Chapter 11 - It's Over

The Cases of the Missing Lemon Candy!

Chapter 11 - It's Over

Hoya walked behind Sunggyu and Dongwoo with his arms crossed. He wanted this all to end. Hoya was walking next to Woohyun who seemed to be talking nonsense again.  He could not believe that someone tried to kill Sungjong and that girl.  He was shocked that Sungjong was able to fall in love that easily.  What happened to the fearless maknae who takes no crap from anyone?


"Howon!" Sunggyu called, "Pay attention and stop worrying Sungjong ans Hana will be find with Myungsoo and Sungyeol!"


Hoya looked towards Sunggyu, "I just have a bad feeling about something hyung."  Hoya looked in the distance.


"We are going to Hana's uncles place and arresting him. What more do you need?" Sunggyu asked.


"I think we are walking right into a trap." Hoya said and everyone came to a stop.


"Hyung he as a point!" Woohyun said. This was the first time he had agreed with Hoya in a while.


"I think he wants us to go to his office. My animal instincts are telling me to go back to headquarters." Hoya said.


"Gyu Gee Gee what should we do?" Dongwoo asked.


"Lets head home. I am trusting you with this Howon." Sunggyu said as he turned around to head back to their home.




Hana had fallen asleep in Sungjong's arms.  He fixed her bangs and smiled.  Sungjong closed his eyes and fell asleep with Hana in his arms.


A few hours have passed and Hana's eyes popped open. She looked the dark room and smiled when she noticed she was in Sungjong's arms.  Hana heard something again and shook Sungjong.


"Five more minutes." Sungjong nuzzled his head into Hana's neck.


"Jonggie oppa I hear something?" Hana said shaking him again.


"It is probably Sungyeol hyung joking around." Sungjong said as he opened on eye and kissed Hana on her cheek, "Go back to sleep."


"Sungjong I don't think it's..." Hana said and noticed Myungsoo come into the room dragging Sungyeol who's shoulder was bleeding. "What happened?"


"We under attack." Myungsoo said as he tried to stop the bleeding. 


The door to the room suddenly opened, "Hana!" My uncle called, "What do you think you are doing hanging out with detectives?"


"Solving my problem." Hana said in a small voice. 


"I don't see any problem here. You're a thief that should be arrested." Hana's uncle said as he entered the room. "You are the one who is stealing from all the Lemon Candy shops." He smirked.


"Because you threaten me.  It is not like I had a choice."  Hana said with her arms crossed. "They all know the truth and Tablo oppa is going to stop you."


"What can my old friend do?"  Tablo smirked.


"Your old friend can arrest you for child abuse." Tablo came out of the shadows.  "Myungsoo bring Sungyeol to Sunggyu and Dongwoo.  They are outside buy Dongwoo's car.  They will bring Sungyeol to the hospital."


Myungsoo nodded and helped Sungyeol out of the room.   Tablo looked back at his old friend.


"My silly brother had to give the company in his will.  I still don't understand why he did not give it to his flesh and blood." Hana's uncle yelled.


"He did not give it to you because you are horrible with money.  The company belongs to Hana once she turns twenty-five.  Your brother wanted me to be in charge till Hana came of age. Hana is the heir of the company."


"Why do you think I was trying to get her arrested." Hana's uncle grinned.


"Even if she was arrested you still would not have access to the accounts.  Your brother said if anything happened to Hana, I would still be the head of the company. "


"Hyung we caught the rest of them." Hoya said as he entered the room with Woohyun. His eyes darted towards Hana's uncle.  "Can we take him into custody now hyung?"


"Mithra will Howon.  I am scared why you would do to him for almost killing Sungjong." Tablo said as Mithra came out of the shadows and placed handcuffs on Hana's uncle and started to read Hana's uncles his rights.


Tablo let out a sigh and walked over to Hana and placed a hand on her head, "Hana sii you are welcome to live with me, my wife and my daughter Haru." Tablo smiled. "Haru would be happy to have an older sister."


"Nehh I will do that." Hana smiled and bowed when Tablo left.  She looked up and saw Hoya looking at her. "Do you have a problem with me?"


"No, but..." Hoya spoke.


"Hyung do not bring up story of the birds and the bees." Sungjong said as he grabbed Hana's hand. He was planning their escape already.


"Yahh Sungjong..." Hoya barked as they made a run for it. 


"Let them be Howonnie." Woohyun smirked.




Hana and Sungjong made their way to the Han River and sat down on a bench.  Sungjong reached over and pushed some hair out of Hana's eyes.


"Sungjong oppa I am glad I met you." Hana rested her head on his shoulder.


"I am glad I met you to Hana. I am also glad there are no obstacles to keep us apart now." Sungjong kissed Hana's cheek.


"Oppa." Hana lifted her head from his shoulder.


Sungjong looked at her and felt her lips against his.  She pulled away moments later. "I love you."


"I love you too."


an - please read the thank you page. I hope you enjoyed this fic. *throws hearts*

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Lemon Candy: 9/27/12 - I am putting this on temporary hiatus


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MyKpopAdicted #1
Chapter 10: The font is so hard to read >.< can u change it???
sakinaa #2
the title is so cute. and the story is pretty interesting :D this story just make my day
Rianne2580 #3
Chapter 12: I didn't realize this fic was over... I don't remember commenting or reading it.. :O
It was lovely unni :) hehe :3
Super cute :) and don't worry! For my sons I write short too.
I think one son is only gonna have like 15 chapters... :O

But anyway. This was adorable :) I loved it :) everyone had such an important role but most of all Hoya :) lol HoJong :) hehe :3
So protective it was great really:)
shinyoung97 #4
Chapter 11: She has been forced to stole lemon candy by her uncle???
But i'm glad it's over now and happy with sung jong and it's so cute to see sung jong fall in love ^_^
Rianne2580 #5
Chapter 7: 11 chapters!?! what... :O
it's okay though :)

and she is Tablo's goddaughter :) hehe :3 yayyy! <3 that's good..

and sungjong and her are so cuteee..
adibah #6
Rianne2580 #7
Chapter 6: Oh gosh.. :o Tablo is here too..

And Sungjong.. ;O you should have answered your phone... >.>

15 chapters!! WOOT :) heheh :3