I Miss You

I'm Happy...But

A/N: Here's another chapter. Maybe another one or two more chapters before I wrap this up. So, enjoy this one and comments are most welcomed. Tell me what's on your mind aite? Thanks!!! ^__^



That night, well, for most would be the final night of our reunion, we had barbecue in the back yard of Kris' home. Things were as per usual, except for that I couldn't take my eyes off from Lulu who was seated across me. There are a lot of things that I wanted to ask her, but not in front of all of our friends. I wanna ask her how she have been, more on a personal basis meaning between me and her only. I wanna know so bad why she hadn't call me up. Why did I not hear a word from her, except for birthday wishes via facebook? Not that I am not grateful, but I just wish she would dial my number and say it, yeah, because I want to hear her voice so badly in those years that she went missing from my life.

I need to step it up because I am running out of time. Who knows when I will ever get the chance to see her again after this. I mean, she's still working abroad and it seems like she's not going to come back to Korea any time soon. So, it is now or never.

After dinner and hanging around, we all called it a night but, my eyes were not sleepy and my mind, just won't stop thinking. Thinking about Lulu. How do I get through to her, how am I supposed to let this off of my chest. Whatever it is that I wanted to know and say. I got up from my bed, slowly crept out of the room I'm sharing with Sehun and Suho and closed the door behind me as soft as I could, without waking the other two. That's when I heard soft footsteps down the stairs.

Curious, I decided to follow behind, only to find Lulu, who was making her way to the kitchen.'What are you doing?' She was startled by my presence in the kitchen. She grinned and turns her back on me as my eyes followed her movement. 'I can't sleep. So, I was thinking a cup of hot drink would help. You want one? Hot chocolate?,' she offered. 'Yeah, I'd love that,' she smiled and return to making the drinks. I took a seat by the kitchen island, waiting for my drink, actually waiting while watching Lulu the whole while through.

She handed me a mug of hot chocolate and led me towards the balcony. We settled, seating next to each other on the comfy wood swing. Yeah, we were sitting very close to each other, like old times, except for that now; I am feeling a bit uneasy and awkward with myself when I shouldn't be. I mean, I have been waiting for this moment right? Just quality time for me and Lulu and now here I am feeling all nervous and jittery as if I'm on a first date.

Lulu was quiet, sipping her drink. 'So, Lulu,' I started. 'Yeah?' she answered me. Or questioned me? 'Been a while since I last heard from you,'

'Mhmm'. Another one worded answer from her.

'How you've been?' I tried to sound casual. 'I'm good,' she answered short. 'How about you?' she returns my question. 'I'm good,' I replied the same. God, I am so beating around the bush right now, which I really don't want to do. This is Lulu I'm talking to; one who is not easily to reveal stuff, unless you ask, straightforwardly. The answers, depends, whether she'll give them to the point, or conceal them by giving a vague, generic ones.

'Are you happy? I'm sure you are-...' I stopped midway, feeling the statement and question was unfitting for the moment. I got no reply from Lulu, at least in that short moment that felt like forever. 'I suppose you could say that,' there she goes, not really answering, instead, giving a neutral statement. 'How about you Lulu? Happy?' she adds.

'I'm happy...but-' I stopped yet again, now unsure whether it is the right time to say it. Lulu turned to face me, her eyes showed concern. I don't need concern. I just need...

'But? But what?' she asked. This is not making things easy. 'I'm happy, but, I miss you. I miss you so much,' there, I said it. She was neutral, 'Ah, I miss you too,' she said a matter-of-factly. She doesn't get this. 'Lulu,' I place the mug onto the table in front of us as well as taking the ones from Lulu's hands away doing the same as what i did to my own mug and took her hands in mine.

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jamyung #1
didn't get to read the last two chapters but finally
update soon
really enjoy
jamyung #3
such a sweet ending
hope they get along well
update soon
Love it so much :3
update soon!!!! ^^
jamyung #6
sounds wonderful
update soon