I wonder what is wrong with minhye. To think that she actually shouted at and slapped her unnie. After shouting at her, i felt a pang of guilt taking over my heart and my stomache was all clenched up. We sat around the couch waiting for breakfast to be ready as well as the people to be done getting ready.
Soon, breakfast started and we ate heartily. Breakfast deluxe was nice as usual since it was prepared by the chef jonghoon. Like SHINee, they have the almighty umma, key while FT island have the not-so-almighty-but-still-can-make-it-chef-wannabe jonghoon. Right after breakfast was done, we washed up and headed for school.
" Minhye ... you forgot your phone " I handed the phone that she left on the couch
She took the phone off my hand, not even sparing me a glance. Sigh, this really hurt like a thousand of knives piercing through my heart.
I wanted to talk to her badly, to make sure that she wasn't mad at me but i'm sure that's almost impossible since she really hated people shouting at her. But she really shouldn't slap min like that, not to mention shout at her. I've heard min's side of the story, i'm going to ask minhye later.
So we went out of the house and made our way to the car.
" Enjoy your school alright? " Min patted both of the girl's head like a mother
Why would minhye shout at this kind nature?
" Whatever .. " Min commented and threw her hand away
I inwardly sighed and she sat at the back together with nara. They were whispering to each other, prolly telling each other about what happened earlier, because i saw minhye glaring at min every one second.
Soon, we arrived to the usual place we'll alight them. The girls alighted here while seunghyun, minhwan & jaejin remained in their seats. For a change, we decided to drive them into the school so that they won't be stucked outside of the school compound because of the screaming fangirls. Too bad, we couldn't drive the girls in too, since nara couldn't be seen with us.
The girls were approaching the schoolgates when we entered the school 's " Alighting point " After the three got off, we drove off as we sent min to her dorm.
Min was unhappy the whole morning. It's no wonder why she is since min unnie came. She's really good at faking. To be honest, when she stepped in, she doesn't have any mean aura around her but it surfaced when minhye told me everything, from the start. Fancy getting jealous over a 18 year old girl.
" Are you feeling much better now? " I flung my arm over her shoulders
" Yeah i guess so .. since Mr Kim's lesson is the first! " She laughed
" So girls, we'll see you later during lunch break? " Jaejin oppa said
The both of us nodded and we went in to our classroom.
- Lunchbreak -
" Finally! Lunchbreak is here!!! " Minhye stretched her arms and cracked her neck, i giggled at her expression
Some of our classmates came over, approaching us.
" Minhye, could you give this to your brother? " One of the girl asked, shoving her a box
" Minhye, this too .. this is to hongki "
" Minhye Minhye, this is to seunghyun "
Soon, minhye's tables were full of their presents.
" Anyways minhye, do you want any food? We can go get for you and send it to the room that you always eat " The girl who wanted her present to be delivered to seunghyun said
Minhye didn't have any time to respond before another group of girls came over.
" Well well, are you girls bothering minhye again? " Once she said that, every girls scooted off and ran out of the classroom
Minhye rollled her eyes.
" Try'na steal my spotlight? Girl, that ain't nice .. and i advise you to stop hanging out with the five of them. Don't think you're jonghoon's dongsaeng, you can flirt with MY seunghyun " she warned, with a irritable face
Since when seunghyun is hers?
" Like since when seunghyun is yours? Whatever, let's go " She turn towards me and made our way out, carrying the presents.
" Why do you need to give them now when we'll be meeting them later at home? " I asked, curiously
" Cause they don't know i'm living with them .. But not many people knows that i'm his dongsaeng too. Well, except for this school. My relationship with oppa isn't being publicised. Like, it's natural that this school people have to know for i don' t know what reasons. But yeah, the manager always wanted another girl to be living in the dorm with me to avoid unwanted news. & you came along, you have no idea, how much he feels thankful for you to be here. But of course, we're not using you " She smiled
" Silly! I knew that .. I understand now " I ruffled her hair
There were girls waiting outside of the room, causing a road block.
" Sorry excuse me, we need to get through " Minhye said
" Ahh minhye you're here .. please give all this to the members " They landed more presents on her, not caring how many was she carrying already
" If i give all of this to them, will you all shut up and leave already? Seriously, give the boys some peace " She rolled her eyes and used little effort that she has to click open the door
The crowd, including me was shock at her words but i guess, she was a person who uses harsh words to get her meaning across to everyone & besides, she's the victim of all this. Guess being a dongsaeng of a celebrity isn't this easy and cool. Having to deal with fake friends and all that.
" Hyunnie ah, minhwannie ah & jin oppa .. all these are yours " She plopped it all down and jumped on the couch not caring her image
" Seat properly, will you? " I slapped her exposed thighs
" what? I'm wearing a short .. see? " She attempted to flash her shorts to me when i stopped
The boys shook their heads, seems like its a norm to them.
" See, told you that she's a guy in disguise " Seunghyun half whispered to me
" Pabo! "
The three of them opened their presents while we walked towards the table to grab our food.
" Aren't you guys eating? " I asked
" We ate already, we wanted to badly wait for you all but we're too hungry " They hung their heads down fearing that the lioness will rant at them
" Pabo fine, next time don't expect us to wait for you all. " She rolled her eyes
Seunghyun came and sat in between of us, the distant was seriously killing me, it was like absolutely no gap as i could feel his thighs against mine. He was playing around with minhye.
" Awww ... " He poked her sides that made her tickle
" Stop it, pabo! " She cracked a laughter
Guess the both of them look compatible with each other, & seunghyun likes her. Now i wish minhye didn't like hongki, so seunghyun won't be disappointed or sad if hongki & minhye ends up together. Okay, what am i thinking of ? Nara .. wake up!
" .... - Nara, are you okay? " I heard someone 's voice
I blushed & i looked away, realising seunghyun's face was a mere inch away from mine.
" Neh? " I asked, stuttering
" Hahaha! you're cute .. i was just confirming you're really coming later to watch us rehearse right? " He smiled
" Er yeah .. " I smiled
I was burning hot inside, at the word he used. First, his thighs brushed against mine. Second, his face was super near mine and thirdly, he called me cute. I'm so gonna be out of breath soon. After awhile when we're done with food, we walked out of the room. The girls were still outside.
" Thank you everyone for your presents, we love it " The three of them thanked them and made our way to our classroom
As we were behind them, some nasty comments were really audible. 
" Why does that get to go inside the room? I thought that room is not open to anyone except from minhye? Pfft, some of the people tried so hard to get minhye's attention but she paid nothing to it. "
" Yeah! I heard some people said that minhye's attention is really hard to get. I wonder what she did ... " Another one commented
I saw minhye's fist clenched together, she turned around and marched back to the girls which they she's gonna say something nice to them.
The girls looked scared and gulped down their saliva.
The girls came to me and they apologised in unison, bowing as they did.
" It's okay, don't worry " I smiled
" NOW SCRAM ... !! " She shouted as they ran to their classes
" I know you wish that i'm seunghyun right ? " She wriggled her eyebrows
" Shut up! " I slapped her arms playfully
" Babe, you're blushing & i know you're nervous when he sat with us right ? right ? " She laughed
I stopped in my tracks, legs too weak to move.
" Gotcha! & if you're thinking if seunghyun likes me, he doesn't.. if i have to repeat this umpteen times, i wouldn't mind so long as it gets in your head so now let's go before we're late for class " She pushed me as i laughed
Comfortably settled down in class, we resumed class. Soon, it was time for school to end which this is definitely my favourite part since we're going to watch them rehearse today. The guys practically ran out of the classroom, while some girls again, made their way to us. I seriously think we need to learn how to move fast.
" Hey minhye, did you pass it to them yet? Thank you so much! " The girls thanked them while minhye smiled back
" Got to go, see you tomorrow! " She waved and walked out
On our way out, girls were saying bye bye to her and some to even me. How did i even get my name so popular like her? We made our way to where we were alighted earlier.
" Hello oppas " The both of us greeeted, minhye obviously didn't look at hongki
" So girls, how was your day? " Hongki oppa tried to break the tension
" Good! Loads of fun .. " I answered, hoping that minhye will do the same
She just kept quiet as she looked outside of the window. Hongki oppa sighed and gave up while jonghoon oppa gave him a supportive pat on his shoulders, i guess he knew what happened. I guess jonghoon oppa is the kind of person who won't into people's lives unneccessirly.
" We have to drive into their school, jaejin just called me and said that the crowds are too hard to handle today " Hongki oppa informed
Jonghoon nodded & he drove in. Once we manage too drive through, the three of them flashed a smile of relieve as jaejin took the lead when he opened the door & came in with the rest rushing in. The crowd tried their best to peep inside but as the glasswindows was tinted, they couldn't see anything.
" Thanks hyung.. they are pretty crazy today " Minhwan said
" Haha, but we'll be hopeless without them .. oh, the irony! " Hongki stated
We made our way to the studio, most of the artist were at their own studio waiting room practising. As FT island's practise room was right at the end, we managed to passby Beast, Big Bang, 2NE1, SNSD, Kara, T-ara, 4 MINUTE, SHINee, Super junior's waiting room.
I saw nara's surprised/nervous/excited expression while we walked past the room.
" Do you wanna say hello to any of them? " I asked
" We can do that? " Her eyes widened
" Oppa, can we? " I turned to jonghoon oppa
" Haha of course dearies, you know where to find us when you're done. But come back soon, we don't know what time we'll be called in"
We stopped right infront of Big Bang's room as the rest of them walked towards their waiting room.
" Big bang first? " I asked
" But i don't really know them .. i only know them as big bang " She bit her lips
" Haha silly, don't worry .. "
I knocked on the door and heard GD oppa's loud '' Come in " I opened the door and they all stood up, surprised about my surprise visit.
" Minhye!! Come in come in! " GD ushered both of us
" Hello! " I greeted, bowing
" Is this your friend? " TOP oppa asked
" Hello, my name is Lee Nara, i came from singapore .. nice to meet you " Everyone extended their arms to reach a hug
" Yah! Yah! Yah! Is this how you treat your oppas? Fancy not bringing your friend to meet us earlier! " Taeyang complained
" Haha mianhae, she's residing with us now. So drop by okay? "
They nodded and we left the room after saying goodbye.
" They really like you! " I laughed as i nudged her elbows
" Nah, they are just being friendly" She denied
" They don't hide their feelings, so they really likes you! " I insisted
We walked further and reached 2NE1's room.
" Let's just say hello to everyone in this stretch.. haha, i'll make you enter the kpop world! " I delightly clapped my hands
I knocked on the door and their manager ; Kim joong opened the door.
" Ah minhye ah .. hello! It's been long.. come on in, i was about to go for a meeting upstairs "
He waved as he made his way out.
" Hello minji! Hello bom unnie! Hello dara unnie, Hello chaeRin unnie! It's been so long since we've met! " All of us reached for a hug
" Hello, what's your name? " Dara asked
" Erm hello, my name is Lee Nara .. nice to meet you! " She bowed
" Hello Nara! Nice to meet you too ... we're 2NE1! Do you know us? " Dara unnie excitedly ask
She awkwardly tried to find an answer before ChaeRin unnie in.
" Are you korean? "
" Nope .. i'm from singapore " She smiled
" Ahhh .. that explains it. Let's introduce ourselves! "
Nara smiled, feeling relieved.
" I'm Park Bom .. Hello! "
" I'm Minji, the maknae .. hello! "
" I'm ChaeRin, the leader .. Hello! "
" & i'm Dara .. Hello! "
All of them smiled as they too, took turns to give a friendly hug to nara.
" You're be staying right? " Bom unnie asked
" Yeah, FT island's way behind " I said
" Ahh good, see you later! "
With that, we left the room.
" We're going in to B2ST's room ? Ahh i know this .. my friend who likes kpop kept singing to their songs! " Nara excitedly exclaimed
Hello everyone!
So so so so so so so sorry for the very late reply, i promise i'll TRY to be constant,
hope you guys enjoy this chapter.
with love,
- author.
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Love the story!<br />
Ashleee89 #2
Please keep writing! I want to read more of your great story!
thankz for updating...this chapter really hongki together with minhye..waited for the next chapter..감사합니다
Ashleee89 #4
Thank you for updating! I have been waiting! This chapter is so good!!! I am happy it was a long one! Finally hongki is with min :)
Ashleee89 #5
........... :(
Ashleee89 #6
Please update :)
NoyKpopNoy #7
Please update soon ! I realy like this story :P And what about some nara & seunghyun ? (;<br />
<br />
I upload a first chapter of new story staring ft island, It would be great if you'll read it :) annyeong ♥
ShineeRocksForever #8
scarletdance ;; THANKYOU SO SO MUCH! Hehe.
I can't wait for the next chapter! Hongki hwaiting! ^^
ya..same like me, hihi..<br />
btw thankz fo update.