained voice and I look up at him with a questioning glance. “Be nice to her, maybe she’ll actually realise that she’s liking the wrong person.” He stood up and went for the door. “But hyung, just because I said this, doesn’t mean I’m going easy on you, or her.” Taemin grinned before walking off.

I put down a check before walking drowsily to my car, I had went over my durable amount of alcohol and I felt awfully dizzy.

Soon I had lost conscience.

End of Key’s POV

Aecha’s POV

I dialled Key’s number for the 50th time, he still wasn’t picking up…

“Argh, where is he?” I worried as I walked around the house in circles. Repeating the same cycle over and over again…sitting, standing, walking, sitting, standing, walking…

“WHY AM I EVEN WORRIED?!” I screamed as I fell onto the floor.

Hubby placed himself on my lap and looked up at me. I pat him as I tried to hold back tears. “Do you think your daddy ran away?” I asked Hubby as he my cheek.

I picked up my phone again before dialling Jonghyuns’ number.

“Hello?” I heard Jonghyun’s voice croak.

“Oppa I’m sorry for waking you up! Is Key with you? He didn’t come home…” I asked in a hurry.

“Why would Key be with me? He’s probably out for a walk or something, try his old home maybe?” Jonghyun yawned.

“Ah, thanks oppa, go back to bed.” I hung up on him before holding Hubby close to me.

I shot up to get a jumper and put Hubby’s collar on as I pressed the elevator button.

“I can’t sleep anyway.” I mumbled as I got into the elevator, holding my phone tightly.


I sat down with Hubby beside me on the wooden bench, rocking back and forth while I waited for Key, hoping that he would come walking down the path, but then again he took his car, if he got home he would call me…I guess.

I don’t even know why I’m so worried…

“Hubby-ah…” I started and Hubby looked up at me with attentive eyes. “D-do you think maybe I…I could like…Key as a-a…a man?”

I looked at him and he looked as if he agreed.

“I can’t like him.” I groaned. “It’s impossible, he’s such a meanie…he’s always complaining and teasing and annoying me and…and he’s always so nice and caring sometimes…and cute and jealous and argh, I sound like a fool.” I sighed.

I never thought for the past few days that I would ever like him, out of all things, I thought I despised him, I thought I liked Taemin…I really did, but I worried about Key so much and it always feels weird when he’s not around and when he’s not annoying me…it’s like he’s become a part of me that I can’t let go…a part that I don’t want to let go.

I palmed my face before letting out a long sigh. I tried his number again…he didn’t answer.

“Kibum-ah…it’s me…are you okay? Could you call me back please? Just…tell me that you’re okay…” I said into the phone before closing it. “Let’s go back home Hubby, it’s a bit cold.” I smiled as I picked the 10 week old puppy up and headed back home.


I went straight into bed when I got home, hoping to take my mind off Key and his absence. It felt without him in the bed so I put Hubby in his place and wrapped my arms around him. For some reason a tear trickled down my cheek…

End of Aecha’s POV

Key’s POV

“Oppa, you should wake up now~” I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes to see Yoona looking down at me with a smile on her face.

I shot up and backed away.

“What am I doing here?” I asked coldly.

“I went for a casual drink but then I found you on the floor on the way out, since Aecha wasn’t anywhere and you didn’t look like you were with anyone, I decided to bring you home.” She explained as she passed me a glass of water. I rejected it and she smirked to herself.

“If you think I’m going to thank you, forget it.” I hissed before getting up and making the way to the door. I heard he footsteps behind me.

“It’s only 4AM Key, you should just sleep over and go home.” She said from behind me as she placed her hand in mine. “I’m sure Aecha wouldn’t mind, right?” She caressed my hair. I pushed her away from me.

“Keep your hands off me Yoona.” I snapped before turning the doorknob.

She wrapped her hands around my back.

“I can’t stand being alone anymore Key, please, just stay with me, just for tonight, I just feel so lonely becoming a celebrity, no one seems to love me for who I am…unlike you, you loved me for who I was inside not for what I looked like.” I felt her tears wet the back of my t-shirt.

She was crying real tears, Im Yoona was crying into my back…this weird feeling of sympathy came over me.

I turned to face her and looked down at her.

“That’s why you don’t leave.” I icily said.

“Can’t we just be like we used to be, just you and me? No interruptions?” She pleaded as she walked closer to me.

The alcohol hadn’t completely worn off yet.

“I-I-I don’t know w-wha-” I started as she pulled me close so she was only inches away from my face, she placed her finger lightly on my lips to quieten me.

“Don’t say anything then.” She whispered before pressing her lips on mine.

It took me a while to generate what was happening to me until I realised that she was kissing me without my consent.

So this is what Aecha felt when I kissed her.

I pushed Yoona away but she continued kissing me, I struggled out of her grasp, her persistency was unbelievable.

“Get off!” I managed to yell.

“No.” She smirked as she continued to devour my lips. I started to lose strength and become drowsy again and she pulled back before pushing me onto her bed. “What do I have to lose to Aecha? Huh? I’m prettier, taller, better than her in anything really.” Yoona chuckled.

“You’re wrong, Aecha’s way better than you. At least people are able to trust her and she doesn’t look like a fox.” I hissed.

I fought the urge of slapping her before storming out of her house.

I wiped my lips and looked through my pockets for my phone.

“Where did I put it?!” I murmured as I rummaged every pocket. “Aish, I must’ve left it at the bar.”

I scratched the back of my head and went downstairs, hoping my car was there.

It was, and coincidently, my keys were still in my pocket…but how?

I shrugged before getting into the car and driving off, wiping my lips as I did so.

The thought of Yoona wouldn’t leave my head. I wanted to rip her lips off…

I missed Aecha all of a sudden…not that she would be worried at all, she’d probably jumping up and down with joy because I wasn’t home and she didn’t have to cook or share her beloved food with me.

End of Key’s POV

Aecha’s POV

I heard the elevator doors open and I shot up from bed, I didn’t get any sleep.

Hubby’s ears perked up and I quickly ran out. Key looked at me from the kitchen as he drank water. I stormed up to him.

“Does that even go down your throat?!” I yelled as I snatched the bottle off him and slammed it down on the bench.

“I was thirs-”

“Do you have any idea how worried I was? I thought you were kidnapped or or something crazy!” I pushed him back onto the bench. “Why didn’t you call?! WHY DIDN’T YOU PICK UP?!” My fists fell on his chest and tears streamed down my cheeks. He grabbed my wrists and prevented me from hurting him any further.

“Why would you even care?” He whispered as he let my wrists go before turning away from me.

“Because I like you…” I said softly.

“W-what?” He stuttered as he turned around.

“I said, I like you. No, I love you, I don’t know why and I’m probably crazy for feeling that way because there’s no reason you would like me back and I feel stupid for liking you because I thought I liked Taemin and just everything is stuffing up and not turning out the way I want it to and it’s just…just….stupid of me.” I said in one breath and Key looked at me with a confused glance.

“You’re right, I don’t feel the same way about you.” He smirked before walking back into the room.






Anyway, i'm sorry for not updating, i'm just getting really bored of this complication ==

so hopefully i can finish it by chapter 20 and we'll have a fun complication afterwards aye? ;D

I'm sorry it's so boring ==

I can't even stand reading it :L

Well, i'm thinking of starting a few new projects, not uploading them immediately though, just a few thoughts in mind, but they'll be put into place when i write at least up to chapter 30 of this fic so i'm not too behind in updates.

Once again, i'm so sorry for making it so draggy ==

My complication is really crappy...i know :L

Hopefully the next one will be better :D


Eat your fruits and veges ~

onhyukmin ~

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Awe`. I love the story.!
Thank you for your time.!

<3<3<3 - nancynuggets
I love the story <3
I love this story ♥ ^^
Lou_26 #4
I'm not wrong about subscribing! (: All you must do is Updating! ^^
annieandkey0923 #5
YAYAYAYAY!!!<br />
update soon:)<br />
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ<br />
You've been distracting me from my homework with this great story!!! Hehe I love how you portray Key! :D
Nice story~!<br />
Update soon ma frnd~! :DD
moemonster #8
I'm crying now... I loved this story so much and it was one of the first I subscribed to.. ㅠㅠ all the best in your studies anyway.