Reality Knows My Problems...

Maybe In Reality


“Wait….She didn’t even ask for my name!! How rude is that!” I screamed, ruffling my hair.

‘For a girl who loves a cute thing like Hello Kitty, she is one huge biiitchhhh, but then again, she probably didn’t even give a slight about me or my existence to begin with…except for warning me about people out to kill each other…Why should I even look for her now…I have no problem looking around by myself…Yeah, I’m just going to go out there and… and… umm… do stuff…' I told myself.

I finally sat down on my bed after a long while of pacing the length of the room, it’s just something I subconsciously did when I thought of things and it’s also what I’ve been sadly doing for the past 8 minutes, so pathetic.

 I mentally face-palmed myself.

I was lost in my own head, arguing with myself whether I should leave this room or not…

What am I, a recluse?

A hermit?

So depressing…

I really had no idea what I was going to do the second I stepped out of that door, I had no idea what I was going to be faced with or what the hell was on the other side. I took a deep breath and told myself to calm down, nothing was going to kill me, and nothing was going to hurt me.

“You’re okay Nayoung, you’re fine. Just get up, and go for it. You’re just overthinking and you’re going to overthink yourself into insanity.” I encouraged myself and felt my palms press down against the bed, boosting me up. I walked towards the door and noticed a mirror on the wall.

Now you see, I never really considered my appearance. Not even when I was back at home. I wasn’t the fancy type or the princess type or the top diva at school and I really wasn’t going to start now of all times but…what the hell happened to me?

I reached over towards the mirror and felt its cool surface, then touched my own face.

Since when did I turn out so UGLY?

What the flying just happened?

I frantically searched the room for a comb, a brush, a fork, ANYTHING to flatten my Dragon Ball Z styled hair. It seemed as if I attempted an Asian afro before I went to bed. I silently cried as nothing was found in the bare dresser I possessed, and begged to the heavens that maybe the tall wardrobe next to it held at least a hat for me.

I walked towards the white marbled wardrobe and pulled open the two doors. The heavens must have been on my side this time for the closet was b with clothing, things I would have never thought to have worn back at home (in a good way though,  the clothes are magnificent). I stared at the clothes then back at the pajamas I wore and called it safe that maybe I should change before the world outside became blinded with my sasquatch-ish appearance. I looked like a mental patient that was out looking for brains to eat.

I guessed that a large deco t-shirt, black leggings along with a pair of high top shoes fit my look at the moment. I won’t question where all these clothes came from yet, I was just going to enjoy them. If they ended up being that Eonni’s clothes then…I guess I should have prepared myself for an kicking, but for now…my hair was my main goal.

I walked around the room again and my attention rolled to the right side of the room, I started to wonder about this Eonni of mine, about what she liked other than Hello Kitty and makeup, which I noticed was pretty much what brought her out of the ordinary.

I didn’t want to be nosy or anything but a little look couldn’t hurt anyone, she wasn’t there anyways and I doubted she was going to come back anytime soon. I reached her dresser and let my eyes wander. Just about every type of makeup was found, neatly stacked and placed in pretty boxes, paper-possibly schoolwork, and jewelry -mostly rings- of every type. But what caught my eye the most was a book, it was worn out, almost ancient looking.

I picked up the book and opened to its first page.

This album belongs to Park Sarang.

“Park Sarang? Is that Eonni’s name?” I thought and kept flipping the pages; it was a photo album of her life. The first few pages seemed to contain the more recent pictures of her since they looked shiny and new, it was a photo of her and another pretty girl with a handful of boys- might I add they all looked handsome- smiling in front of a picnic table at a park. I shook my head and closed the book, this really wasn’t for me…I felt guilty looking through it, but then again, not really.

In my haste one photo fell to the floor beside me. I picked it up and examined it a bit in my hand, the back said “The first day.” It was a photo of Eonni and one of the boys from the picture before.

“Her boyfriend?” I thought about it for a second and placed the photo back into a random page and dropped it back down on the dresser. I tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear and remembered my ultimate mission. “UGH MY HAIR.” I sighed, continuing my search.

After a few more minutes of playing hide and seek with the hair tool, I gave up and decided to tie it into a fairly large bun at the top of my head, all the prepping had gotten me so tired that I probably should have stayed in the room and slept again but, I wasn’t sure what had gotten me into thinking that the world outside was going to be any better than this empty room, so I finally stepped out; and the moment I did…

I almost regretted it...

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kinspiremae #1
Wow this seems really good!!! I can't wait to read it!!