Midnight Convenience

We will meet again, someday.

I arrived at Seoul about a week ago, and it took a while to get everything set in place. I finally moved into my new apartment, and most of my stuff was set in as well. I had more than just a handful of organizing to do though, seeing as I had to step around mazes of cardboard boxes just to make it to the kitchen. My jet lag only wore off a few days ago, but the sheer excitement of actually finally being in Seoul doesn't stop consuming me. And I'm not even visiting. I'm staying this time, for good.

A couple of my friends helped me move in and toured around Seoul with me. We scored large malls in Myeong Dong, cute coffee shops, and shamelessly pigged out at the restaurants. I ended up with a few large bags full of new clothing, though I still had yet to unpack most of my old ones. Although my friends don't live too far off, a few of them visit their home country very often.

It was currently the middle of the night and I'm alone, without a wink of sleep to keep me company. I don't feel watching tv, nor have I had a chance to set up an internet connection yet. I haven't unpacked my books yet, and I didn't really want to dig around the boxes to find something good.

 Deciding a midnight walk around town would be better than laying around and staring out the window, I slid off my bed and padded my way down the hallway. I decided I didn't need to change since no one would see me anyway, I slid a coat over my pajamas and softly left the apartment. There was no wind and the atmosphere held a still calm, but the temperature still held a cool bite.

 Not a long walk away from my apartment building, I was greeted by a site of a 24 hour convenience store which I have recently accomodated myself with. I let myself inside the small, warm place with the intention of buying a few magazines or books if they had any, and to get myself a warm cocoa or coffee. I was greeted by a sleepy cashier as the door jingled and I gave a small smile in return.

I caught on the smell of warm buns and butter, and snuggled into my coat suddenly wanting to bundle up and be cozy. I located the section of magazines and books, and with it I spotted a tall man in sweats and a grey hoodie which he had pulled up. I observed that he was the one emitting the smell of warm buns and butter, because he was holding a half eaten bun in his hand which was wrapped in a napkin. He seemed to be heavily pondering over something while he chewed and stared at the section of manga before him. As I walked over and scanned the selections, he turned to me after a few moments with a completely serious expression and asked, "Do you think a little girl would be happier with reading Chi's Sweet Home or Fruits Basket?"

I was about to answer him, when my train of thought was completely wiped from my mind. He cocked his head to the side, the slightest smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "Say, have we met before?"

Jung Yunho?!




This is probably the shortest chapter I have written in my entire life xD

But oh well, it is 1:30 at night, and I am tired.

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