The whoops and oops

What I'm a PARENT ?
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Hello guys. Hope you guys like the update and thanks to new subscribers :)  Thank You. Also hope you like who yuri is paired up with :)


Yoobin watched in displeased at the scene unveiled before her. She had walked into the SM’s lecture theatre that day to be met with an unpleasant surprise. There beside Jessica was a man whom Yoobin most dislike. His confident smile when he had his hand wrapped around Jessica’s shoulder caused an emotion unknown to Yoobin stirred in her tummy.  Her members all walked into the room unknown to their president feelings expect for one girl.

Jessica had failed to see the other councils came in as she was too busy with her new found interest. It was only till she heard a scoffed that caused her to turn to the sound. Met with piercing eyes Jessica immediately shrugged the hands off her shoulder, but only to have them back on her again and this time the man beside her pulled her closer to him.

She watched the tan girl strode into the door with a dark expression on her face. She bit down her bottom lip and her palms became sweaty. Before she could speak, Uee had beat her to it.

“Whoa. I see the president of SM has brought her boy toy he re, today.”  It immediately caused the man next to her to rise up in anger. Uee smirked and shrugged the piercing glare coming her way.

“I am her boyfriend.” He stated in front of the crowd, Jessica immediately glanced over to see the JY president’s reaction but the other girl kept a poker face.

“Nice to know that, but we are not interested. Can we please get to the point of this meeting that you guys have called on?” Yoobin said in a cold voice. Her eyes fixed on Jessica’s boyfriend. She leaned back on her chair and waited.  The other JY’s councils’ smirk grew, when they saw the man speechless and dejectedly sat back down.


The whole session about the stage decoration was pretty much like their first. Arguments and screaming could be heard from across the hall. Each side was jabbing at each other and what bothered Jessica were Yoobin’s short but powerful remarks.

Each statement caught the other girl off guard and each statement would end the arguments in silence. At the end of the day the two schools, finally agreed on a decision. Walking out the door without a glance, the tan girl returned to her old self. Ye eun bit down her lower lip knowing full well the reason for the president changed in behaviour.  She heaved out a sigh before throwing an apologetic look towards a redhead as she walked out the door.

The oldest of the five had decided to take off early without the others. It was a considerably bitter day for the girl so it was understandable. The others pondered on the reason for their president odd manner but decided to keep it to themselves thinking it was her personal problem soon a voice broke into the silence and everyone realised another missing victim.



 Krystal’s phone vibrated furiously as she hid her red-glassy rim eyes under her blankets. She had been crying the night before and now her whole face was swollen.  She grudging turned to her side and took a look at her phone. Uttering a curse under her breath, her eyes bludged at the Id caller and quickly jumped out of her bed. Hurriedly getting dressing then rushed out the house.  Now before Sohee’s house butterflies started to fluttered within as she waited. There before her was a little girl greeting her back with a small sm

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Chapter 1: please update soon
boy_bingo27 #2
Chapter 23: Please update ....
boy_bingo27 #3
Chapter 23: Yoobin with Jessica. Ah... I like this!!! ❤
I waiting next chapter this story ❤
info_kh99 #4
Chapter 23: Author long time, please update!!!!!!
new reader here. like your story so far i love the WonderGeneration pairings!!
Chapter 23: Lol. Sohee always got what she wants.

Sohee's sure name reminds me of soojung's character on high kick 3, which is "ahn soojung".
There's actually a song titled ahn soojung too. Hahahaha

Why so short tho T-T
Update soon
Chapter 23: Awww yay ;p sohee and Krystal! whats with the atmosphere of yoobin and Jessica? And yeeun and Tiffany? Thanks for updating!
24 streak #8
Chapter 22: update more author-shi...i like your story ...........please........i want more.....

poor Yumi....
jeshibang2 #9
finally you are back..
Chapter 22: ohmygodddd im like whaaat an new update?!!! wow that's is a surprise! i'm glad to have you back! best wishes to you and it's good that you are finishing what you started :P thank you so much for the update!