
Be Mine LuHan!

     Nothing. Absolutely nothing could get me up from my death bed. 

     Days, maybe weeks, have passed getting the same lethal injection every night. They were supposed to provide my body with the right nutrients to keep this empty shell of mine alive. Yet I feel so damned. 

     I feel myself forgetting everyday of something. Each day it becomes fainter and fainter in my mind. It started off with little things, then I couldn't even remember what day of the week it was. Then I started forgetting names...


     "It's Taylor, master Joon" The man in a crisp suit said while pouring me tea. The tea I won't drink. 

     "Haha, you know I'm joking", I put a faint grin on my face. 

Taylor walked over to me, and held to tea towards me. 

     "You know I won't drink it," 

     "Enough is enough Sehun. I know I'm just a butler, but I draw the line, drink it" 

He kept his arm extended and held the tea still. I turned my head to the side and stared out the window. 

     "Do you know...", my voice drained for a moment. 

"Do you know how hard it is? How hard it is to live without the one person you care for the most? The only thing that can keep a person like me alive. Taylor, I'm done, I'm done" , my throat tightened for a second, holding back my dry tears. 

     "Drink it now," I could see his hands starting to shake. 

      "Enough Taylor," I lightly shifted his hand over, then suddenly there was a clatter. 

The tea fell, the plate, tiny pot, everything. The next thing I realized, he was on top of me. 

Hands gripped around my throat, I felt beads of water drop onto my cheek as my throat closed up.  


     Water, water, water everywhere. Every single direction you look at, water. 

Its been about three weeks since Jay and I have been on this damned island. We've both got new names: Jason, and I'm Noel. 

We don't have jobs, since Jay brought a crapload of money. I'm not allowed to work as a model, or we'll be caught. 

Living with Jay, I'll say one thing: full of . All this man can think about it . Day and night it doesn't matter. But I never regret the decision, to get Sehun back. I'll be in the worst of pains, but he keeps me going. 

We're out at the market, wearing caps and my hair dyed a darker brown. I feel a tap on my shoulder, followed by a harsh voice: 

     "LuHan Canton, I need you to come with me," 


A/N: Hey guys, I know it's short, I'm sick :/. Keep reading and thanks for subscribing. I thank everyone of you, love love <3

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Ill update this weekend


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awesome ! !!!! xS YEWHET @!
Tata_HDZ #2
Chapter 26: So sad how Luhan and Sehun can't be together...
They suffering for each other...
Please Update Soon ^^
Chapter 26: Why do I have a feeling that Luca is Lucas and that Lucas is someone Taylor knows? I also think that one of those shots that they are giving Sehun is to erase his memories so that he will forget about Luhan.
It's too much of a coincidence that Luca would have s€x with Sehun and then get the shot... This entire Luhan-Sehun situation is so freaking twisted but it's totally my piece of cake! I just found this story and it's SOOOOOO GOOD. I totally love it already XD
Update soon! XD
Chapter 25: Yes I know it's not an updated chapter, just added the poll. Don't worry one will be coming soon!
Bambivn #5
oh my god! your fic is so great. can i translate it into Vietnamese , please ?
Chapter 19: HEY!!!!!!!!
don't tell me this is the last chapter!!!!!!!!!! O___O!!!!
it's been a while since u updated the last ona!!!!!!
Chapter 19: short chapters
the cutest and most romantic hunhan fanfic <3
@SweetLotion I know I'm a monster looooll
Nooreen... You're cruel
Awwww Sehunnie! Find a way to kill that bastard! Then take Luhan into your arms & live happily ever after!