Help From An Enemy?

To Smile


All of your classes for the day had to do with stage performance and presence.  You weren’t confident in this area and you planned on asking one of the guys about it tomorrow.  You had to figure how you could bring it up casually without bringing about questions.  It was nearly midnight when you got back and none of your housemates seemed to be awake.  You poured yourself a glass of milk then started down the stairs.  You were surprised to see the light on in your room.  You cautiously opened the door to find JiYong laying on your bed.  “Hey loser!  What are you doing in my room?” He looked up at your outbreak and went back your computer that was sitting in front of him.  You sauntered over and pushed the lap top closed.  “I was using that.”  he grumbled.  He finally met your eyes and said, “I covered for you so be happy.”  You looked back confused, “Covered for what?”  He nodded at the bag you had just set down and you knew what he was talking about.  “Ah thanks.  Could I ask you a question?”  you mumbled and Ji raised an eyebrow.  “What kind of question?”  “A training question.”
“So you don’t know how to have stage presence.  That’s funny.  I’ve never seen someone ooze presence when dancing before like you.”  Blushing you sat down on your bed.  “No I don’t.  I don’t even have the confidence to feature myself in my own dances.  And forget standing out with those guys they practically are made of talent.” you sighed.  “One of them told me the same thing about you.”  he said trying to get through to you.  “That’s because you were talking to Bon-Hwa.  He pretty much thinks that everyone is made of talent and amazingness.” you rolled your eyes and glanced at the guy laying in your bed as he was deep in thought.  ‘God some girls would kill for this position and here I am bothering him with my problems.  Some teenage girl I am.’ you thought examining his face.  He snapped his head up, “I have an idea but you are going to trust me.”  You sighed and shook his hand closing the deal for the plan he had just told you.
Daesung POV
I came back up stairs and there was no sign of G-Dragon or JinSeung.  Top was pacing the floor nervously and called Ji’s phone for the tenth time.  “They aren’t down stairs anywhere.” I sighed and looked out the window, wondering where they could be.  Top cursed as he couldn’t get through.  ‘This is normal  for Ji but why is JinSeung gone too?  He couldn’t have…’  my mind went to the gutter.  I was pulled back to my senses by Seungri, “What about that Bae kid.  His number was writen on a peice of paper on Jinseung's desk down there.”  The room cringed at the thought of Bae.  We still didn’t know anything about his and Jinseung's relationship and we were even warier now that you were kicked out of his house under unknown circumstances.  Top grabbed the number from Ri and put it on speaker phone.  
“Hello?” a tired voice said on the other end.  “Sorry for calling you this early in the morning.  It’s the mambers of Big Bang and we were wondering if you had perhaps heard from JinSeung or G-Dragon.”  “No, I haven’t why?”  He went from tried to concerned at the sound of your name.  “Well they disappeared this morning and we hav-”  Top was cut off by a panicked Bae, “Your joking right.  She didn’t just up and go again?  Go check her drawer of her bedside table and make sure her passport is still there.”  We ran down stairs and TaeYang snatched the passport out.  “Nope it’s still here.”  he said to the phone and there was a sigh of relief from the other end.  “She’ll be back in at the most a week.  Don’t worry it’s just something she does.”  “Ah ok.  Well then sorry for bothering you.  We shall tell you when she comes back.”  Top hung up and his eyes were wide and he yelled, “A week?  What are we supposed to tell people about JiYong for a week?  Are they idiots!  What if they get caught doing something stupid?”
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So I will be gone for the weekend but I'll try to update a bit before I leave :)


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Bigbangxox #1
this story is absoulotly amazing!!! please update!!! :)xox
Bigbangxox #2
Chapter 50: please update soon!!!
BigBang_VIP #3
Chapter 50: LOL drug addicted e. xP Good going Jiyong.
ch3nya #4
Chapter 49: :) this story is sooooo good :D
gemmaflame #5
Chapter 49: Awww... sweeeeeeeeeettt.
gemmaflame #6
Chapter 48: Lol. Alex is one cool guy.
BigBang_VIP #7
Chapter 48: Lol that last line xD
gemmaflame #8
Chapter 47: :) They forgave her! !
BigBang_VIP #9
Chapter 47: Aww everything worked out. ^^