
What I'm a PARENT ?
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Yoobin angrily took out a backpack and stuffed all of her clothes inside. She opened another bag and started to shove all her belongings in as well. As her hands came across the picture frame of her and Jessica together, more anger built up inside her and she threw the thing across the room.

Memories stirred up and then those disgusting scene unleashed itself.


Yoobin was bothered by Jessca's supposedly boyfriend and was determined to get an answer from Jessica.  She needed an explaination and she wanted one now. So heading back to SM she searched for Jessica, coincidently she had bumped into Tiffany and the latter had told her that Jessica was in the gym, working some things out for an upcoming event at SM harmony festival. The redhead showed Yoobin the way to the gym before heading off to meet Ye eun.

Though somehow the tan girl regretted her decision. Her eyes widen and fingers balled into a fist.

There before her... was Jessica kissing that man... he wasn't any man though... he was Kim Jonghyun... Her heart clenched and she felt an unbearable pain stabbed through her chest. Uncontrollable tears were threatening to spill but she held them back for the sake of her pride.  She wanted to badly to run away from the scene right now but her feet were glued to the floor.

From the corner of Jessica's eyes she had seen a dark shadow over her.  Someone was here. She immediately broke the kiss with Jonghyun and readily turned back to scold at the intruder but the wordsgot caught in when she say whom it was. Without another word the girl before her left the gym in a flash, remembering to slam the door with a BANG!

*End of Flashback*

"What are you doing?" An astounded Jessica asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" was the cold reply she got back. Yoobin swung two bags over her shoulder and was heading out the door. Jessica's gripped on her arm made her turn back.

"It's not what you think it..."

"Oh really Jung? Not what I think... Then what is it? First he declare he's your boyfriend and then I see you guys hitting it off in the gym. When did you guys started seeing each other?"

"Today... he asked me to be his girlfriend today..." That blew it. Yoobin was feed up, everything shattered. Everything she felt grew numb and only jealousy was runnig through her viens. She shrugged Jessica hold of her and scoffed in the shorter girl's face.

"You told me not to CHEAT on you but it's ironic how YOU'RE the one cheating on me!" the tan girl bellowed back. Her eyes were burning with anger as she cursed the girl infront of her. With teary eyes Jessica retorted;

"It's not my fault if I'm in love with him okay! I've known him since forever and you? We barely know each other until our stupid, future daughter came into my life. If that STUPID CHILD didn't show up and mess up everything then this wouldn't have happened."  Small sniffed could be heard and when Yoobin turned her head to where the sound was coming from she saw her little cry standing in the hall way crying. Her heart ached and she glared at the person who had caused this.

"Sorry if Yumi and I had ruined your life. Well you should be happy now cause this burden that you have to dealt with will leave you now! Goodbye Jessica Jung!"  Yoobin held her daughter's hand and led the little girl out of the house. Speeding away in her motorcycle with all her belongings she went to the one place that she knew would helped her.

Jessica stood there in silence...

What in the world have she done?


Yoobin opened the door to the bar; Upstair was a small room where Yoobin and Yumi could stay the night. It was only for one night and Yoobin decided that she would find a place for them tomorrow.  Putting their luggage down on the floor, Yoobin turned to still see the little girl crying. Gently brushing the tears away she embraced her baby in her arms and the girl head. Hoping it would stop the girl from crying.

"Does mummy hate me?" Yumi whispered into Yoobin's ear as she tighted her grip around her older. " Mummy hate me doesn't she? She won't have me anymore will she?" Her sniffing turned into sobs and now the little girl was breaking down again.

"Shhhh... She doesn't deserve you, Yumi. I'll promise you that no matter what happens with or without Jessica in our life. You will be made okay?" Yoobin flashed a reassuring smile to her daughter before tucking the little girl to sleep.

There was a knock down stairs. Seeing her baby fast asleep, she tiptoed down stairs only to be greeted by a man in a black suit with a few body guards with him.

Her eyes narrowed at the sight and she pursed her lips. He was the last person she wanted to see in the world.

"Hey Yoobin. It's been a long time."


Sohee watched the girl before her in agony. Maintaing a straight face she watched her daughter and husband holding hands while jumping around in circles. Krystal had a gleeful smile spread across her face.

Though Sohee didn't mind the fact Krystal was her other half, she couldn't helped but felt a little curiousity to what happened to her unprofound love to Yuri. The black pearl had always had a place in her heart and Sohee always had this desires for her. Yes... Sohee likes bad girls...

She wandered how or what must have happened for her to married Krystal instead.

Krystal turned to see Sohee's with a blank expression on her face. The latter look rather annoyed, so swiftly, krystal hopped over to Sohee and slighlty tapped the latter shoulder...

"Hey are you okay...?" Honestly, Krystal couldn't tell where the mandoo before her was spacing out or irritated. Krystal was scared...

Sohee averted her attention to Krystal and questioned the girl with her eyes. Seeing Sohee's eyes caused butterflies to grow in the Ice Princess. Krystal started playing with her fingers and mumbling before Sulli barged in between them.

"Mum. Dad. Can we please visit Aunt Tiffany's house please?" Sulli plead with her adorable eyes. Sohee quirked her

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Chapter 1: please update soon
boy_bingo27 #2
Chapter 23: Please update ....
boy_bingo27 #3
Chapter 23: Yoobin with Jessica. Ah... I like this!!! ❤
I waiting next chapter this story ❤
info_kh99 #4
Chapter 23: Author long time, please update!!!!!!
new reader here. like your story so far i love the WonderGeneration pairings!!
Chapter 23: Lol. Sohee always got what she wants.

Sohee's sure name reminds me of soojung's character on high kick 3, which is "ahn soojung".
There's actually a song titled ahn soojung too. Hahahaha

Why so short tho T-T
Update soon
Chapter 23: Awww yay ;p sohee and Krystal! whats with the atmosphere of yoobin and Jessica? And yeeun and Tiffany? Thanks for updating!
24 streak #8
Chapter 22: update more author-shi...i like your story ...........please........i want more.....

poor Yumi....
jeshibang2 #9
finally you are back..
Chapter 22: ohmygodddd im like whaaat an new update?!!! wow that's is a surprise! i'm glad to have you back! best wishes to you and it's good that you are finishing what you started :P thank you so much for the update!