When Reality Hits.

Maybe In Reality



But really, I'm kinda afraid I'm not going to meet all of your expectations in this fic....I'm sorryyy T___T; dont hate meee.


When I woke up, I noticed I was in someone’s bedroom, lying in someone’s bed.

Signs of my previous life we’re all gone. My father, his car, my luggage…even the clothes I wore were changed to a type of pajama styled uniform. It made me feel like a mental illness patient and the silence of this place made the hairs on my arms and neck stand for an impressively long time. I silently to my side and thought of how long I might have been here.

A day?

Maybe two?

Who knows, but I sure as hell couldn’t remember anything before this…

At that time, I decided that adapting to my new environment was the main goal of my psychological impediment so I sat up and took a good look around.

The walls were divided in the middle by the lightest shades of blue on the upper half and candy apple green from the middle down. The place was chic with the white carpeting of the floor and matching blue and green plaid rugs. It looked more like a child’s playroom then a bedroom but I’d rather see this than blindingly white walls of a crazy house. Continuing my inquisition, there were two giant wardrobes at either ends of the room, both looking like white porcelain closets with embroidered edges, something out of place in this childish looking room, next to them were matching drawers, both white…of course.

Then the bed next to mine, I’m guessing that this was a dorm of some sort and whoever rooms with me has a slight obsession with Hello Kitty. Plushies roamed half of her bedside not to mention the Hello Kitty pillow she had sprawled on the white bed sheets identical to mine.

Nothing wrong with obsessing over the kitty, but I imagined a girl who loved to talk about herself in 3rd person who was just the best at being “kawaii desu”. I shuddered at my own imagination. I silently prayed for my own sanity and that maybe this was all just a dream and I’d wake up to the sound of my school’s bell because I had fallen asleep in the school library…again.

But after pinching myself like a maniac and embossing myself with little red marks, I decided that THIS was reality and I was left with nothing on my plate. There was no 911 distress signal for me to call and my parents had willingly taken me here. I was alone and—

“Tsk tsk tsk, So you aren’t in a coma, darn.” Before I could even finish my thought, the door was creaked open and a girl’s voice echoed through the room.

Now, I believed that my friends back in California were my life. Even if we never hung out every day or talked every day like usual best friends, the slightest gestures of sincerity were enough for us. Whether it be bringing each other lunch when any of us had spent the whole day in the library studying, a “great job” and a high five after scoring high on a test, getting their books from their locker for them so they won’t be late for class or maybe just handing them a cold bottle of water after a physical education class. Those little things, even if it was simple and nothing to most, meant a lot to us, showing we were there for each other.

I sort of missed that, because when the door to the bedroom was opened, I didn’t know whether I had the guts to make any new friends for a while…

“Umm…hi…” I remember saying. The girl I was aiming those words for stood by the dresser, casually hanging her blazer around a hanger then setting it in the closet. “Hey.” I heard her say, not even bothering to look at me.

“Oh, and, new kid.” She continued, finally turning to me. She definitely wasn’t going to put down her poker face for me. “Try not to get us in trouble while you’re here.” I gulped and nodded my head furiously. She didn’t look particularly annoyed with my existence; it just seemed that she let off an aura of pure ignorance, like she didn’t hate you but didn’t exactly like you either, no matter who you were.

“Sorry, in advance then.” I joked, I knew I was going to mess up one way or another. She chuckled as she sat on her bed next to mine, which I guessed the whole right side of the room belonged to her. She sat on her bed facing me and I didn’t know whether to look back or just casually look around the room.

Her voice was serious this time, “Trust me, don’t take my words lightly. If you’re staying in this building, then you’re in for a world of surprises.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, finally making subtle eye contact. She smiled, looking away.

“Let’s just say people living here, out of all the other dorms, know how to people up, mentally and physically. Other than that, you gotta find out on your own.” She said, standing up and patting her shorts down. “See ya later, new girl.” She said heading towards the door.

“WAITTTTT.” I yelled, pulling the bed covers off of me. She stopped at the door, picking up her purse in the process. “What’s your name?” I asked.

“Just call me Eonni.” She said, closing the door behind her. I ruffled my hair in frustration. The room felt slightly depressing now, it was actually bare and minimalistic and the air was clean and fresh like a doctor’s office.

Since I was standing, I paced around the room. Okay, first attempt at making a friend totally failed…

“How did I get here…damn it, I should have asked her…” And that was my plan, to go find Eonni again.

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kinspiremae #1
Wow this seems really good!!! I can't wait to read it!!