
We will meet again, someday.

3rd person POV


Niki stumbled back towards her apartment in a dazed and disbelieving state, the earlier moments kept replaying in her mind. That smile. That laugh. Her mind was whirling at lightening speed. As she finally stepped into her apartment, she realized she was clutching her cup of hot chocolate to her chest without even taken one sip. Fumbling with the light switch, she made her way over to the kitchen where she took out a blue mug from the top rack of the dish washer. 

Should I just put this beverage in my freezer and keep it there forever? Niki gave a longing glance to the paper cup in which it resided. No maybe I should drink it, it'll probably spoil anyway. She glanced at it again. But Yunho made this for me... no no, he'd want me to drink it. 

She proceeded to carefully pouring the still hot liquid into the blue mug. Washing the paper cup, she decided on keeping that forever. Carefully making her way around the cardboard boxes, Niki settled in comfortably on the couch, waves of excitement crashing through her, making her shiver as she sipped the soothing chocolate. No longer being able to just sit there with her thoughts a blur, she got out her phone and saw that it was nearly 4:00am. Screw it anyway, this is no time for sleep.

(*A/N: Niki's texts are red, Victoria's are blue.)

Oh my god. Oh my GOD. Dude. Dude. You have to be awake. Please before I break somethingㅠ ㅠ 

She pressed "send" with a small and tiny sigh and her phone vibrated barely a minute later.

Who died? o_o

Who died? I DID, THAT'S WHO.

What...happened? xD;;;



He bought me hot chocolate ㅠ ㅠ  ㅠ ㅠ  ㅠ ㅠ

Oh my god what? What?! I cant even comprehend. Did he recognize you?

I think so, but I'm not entirely sure ㅠ ㅠ

I am coming over first thing tomorrow, kay? YOU SHALL TELL ME EVERYTHING.

Okay sure. And I'll just die now okay?

No, you stay the alive.

Niki giggled slightly and nodded to no one in particular. Having finished her drink, she placed it in the sink and rushed full speed to her room and flopped on the bed snatching a pillow, and rolled over in glee. She felt like she could lift a mountain. It wasn't a dream. It wasn't a dream, right?! Realizing she was now trapped in a mess of blankets which were now restraining her movements, she let out a small huff of defeat. Then staring at the ceiling, something dawned on her. I went out for a midnight walk to be able to finally sleep. How on the face of this planet am I going to sleep now?! She squirmed around in the blankets, finally dozing off in a restless slumber for the next couple of hours.


9:00 am

Niki was rudely awakened by repeated rings of her doorbell, and realized she had at some point rolled off her bed and slept on the floor. Wot. Checking her hair in the mirror, she padded her way down to the door, rubbing a stiff out of her neck. Unlocking the door, she opened it with a "Geez, calm down will you?" 

"Niki!!" Victoria bounced into the flat with a huge grin on her face and hugged her. Still drowsy from sleep, Niki mumbled an incoherent sentence and nodded, rubbing wakefullness back into her eyes.

"Want me to make us a morning snack?" Victoria offered. "You don't seem to have much groceries right now, so I brought along some fruits," she held up a plastic bag.

"Oh sure, that sounds good right about now," Niki yawned and disappeared down the hall to beautify herself for the day. She snatched a hairbrush and started battling with the knots in her hair, eyeing the toothbrush which seemed to be glaring at her this morning.

 Meanwhile, Victoria hummed a happy tune as she got out the blender and washed the fruits. Cutting them into fours, she then dropped the fruit into the blender and had it spin until it looked as smooth as a velvet curtain. She then added vanilla ice cream and spun that too, turning the smoothie into a creamy, delicious goodness. 

"Yo, I'm sober," Niki smiled, making her way into the kitchen. "Whatcha making?" 

"Smoothies!" Victoria showed her as she poured it into plastic cups, finishing it off with a lid and a straw. "I've decided we're going shopping, your fridge is at zero. We're taking these along with us." 

"You certainly came prepared," Niki stared at the smoothies, unnoticing of how Victoria walked up to her and stuffed a strawberry in . "Oh an dish is goob," She nodded in approval, chewing the treat.

"Well then, off we go! Grab your keys!" Victoria shoved a smoothie in her hand and pulled her out the door.

On the way, Victoria had Niki spill every detail of the events the night before, bursting out in "awww's!" or or simply squealing at a moment that caught her fancy, receiving odd looks from other people.

"So he was picking out manga for his niece? That's just adorable!"

"Isn't it?!" Niki happily laughed along. 

"Kay so when are you guys getting married?" Victoria eyed her slyly with a silly grin tugging at her lips. She was rewarded with a facepalm.

One bus ride away, they found themselves standing in front of a fairly large grocery store, many people entering and leaving its doors. Upon entering the market, they were greeted by the cool breeze of the air conditioner and the murmur of many people having conversation. 

"...Oranges!" Victoria dashed off to the fruit section right away. "One always needs to have an abundance of oranges. They're refreshing and delicious, and a great snack too. And they don't spoil quickly either!" She grabbed a bag and started picking out the good ones. "Oh but nectarines are a must too! They quench your soul. Oh and carrots. Niki, go get the carrots."

Next thing they knew, their cart was almost full of fruits and vegetables.

"We should get pistachios," Niki remarked thoughtfully. "Aren't they usually expensive though?" 

"No matter. I think they're by the wine section. Which reminds me, we should get champagne. You know, to celebrate," she wiggled her eyebrows, nudging Niki with her elbow. 

"Oh geez," Niki rolled her eyes, but still smiled. 

Nearing the wine section, Victoria suddenly stopped abruptly. 

"Oh my god. Tell me I'm not seeing things," She pinched Niki who yelped in response.

Standing right there, were Kyuhyun and Changmin, both holding a different bottle of wine and arguing, and a very bored looking Yunho who looked like he was chaperoning kids.

"I am telling you, we should get Gigondas Valbelle. Come on man, it's French!" Changmin waved his bottle of wine around.

"No, we should get Barolo Ciabot Mentin Ginestra. And it's Italian." Kyuhyun countered. 

Yunho's eye then fell on Niki, and he burst into a huge grin. "Oh hey, it's you!" 

The other two turned to face the girls and Kyuhyun's eyes twinkled with a smirk.

"Changmin smells like feet." 

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