Let's Make a Deal

Be Mine LuHan!
When Sehun regained consciousness, he was on a private plane, with LuHan leaning against his shoulder and Jonathan staring at him. He jumped in his seat and Canton giggled back at him. "I was waiting for you to he the first to wake up," Canton started. Sehun stared back blankly. "Let's make a deal-" he began "No I want MY question answered this time. What is your relationship with LuHan?", Sehun said demandingly. "Well since you're getting yourself involved in this, you might as well know. LuHan is my stepson." Sehun shuddered at this. "I married his mother for her money, but then she got cancer and all of it is being using up for her chemo. So since I have no use for her anymore, I decided a divorce was the right way to go. LuHan found out and he started working for me in order to delay the divorce, but now I'm done with her and I still need a worker", Canton paused and took a sip of his wine. "That's where you come in. If you want LuHan to be able to live freely, you come with me and live as my son. I am planning on entering the political world and I need you to do the dirty work behind the scenes." Sehun paused for a while, trying to digest everything in. His head began to spin, how could this have happened? Sehun snapped himself back and replied strongly, "I will stay with you, as long as you provide money for LuHan every month. That is my only request." "Haha I knew you wouldn't settle things easily, but sure I will grant you this, but you must follow everything single thing I ask." Sehun turned and looked at LuHan's sleeping face, finally you won't have to suffer he thought. "Deal," Sehun said reaching over and signing his name on the contract.
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Ill update this weekend


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awesome ! !!!! xS YEWHET @!
Tata_HDZ #2
Chapter 26: So sad how Luhan and Sehun can't be together...
They suffering for each other...
Please Update Soon ^^
Chapter 26: Why do I have a feeling that Luca is Lucas and that Lucas is someone Taylor knows? I also think that one of those shots that they are giving Sehun is to erase his memories so that he will forget about Luhan.
It's too much of a coincidence that Luca would have s€x with Sehun and then get the shot... This entire Luhan-Sehun situation is so freaking twisted but it's totally my piece of cake! I just found this story and it's SOOOOOO GOOD. I totally love it already XD
Update soon! XD
Chapter 25: Yes I know it's not an updated chapter, just added the poll. Don't worry one will be coming soon!
Bambivn #5
oh my god! your fic is so great. can i translate it into Vietnamese , please ?
Chapter 19: HEY!!!!!!!!
don't tell me this is the last chapter!!!!!!!!!! O___O!!!!
it's been a while since u updated the last ona!!!!!!
Chapter 19: short chapters
the cutest and most romantic hunhan fanfic <3
@SweetLotion I know I'm a monster looooll
Nooreen... You're cruel
Awwww Sehunnie! Find a way to kill that bastard! Then take Luhan into your arms & live happily ever after!