Chapter 9

The Phone Booth

“Come on! Let’s go meet the new guy. My friend knows him and li-”

However, Jungah didn’t allow the rest of Min’s words to process into her head. She was beyond nervous. What if that ‘new guy’ turned out to be Yixing? How is she going to react, what is she going to say once she sees him? Deep into her thoughts, she hadn’t realized that Min had already taken her to the canteen, “My friend is over there, come on Jungah! Let’s go meet him.”

“Hey Kris,” Min greeted with a smile, “Meet my friend, Jungah.”

Kris glanced over at the said girl, who was staring onto the ground. “Is… she okay?”

Min looked over at Jungah and nudged her side lightly. “Jungah, are you okay?”

Jungah looked up and smiled, “Oh yeah. I’m fine… I was just spacing out, that’s all.” Min smiled, “She’s always like that. Anyways, where is your friend Kris?” He pointed towards the guy with curly hair walking over towards their direction, “There.”

“WHADDUPPPP KREEEEEEEES!” the boy greeted, causing Kris to groan and cover his face from embarrassment.

“Chanyeol, you’re still embarrassing, you know that?” Kris complained, causing the younger boy to laugh.

“You should be used to it! I’ve known you for 3 years,” Chanyeol said, his gaze falling upon the two girls. “Your friends Kris?”

Min, who was captivated by the boy’s smile and handsome features, pulled out her hand. “Hi! I’m Min.”

Chanyeol grinned and slipped his hands into hers, shaking it. “I’m Chanyeol! I’m not new here though.”

Min nodded, “I know. Oh. This is my friend, Jungah.” Jungah looked up and smiled, “I’m Jungah. Nice to meet you, Chanyeol.”

“Nice to meet you too!”

“Hey Min, I’m not feeling too well, so I think I’m going to cut class and go home.”

Min turned towards Jungah in concern. “You should go to the doctors or something! Or just take a really good sleep when you get home, okay? Call me when everything is better.” Jungah nodded and bowed to the three before heading out of the campus.

“So it wasn’t Yixing after all…” Jungah muttered.

Okay, I lied. One more chapter THEN it will really be the ending~

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omg i love lay!
Chapter 10: THis story is beyond sweet!! Oh my God!! ❤ *curled up because of the sweetness
Chapter 10: T^T... So sweet!!! Why can't all these type of story be real!!! T^T.. I wish I met my future boyfriend like that... Thanks for the amazing story!!! =DD
Chapter 1: mind to have a cover photo author-nim? I'll add this to my fanfics album in fb. (an album of fanfics that i've read and on-queue) :)
Chapter 10: Hi! A friend recommend this to me! It's so beautiful! <3
kimhyemi #6
Chapter 10: asdfghjhksiowixbhsjdsiswiqszxb <333
Chapter 10: <3 I loved this!!!
Chapter 10: omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg :3 adorable
emiex145 #9
Chapter 10: omg this is so adorable <3 i loved it ahhhhh ^^