Coffee Shop Daydream

Coffee Shop Mystery Guy

It was a cold and rainy spring evening when you walked into your favorite coffee shop in Seoul. You shivered as you brushed the rain droplets off your leather jacket and adjusted your eyes to the dim lighting of the café made by the candles on each table. You glanced around the cozy room seeing the usual servers and customers, but as you turned your head toward the window, your eyes stopped before you could catch your breath. You felt your eyes stop and stare at something…                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Your view of the hectic coffee shop began to blur and your surrounding eyesight became fuzzy as you focused on this one thing. Sound made by the clanking of coffee mugs and the ringing of the bell on the door signaling someone had just  entered the shop suddenly silenced, and all you could hear was your own heart pounding against your chest. You started to sweat and your hands became clammy with uncontrollable excitement and wonder. All time seemed to have stopped; you and this mysterious thing were the only ones that existed in your dazed, fantasy-like daydream.  But it seemed like it wasn’t a thing, but a person. The most beautiful person you had ever seen; the most glorious man you had ever seen, to be exact.

He was tall and slender, with tanned skin that appeared to have a glow. His silky chocolate brown hair was perfectly coiffed on top of his head. You then saw his eyes. They were dark and deep, as if he held the secrets of the world in them. Although they seemed mysterious and dim as he concentrated on the scene outside the window, his eyes had a small twinkle that made him seem kind and loving. Then you looked at his nose; perfectly shaped and smooth. Your eyes finally traveled down to his lips which were plump and heart shaped. They were tinted pink and seemed so kissable that you were willing to lean in to take bite. You could imagine him putting his supple lips against your ear to softly whisper “Saranghae”.

You finally snapped out of your daydream when you heard the server asking if you were ready with your order. It was extremely difficult, but you stubbornly turned your eyes from this mysterious guy by the window and looked up at the neatly dressed woman to tell her you wanted caramel latte. When the woman left to place the order, you looked back at the window to find the nameless man missing. Your eyes darted all around the shop, searching desperately for this guy. Your heart rate quickened even more and your hands became clammy.  You felt lost after a minute of searching, realizing he would be gone forever.

As you turned in disappointment towards your hot latte that had just arrived, you heard the stool next to you squeak against the floor. You slowly looked up to see who could possibly be taking a seat by your side. Your eyes widened in shock and excitement. It was him! He was sitting right next you! Your elbow was almost touching his! You couldn’t help but stare at his defined and sculpted arms with muscles that were visible through his rain soaked long sleeve gray shirt. You realized he had a piercing in his ear and a strange figure draped around his neck on a silver chain. He wore tightly fitted dark jeans that curved around his long and toned legs. He seemed so much more handsome and stunning up close. You analyzed every curve of his body, from his perfectly sculpted abs to his sharp jaw line. You  breathed in his enticing scent of fresh rain and woodsy cologne as he adjusted himself on his stool, coming closer to you.  His skin was so silky smooth that you had the urge to reach out and touch him.

The woman who had just given you your latte shyly walked up to the mysterious man and told him how much the coffee he drank cost. He handed the woman the exact change without saying a word. The waitress scurried away with the money as quickly as possible with an obvious blush on her cheeks.

The mysterious guy slowly turned his gaze towards you. You noticed this and looked up straight into his eyes. His eyes stayed glued to yours for a good 30 seconds. Suddenly, you noticed a small change in his face. A small smirk had appeared on his lips. He looked at you like this for another five seconds. With a swift movement, he suddenly hopped off the stool and gracefully sauntered out of the coffee shop without missing a beat. You looked at the door in awe as you slowly saw it close behind the mysterious guy. You were paralyzed from head to toe. It was impossible for you to move or think. All you could picture in your head was the guy’s plump lips curled into a devious sneer as he looked into your eyes. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but it didn’t matter to you. The mystery behind the smirk made him even more irresistible and intriguing. You wanted to know more, but it was too late; he was gone.

You turned to the counter to take a sip of your latte when you noticed a small piece of blue scrap paper where the strangely attractive guy had once been sitting. You scanned the coffee shop before picking up the paper to read it. The scrawled handwriting said: “Kai- Dance Practice @ 8:00 pm tonight… Be in the SM practice room by 7:30 for warm-ups!” Your fingers cramped up as you squeezed the scarp paper. Was this real? Was this random piece of paper forgotten by the mystery guy? And is his name really Kai? Why did he leave it on the counter to carelessly? Was it on purpose? Does he work for SM Entertainment?  So many unanswered questions were rushing through your mind all at once, but your biggest question was: Is he Kai, the charismatic and y dancing machine of EXO? You didn’t know what to do, but you took your phone out of your backpack and saw that it was almost 7:30! You felt yourself getting up from the stool and quickly rushing towards the door of the coffee shop. You could hear the voice of waitress calling after you saying you forgot to pay for your latte. You ignored the calls as you felt your legs jogging to downtown Seoul towards the SM building… 

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