Baekhyun's Strange Girl


“You can talk to me, you know?” Baekhyun whispered one rainy day, as he and Areum, (the name he decided to call the strange girl with glassy violet eyes) sat on the warm wooden floor of his one-room apartment. She looked at him and bit her lip and then wrapped both of her arms to Baekhyun’s — an action she does whenever she’s sorry about something.

He sighed, trying not to get frustrated. How long has it been since he was woken up before his alarm clock, the doorbell on his apartment being abused, and opening the door to his house only to find a strange girl with nothing but a letter accompanied by her wonderful smile?

Baekhyun’s life has changed drastically; his routine was ruined, his consistent and constant life changing to spontaneous and moving. Now, he not only wake up and go through the day and follow plans which never change. For once in a long time, he now has to deal with all the weird, sometimes head-aching occurrences. All because of a girl.

His everyday life has been fun since she came; he reluctantly and adamantly denied that he was having fun and that his life is full of colors whenever being asked and teased about his change by his friends. He wasn’t really welcome about the change at first; Baekhyun saw Areum as a nuisance, and someone sent from the heavens to ruin his every, single plan.

But eventually, he learned to accept it, and heck, he liked it. He adores Areum, and he’s very up to keep her.

Though one thing frustrates him: she never talk.

Not even once Baekhyun heard or voice; whether a shriek, a gasp, a moan.


He tried jumping on her back, tickling her, surprising her the least she expects it. There were times that he deliberately hurt Areum physically (like pinching her on the side or flicking her forehead); she winced and pouted, but she never let out a voice.

Baekhyun thought she is mute, but he can’t really find out whether his assumption is true or not because one, she never speaks, and two, when he asked Areum to write it something,anything, she shook her head and looked at the pen and paper, then back to him with sad eyes.

No, I can’t write.

Not a single was uttered, but her expression made Baekhyun think that is so. Maybe because she’s a from another country? The color of her eyes are screaming foreigner to me, so that’s why she can’t write Hangul?

It doesn’t make sense to him though; she could clearly understand every single word he was saying. Baekhyun wanted to ask Areum to write it in English then but her sad expression stopped him from doing, so he dropped the subject and just explained to her the function of the alarm clock and why she doesn’t have to get so scared whenever it rings so loudly in the morning.

Two days later Baekhyun found out that Areum can’t read. Hangul, English, Chinese nor Japanese. She looked curiously at the and lines to the letters of each language, her expression puzzled and at the same time fascinated.

Areum wasn’t anywhere near a special case; she looked educated, acted primly and properly. She’s really normal (aside from the way she showed up) and so his mind was sent into the gutter as he tried to find reasons why a grown-up girl can’t read and write.

But the more Baekhyun thinks, the more he realizes how strange Areum really is: getting scared when he turned of the television, standing in front of the air-condition trying to figure out how and where the cold air comes from. Eyes rounding like marbles as she ate the cake, chocolate and lollipop he brought home with him as if it was her first time to taste those food.

Areum seemed like an…alien.

But Baekhyun doesn’t really believe in anything extraterrestrial. So there’s no way Areum is one.

There is definitely a reason to Areum’s strangeness, and being an alien is not one of them.


…so…err…yeah. this is a drabble and so the events won’t be chronologically arranged. Sometimes it may be like ch.1 and 2, but sometimes it won’t. Like this. I hope you guys won’t get confused too much.


Thank you for reading! ;)

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iloveftisland #1
This is so cute! I love it!
Oh Byunbaek. You don't know anything yet. Like me. Hurr hurr.
This is so freaking adorable. Wish the girl will start talking soon tbh. Hehe
Aw you changed it. But it's okay. I need more ByunBaek stories anyway hurr hurr.
Innocent love started at the library.
jasgfasj. Did my Suho just got rejected? Gasp!!!