

Weeks passed by.

Every morning, I would be right in front of the ramen shop, waiting for the reincarnation of Luhan to pass by me. He would pass by me every time and smile at me. I would smile back and watch him disappear off in the distance.

I started doing this like my life depended on it.

I would also visit all the places that we went together, reminiscing about all our memories. I would lay fresh lilies at his gravestone at least three times a week and I would sit down beside it, and talk about my day. I would tell him how I felt, what I ate, what I wore, what did I do, where did I go and how much I missed him.


One day, I sat down beside the gravestone and told Luhan about the reincarnation of him I met.

“I don’t know why, but he looks exactly like you. He even has the same name and the same voice. When I saw him, I thought it was you. Then I realized it wasn’t. I wish you were back, Luhan.”

I closed my eyes and another memory rushed through me.




Five years ago.

I stood in the rain, cursing while trying to find my car keys. I couldn’t find it and stomped my foot in frustration. The rain was pouring heavily and I could hear thunder. I shivered slightly in fright and gave up, slumping against my car.

Just then, an umbrella was held over me, shielding me from the rain.

I looked up and saw an extremely handsome boy, smiling tenderly at me. He was dressed in a black trench coat and he was covering me with his umbrella, soaking himself with rain in the process. I felt confused. Who is he?

“Who are you? Why are you here? Why are you helping me?” I burst out.

He was now completely soaked in the rain, but he managed to smile tenderly at me. “I didn't want to see anyone getting soaked and catching a cold.”

“…. But you’re soaked now and you might catch a cold yourself.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

I felt a strange warmness in my heart and said softly “I’m… Park Jiyoung. Nice to meet you.”

“I’m Luhan. It’s nice to meet you too.”



I chuckled and lightly tapped the gravestone.

“If it didn’t rain that day, then I might never have met you. But you know what? I’m glad I did. Even if it was for just a while, you were my entire life.”

I noticed the thunder rumbling and worriedly stood up. I kissed the gravestone and ran down the hill and out of the graveyard.

I took a bus and got back to the city. The rain was pouring extremely heavily now and I forgot to bring an umbrella. I groaned slightly and stepped out of the bus. Everyone was comfortably dressed in raincoats and carrying umbrellas. I was the only one who didn’t have anything.

I continued walking down the street and passed by the ramen shop.

I forgotten about everything and stared at the shop. It was lit with a warm glow and happy couples were seated inside, sharing ramen and talking happily. I suddenly felt really upset. What wouldn’t I give to be able to do this with Luhan again…


I felt tears surfacing and furiously wiped them away.

Just then, an umbrella was held over me, shielding me from the steady rain.

I looked up and saw the boy that looked exactly like Luhan, holding an umbrella and smiling at me. He was getting completely soaked himself, but he didn’t seem to mind.

I felt a sudden pain in my heart. Why must they be so identical? I blinked back tears and he frowned slightly at me. He didn’t like to see her cry. He didn’t know why. He barely knew her but when she cried, he felt a slight ache in his chest.


I managed to choke out “Why are you here? Why are you helping me?”

He smiled warmly “I didn’t want to see you catch a cold.”

“…. But you’re soaked yourself.”

“I don’t mind.”






I'll be ending this story soon. It was supposed to be a one-shot but the plot was too long. Hope you guys liked it. Comment and tell me what you think!

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Hey, guys! I'm flying off to UK on the 22nd July to study in Oxford for 3 weeks so I won't update that consistently. I'll try my best though. :) xx


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Chapter 18: wow. this story is amazing. :)
minjee4659 #2
Chapter 18: This is so amazing! So good it made me cry A LOT! You know a story is good when you feel emotionally attacked and unstable by what it says. Keep it up authornim!
Chapter 2: I can't believe I cried. This is the first time i can imagine how it is when someone you loves dies...
Exzactly #4
Chapter 18: This is one of the best fanfics i've ever read.
I can't believe I cried :')
Chapter 18: Man, I cried while reading this. It's really beautiful.
Chapter 18: This is soo Beautiful. Made me cry T.T
noonalover #7
Chapter 18: Trying to hold the tears back as I read this story was a fail.

Beautiful story (:
Chapter 18: sad and good ending story, i love it! so sad past
CheyenneloveEXO #9
Chapter 18: Awesome !! (y)
Chapter 18: amazing story!