Goodnight Kiss

Goodnight Kiss

Title: Goodnight Kiss
Pairing: Kris/OC
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,897

Disclaimer: I dont own anything except the story and the OC




Kris took a sip of his cup of hot chocolate, trying to enjoy the breeze the night wind brought to his skin, or trying to enjoy the creamy liquid he likes so much.

But he can’t.

He can’t contact his girlfriend today or her parents. Her friends came up to him with the same answer, that they don’t know where she is or why she won’t answer his calls. She’s moving to Japan tomorrow, staying there for a year, and now she’s out of reach.

Hell, he even came up to her house but no one would open the door for him. She didn’t even tell him when her flight is tomorrow.

Kris called her again for the nth time tonight; he won’t and definitely can’t sleep until she picked up or replied his numerous messages. But the person on the end of the line didn’t answer, again. So he tried to wait for her, but it’s getting late. He wonders if she’s asleep already and prayed for the contrary.

He tapped his fingers against his phone screen and took a deep breath. 10 minutes. 10 minutes before he called her again. He put his phone on the farthest end of the table so he won’t ache to check it every 5 seconds.

He glanced at his wristwatch every now and then, it’s funny how it seemed like time stands still at times like this. A few minutes had passed before his phone vibrates. Kris almost choked on his chocolate when he saw the letters written on the screen.

She sent him a message.

Kris read the message thoroughly and glanced at his watch again. It’s almost midnight, how in the world does she’s in their old high school right now? He sighed and took his jacket on the chair.

Not until 5 minutes later he already drove through Seoul streets that were quite empty at this hour. His mind was racing, why did she want him to meet her in their high school in the middle of the night? But no matter how weird this is, at least he can meet her; he assured himself.

The school gate is locked like he’d expected and he wonders how does she get inside by herself. He parked his car outside and climbed the gate. He landed not-so-smoothly in the school ground, a sharp pain shocks through his feet. He texted her, asking where she is while he walked through the field.  

She didn’t answer again.

He cursed under his breath and ran, completely ignoring his aching foot. He looked in every classroom, in the office, in the library, and she’s nowhere to be found. “Hayoung where are you?” He muttered while catching his breath and gives his foot time to rest. He tried to think where she is, he is sure he already looked in every possible places.

He looked around and only then he realized he hasn’t looked for her in the cafeteria. He wished almost desperately for her to be there while he ran again.

And yes, there she is sitting in one of the seats with her back facing him. He smiled gladly, “Hayoung.” He called.

She turned around with an identical smile on her face, “Kris!”

Kris hugged her immediately, resting his chin on her shoulder. “My phone died after I sent you the text, I’m glad you found me.” “I’ll always find you.” Kris muffled against Hayoung’s shirt. “Why are you here at this hour? Why didn’t you answer my calls?” He asked immediately. Hayoung brushed his back softly and took a deep breath as she’s going to drop a huge bomb, “Th.. The plan had changed.”

“What do you mean? You’re not coming back to Japan?” Kris asked.

“No, it’s not that.” Hayoung tried to lock her gaze with his, “But I’m not coming back here. I’m not going to come back to Seoul again.”

Emotions flashed in his eyes, shocked, sadness, a little angry, and mostly confused. “What? Why?” He asked. “I- I got a job. The salary is good and it’s such a boost in my career so...” She tried to explain. “I can visit here during holidays, or maybe I can take some days off later on. We can call each other or video call perhaps? It’s not going to be that hard right? We can-”

Kris pulled her into a hug while unwanted tears strolled down on her cheeks, “I’m going to miss you so bad.” She sobbed. Kris brushed her hair lovingly, “I’m gonna miss you too.”

They don’t care how much time had passed, they’re just standing there, hugging each other, trying to remember every little details of their hugs, of months they had passed together, of memorable moments they shared together, of everything. Both of them tried to paste every little detail of each other into their brains and hearts as they realized they didn’t have much time left.

“Don’t you have a flight tomorrow?” Kris asked, breaking the silence. “Well, yes. 3 hours from now.” Hayoung answered. “Wait what? That early?” Kris said in surprise and wished she didn’t have anything left to surprise him in a bad way. “Yes, that early.” Hayoung answered hiding her face in Kris’s chest, “I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, I’m sorry I don’t answer your calls.”

Because if she answered, if she told him earlier, if she replied his messages, if she opened the door, it’s going to be harder to let go. Kris brushed her hair again, “It’s okay, I understand.”

“This is where we met for the first time isn’t it?” Kris asked and sat in the nearest seat, pulled Hayoung to sit on his lap. Hayoung nods in response so Kris continued and pointed to a particular table, “You and your friends always sit right there, across from mine. You ordered pancakes for most of the time, or having your own meal from home.” Both of them smiled, reminiscing the good, old past.

“You’re always surrounded by your friends.” Kris pointed out, “It’s hard to interact with you without having to worry I’ll make a fool out of myself.”

“You play basketball all the time. Everybody knows you and a lot of girls like you. It’s harder for me.”

Kris chuckled, “The important thing is we’re together now.”

Silence dropped between them as they both realized it won’t be long until they’re separated by thousands of miles. Their fingers intertwined, they looked at each other. Before they knew it, their lips met.

It’s the final kiss. A goodnight kiss, long and sweet and sad.


“Call me when you’ve arrived okay? And don’t forget the Skype date tonight; thank god the difference in our time zone isn’t that much. Remember to eat properly; don’t forget your breakfast, okay?”

Hayoung laughed at Kris, “I’ll be fine. And you too, don’t work too hard, have a proper sleep every now and then okay? And clean your house too! Don’t forget to take your jacket when you’re going out. Oh, and….”


“Don’t check other girls out.” Hayoung finished sheepishly.

Its now Kris’s turn to laugh, “I won’t and you know it. You too, don’t date other guys when I’m miles away from you.” He caressed Hayoung’s head smoothly, “Good luck with your job.”

“Thanks! Good luck with your training as well, Kris.”

“Ah by the way, when you’re gone, check your iPad okay?” Kris gave her his awkward smile and Hayoung couldn’t help but to chuckle. She took a deep breath, “Well, I’ve got to go now.”

Their smiles replaced by solemn expressions as silence concealed them. A sharp pain pierced into their hearts, not giving them the chance to say anything. So Kris surrounded his arms around her, as though to protect her. She hides her face in Kris’s chest and instinctively slithered her arms around his waist, pulling him closer. “I really have to go now.” Hayoung barely whispered.

Kris gave her a kiss on her forehead and dropped his arms, “Have a safe flight, I love you.” Hayoung tried her best to smile, “I love you too, I’ll be back soon.”

She won’t cry, she promised him already. She took a deep breath and disappeared into the other side of the wall.

As she’s in the boarding room already, she unlocks her iPad, trying to find what Kris had left for her. Suddenly, a video popped out right after she unlocked it.

There he is in a black long-sleeved shirt and honey hair, clearing his throat. “Hey, Park Hayoung!” Kris greeted in the video with a somehow shy smile in his face. “Watch this when you miss me okay?” He continued with the sheepish smile again. “Or maybe when you feel down, or alone. Maybe seeing my face will cheer you up.” He laughed awkwardly. “Ah, I can’t do this.” He ruffled his hair. “But erm, I’m gonna miss you so bad. And I love you, always remember that, okay? I’ll wait for you here.” He smiled again.

“Oh and one more thing…” Kris shoved something out of his pocket; it’s a little red velvet box. He opened it, showing a beautiful yet simple diamond, silver ring inside. “Would you marry me when you return? I know it might not be the best time, but I don’t know when the right time is. I just….” He groaned in defeat, “Just, if you will so let me know. If you don’t then…. Well, let me know as well. I’ll wait for you to comeback if you let me. Oh, and the ring is on your bag, if you erm perhaps want to wear it.”

“Have a safe flight then, and stay healthy okay?” He said and the video ended just like that.

Tears strolled down on Hayoung’s cheek, she completely forgot about the promise. Her hand covered , an attempt to muffle her scream. She took a few deep breaths to calm her down after watching his video.

She dialed his number with her hands shaking. “So, you watched it already?” He asked through the phone right after he answered the call. “Ya, Kris!” She yelled but her voice gave her up. “Hey, don’t cry. You promised right?” He said with hints of smile in his voice. “But I… How could you… I mean, I’m…” Kris laughed at her attempt to be mad at him, “So, will you let me to wait for you here?” Kris clears his throat, “Would you marry me?”

Hayoung took a deep breath once more, “I do. Kris, I do. I won’t forget about you waiting for me there. But please propose to me necessarily when I’m back?” Kris laughed again on the end of the line, “I will, don’t you worry. I promise.”

Hayoung laughed through her tears, “I love you.”

“I love you more.”


 Just a kiss on your lips on the moonlight

Just a touch of the fire burning so bright

No I don’t want to mess things up

I don’t want to push too far

Just a shot in the dark that you just might

Be the one I’ve been waiting for my whole life

So baby I’m alright, with a kiss goodnight


No, I don’t want to say goodnight

I know it’s time to leave, but you’ll be in my dreams tonight


{Lady Antebellum, Just A Kiss}


[A/N]: Should I write kris next time? :p

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Chapter 1: waah~ kyeopta~ ^o^
faarahae #2
omg you're from my tlist
omona_chinguya #3
@baboracoon: oops my bad it should be Japan but I corrected that already :p but yes, I'm from indonesia :D
@kanghose: yeah thanks for the comment and suggestion nab \o/

Oh and for everyone, I'm on the process of writing the lol
this is so sweet.... :) I wish real life works this way.
I love it, Yoon :) but you should make Kris' situation even sadder so we can feel he symphaty, 'kay? He rest is perfect and it's really romantic. No please :P being in aff doesn't mean you can go -ing all the way haha jk!
Aww~ So cute and sweet. Thnx author-nim. (i think u should do that,Kris well, xD)
Jakarta? Are you Indonesian?
Love this story!
Yes you should! \(´▽`)/
The cutest!!!