
In the Closet


Seungri’s eyes widened as he looked up into TOP’s eyes, just inches from his own. He glanced down at TOP’s lips unconsciously. Suddenly TOP took his hand off of the chair arm and flicked a piece of rice from just below Seungri’s bottom lip. He straightened up to look down at Seungri and let out a soft scoff. Seungri sat dumbstruck. What had he been thinking...? TOP scanned Seungri’s facial expression and for a moment his own softened. He caught himself and straightened up. “Later kid.” He turned and walked towards the door. Seungri sat motionless for a moment, his mouth hanging open and brows furrowed in confusion. His heart was still pounding. He breathed in one slow, deep breath and pushed himself out of his chair to follow TOP out the door.

“TOP. TOP. Wait for me!” He called after TOP, scurrying to catch up to TOP’s long strides. TOP stopped suddenly, causing Seungri to face plant straight into TOP’s upper back. He bounced off quickly, shocked.

“Ya. Kid. Why are you following me?” TOP asked nonchalantly with his back still towards Seungri.

“Let’s go together! We can take the same car, ok? You’re going the same way, right?” Seungri babbled in an attempt to brush off the strange atmosphere that had been created in the cafeteria.

“Ok, ok. C’mon then, keep up.” TOP said, not amused as he continued to the car with Seungri in tow. They settled in beside each other and began their ride.


I’m bringin’ y back. Yeh. Them mother - -


“Ah! My phone!” Seungri slid his phone out of his inner coat pocket and peered at the screen before answering. “Hyung, what’s up?” Seungri chirped. TOP’s eyes flicked toward where Seungri was seated and strained to look uninterested. “What you want me to come now? Got it.” Seungri hung up and stretched towards the front of the car. He tilted his head towards the manager driving and rested it against TOP’s shoulder. “Hyung. I need to go to the recording studio instead.”

“Why? Jiyong wants you to help him figure out some songs?” the manager hyung asked.

“Yeah.” Seungri replied as he leaned back into his seat. TOP looked out the window and sighed.

“Why are you going to help him? Since when did he need your help with songs? Especially this late at night.” TOP questioned annoyed.

“Since now.” Seungri snapped with a bratty expression on his face.

“Whatever, kid. He probably just wants someone who he can push around easily.” TOP countered angrily. Seungri sat silently unsure of how to respond to his hyung’s sudden outburst. They arrived just in time for Seungri to escape and bid TOP and his manager a quick goodbye.



“And that’s a wrap!” GD exclaimed and spun around to the couch that Seungri had been lounging on. It had taken hours to nail down the chorus but GD was finally satisfied with the new creation. “Seungri.” He called. Seungri had fallen fast asleep. His chest rose and fell rhythmically with each steady breath. His head nuzzled deeper into the firm leather cushion of the sofa. The corners of GD’s mouth turned up into a grin as he watched Seungri sleep so adorably. He tiptoed over and squatted next to where Seungri was sleeping. GD brushed the maknae’s hair aside softly and moved to put his jacket over him. Seungri’s loose t-shirt had slipped down, revealing his milky skin and pronounced collarbone. GD stared at the skin in front of him and cautiously lifted his hand towards it. He carefully touched the top of Seungri’s collarbone, wary of waking him. Seungri was still in deep sleep. GD lightly traced his finger over the rest of Seungri’s collarbone, the feeling sending a shiver down GD’s body. The shake of GD’s hand caused Seungri to stir in his sleep. Seungri’s head turned from the pillow up towards his hyung. GD pulled his hand away quickly and held his breath and body completely still to avoid waking Seungri. He peered at Seungri’s face, his eyes drifting across Seungri’s eyes and nose then down to his plump lips. GD involuntarily chewed on his own lips. He leaned in towards Seungri, unable to control himself any longer. He closed his eyes as he came within centimeters of Seungri’s lips; smelling the scent of shampoo as he closed in. Their lips brushed.

Suddenly the door swung open as Youngbae appeared, towel around his neck, headphones blasting music, and grooving obliviously into the room. Having just finished working on new choreography in the adjacent studio and had come in to check on GD’s song progress.

“Girl. I need a girl. Baby I need you - - “ He stopped mid-song as he realized what he had just walked into. “Jiyong what are you doing?!” He yelled outraged, receiving a glare from GD. GD raised his finger to his lips as he turned to face Youngbae unfazed.

 “Shh. You’ll wake him up.” He adjusted his jacket that was draped over Seungri caringly. He stood up and approached Youngbae. Youngbae’s heart was pounding. Not from surprise, but from something else. Could this be jealousy? Impossible. He shook his head. What he needed was a girl. As if in an attempt to convince himself of his own straightness (but more so to ensure nothing more would go on between GD and Seungri), he pushed past GD and shoved Seungri’s head into the couch roughly to wake him up before GD could protest.

 “Ya. Ya. Maknae. Get up.” Seungri sat up startled and rubbed his eyes. He blinked slowly as he looked up at the other two in the room.

“Hyung.” He looked at Youngbae with sleepy eyes. “What are you doing here?” He tilted his head to the side, his eyes still squinting sleepily at the bright light. His oversized shirt slipped down off of his right shoulder, revealing soft skin. Youngbae’s eyes widened. He almost toppled over from cuteness-overload. Lunging forward, he yanked up Seungri’s shirt.

“Ya! Why is your shirt so big? Wake up faster.” And with that, Taeyang ran out of the room, chanting “GIRL. I need a GIRL. GIRL. I need a GIRL…” His voice faded as he walked further down the hallway.

“What was that about…?” Seungri asked groggily. GD stared towards the door where Taeyang had been just moments ago. Then it clicked. Youngbae must be having feelings for Seungri too.

“Nothing.” GD replied. “Let’s leave together.” GD put his arm around Seungri’s neck playfully as they left. He pulled him closer, thinking about his new rival. 

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Chapter 3: Update pllzzzz
DithDith #2
Chapter 3: They’re in the closet.

Chapter 3: I wanna cry!!! Why aren't you updating author-nim? Please update, I love the story so far!
Yehet_HUNHAN11 #4
Chapter 3: ;-; author-nim~! When will this be updated? ;-; its so good
xjlove011 #5
Chapter 3: Finally, a seungri story where every one cares about him. Its hard to find a story like that. All most every story I read he is always the bad guy or left by him self. Thanks
Yehet_HUNHAN11 #6
Chapter 3: MOREEE!! This is so damn good author-nim! I love this.. gaaah..
ShazamJusticeLeague #7
Chapter 3: Lolssssss Great chapter
purplepurplegirl #8
Chapter 2: Baby riri why so cute