Downside To Reality

Maybe In Reality


Most private schools I’ve seen consisted mainly of the best of everything.

The best teachers, the best curriculum, the best dorms and most of all the best hardworking students who wanted nothing more than to be at the very top of their class, not to mention make their parents proud of them….

But why the hell wasn’t that the case here?

As I closed the door to my haven, the sounds of mixed beats and obnoxious chatter filled my ears. The halls were b with students of every type and style, the once white walls were covered in graffiti and the carpeted floor were ripped and torn in multiple places. The dorm looked like a hotel, rooms extending from each side into infinity. The lights seemed to get dimmer and dimmer as the dorm rooms went on. I earned a few stares from a few kids jumbling by, a shocking blonde with prominent pink streaks marked one of the kid’s hair while another contained an ice blue. I shook my head and stared at my feet, unable to move.  

“Hey , out of the way.” Someone growled as I was pushed to the side, almost colliding with the door I just closed. I winced as my shoulder emitted a slight pain from the impact.

“What the was that for you bi—“ I huffed and quickly my heel expecting to scare the person who just shoved me less. I generated my ugliest face I could ever muster in my life but instead came face first into that someone’s fist.

I couldn’t even grasp what was going on at the moment, all I did was walk out of my shared bedroom and it seemed I just waltzed right into hell. I teetered on the verge of balance and gave in to gravity as my hit the ground hard, my back sliding against the dirty walls and accumulating more stains on my shirt than needed. What ever happened to civilized human beings?

I held my right cheek in pain as I slowly felt the tears come to my eyes; I couldn’t even look up at the person who just hit me. It was as if my eyes were glued to the ground as I just huddled into a ball unable to do anything. If they wanted to kill me right then and now, I would be done for it. Just let me say my prayers real quick.

“I told you to get out of my way, if you’re gonna be a little smartass and try to talk back at me again the next time it happens, then you already know what’s coming to you.” The voice was sickly sweet, a girl. Venom dripped with every syllable she spoke and I couldn’t help but cringe on the inside.

“Got it?” she asked.

“I said, GOT IT?” She yelled.

I felt her hand grab my chin in haste, making me look up; I had no choice but to stare her in the eyes.

I swallowed all my pride and nodded my head in agreement.

She didn’t look like much to me, her voice was fairly annoying to begin with but if I ever ran into her on the streets, I would have never thought twice about how innocent she looked. He hair was pure black, slightly curled with a pretty hairband, her complexion was beautiful, almost porcelain white, and she dressed like a little antique doll. Her attitude didn’t match her face at all, but after meeting Sarang Eonni, I learned not to judge people by the way they looked or their interests.

“Well, then…let’s make sure not to ‘run’ into each other again, okay? I wouldn’t want to mess up that pretty little face of yours.” She said, gliding her fingers across my cheek. Her smirk was going to be forever etched in my mind.

“Kyunghee.” I watched as her face switched from her triumphant smirk to a look of complete horror, all in the span of nearly a second. She let go of my face and stepped back almost 3 feet away. I turned to the owner of the voice and almost choked on my own spit

“Didn’t I tell you to stop or I’d report you to the main office?” It felt as if time had literally stopped the second he said that.

Everyone in the halls froze and it felt like the crowd had doubled its size the second he appeared. His voice was deep; it was calm but also rough. He had power and recognition sewn into his vocal cords making it seem like even though you didn’t want to listen to him, you’d still hear it loud and clear in your mind.

If there ever was a time in your life when you wanted to just bow down at someone’s perfectness, a time when you thought your existence was so tiny, so immeasurable because of that person then that, my friends, is exactly how I feel right now.

I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him, he was a God that I felt had to be worshiped, yet, I didn’t even know him.

“Kris…” I switched between looking at Kyunghee and this Kris person. She trembled under his gaze, her voice was shaking just by saying his name.

“That was your last chance Kyunghee, you can’t stay in this dorm anymore, you’re being relocated. Expect to meet Suho after you’ve packed up your things.” And with that, he left. Leaving behind a broken Kyunghee in a mess of tears, and my mouth slightly hung open.

‘Can someone really do that?’ I thought to myself. ‘He looks like some regular student, some kid…even though he looks like a ing angel, does he even have the power to kick someone out of their own dorm? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS SCHOOL???’

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kinspiremae #1
Wow this seems really good!!! I can't wait to read it!!