My Simon

Boys Are Dogs

A/N: fomfgomg ; ; I doubt any of you guys remember this story, honestly.

I don't think I told you guys, but I've been in Japan since about August. I'm still in Japan actually ^^"v

I'll be returning back to the states soon, but I'm going to update this, even if none of you remember it.




After completing the history project, Daniel constantly insisted on taking you home, so eventually you gave into him. So it was only a mild surprise when he showed up at your door the next day, offering to walk you to school with those puppy dog eyes of his. He didn't care that he was ditching Simon; he'd rather walk with you anyway.

"Yesterday was fun, even though we were doing homework," said Daniel with an easy grin. "You should come over more, Minnie." He reached for your hand, as was his habit now.

"What if I don't want to~?" you asked with a laugh before shaking your head. "No, I had fun too. I'd love to come over again, Danny."

Daniel kicked at a rock with the toe of his shoe as he passed it, lacing his fingers with yours. "In that case, you'll have to come over to my house for my Halloween party too. We might be too old to trick-or-treat, but we can still dress up like monsters, eat candy, and scare little kids, right?"

Blinking at him, you frowned. "Is that what you guys do on Halloween?! Scare innocent children?!"

Daniel stared at you and laughed. "Sheesh. Maybe Inati and Jisu do that, but I don't. I have much to kind of a heart for that." Dramatically, he placed his free hand over his chest, sticking his chin up in an indignant expression.

With a grin, you playfully pushed him away. He smirked at you and pulled you back to him, refusing to let go of your hand. "All you'll have to do is dress up like a princess and sit there. Maybe fall asleep. I'll be Prince Charming and awaken you with a kiss~" he assured, puckering his lips.

You scrunched your nose as your face turned red. Looking down, you didn't reply, knowing you'd stutter. Daniel smiled, satisfied. *It feels like we're going out. I like it.* His smile widened. Glancing down at you with a soft gaze, he found that you were lost in thought. Sighing in content, he looked forward again.




"Oh~ Did Daniel walk Kyungmi to school today?" Jisu's eyes were on both you and Daniel, walking into school with smiles on your faces, hands intertwined. "And they're holding hands. Wonder if he confessed to her yesterday."

Simon saw red for a second. He glared fiercly at Jisu, even though he didn't do anything. *No. She wouldn't. She even said she had one guy in her heart. But...that guy couldn't be Daniel. No. It's not. I know it's not.* Setting his jaw, Simon's fist clenched.

Inati's eyes flickered to Simon for a moment. He sighed in amusement and rolled his eyes. *If you're so mad, go take her away from her. Don't just sit there glaring like and idiot.* The leader shook his head in disappointment. *Not manly at all.*

The both of you approached the rest of the boys. Feeling Simon's heated gaze on your hands, you let go of Daniel's hand, pretending to use it to fix your windblown hair. "Morning~!" Jisu greeted happily. You smiled easily and nodded, greeting everyone, your eyes lingering on Simon for a little too long. Someone else noticed, and shook their head with a sigh.




"I think we're going to die in here," Daniel whispered to you during your English class. Neither of you wanted to be here; both of you were already fluent in English. The teacher even made mistakes quite often. You had begged to go to the library, or maybe do an independent study like Mandarin, but they wouldn't allow you. So you both suffered.

"It wouldn't surprise me," you mumbled back. "Our brains appear to be slowly rotting away from boredom and repeating of information." With a somewhat overly-dramatic sigh, Daniel threw and arm over his eyes. Grinning, you poked his side. "Falling asleep?"

"Maybe," he granted, peeking out. With a wink at you, he chuckled. "But I think I'd sleep better if you were closer to me~" Daniel's hand shot out to wrap around your waist, bringing you closer. You were blushing, especially as you felt others looking at you. But Daniel didn't even care.

Chewing on your lower lip, you sighed and looked outside of the classroom, through the glass that gave you a peek of the hallway. Simon walked by and you brightened. You turned to Daniel, hissing, "I have to go to the bathroom." He rolled his eyes but released you. After telling the teacher and excusing yourself, you headed out, chasing after Simon.

"Simon!" you called in a sing-song voice. It was obvious that he heard you from the slight tilt of his head. With a huff, you called out to him again. "Park Junho! I know you can hear me, idiot!" Quickening your pace to a light jog, you caught up to him and grabbed his arm with both hands. "Stop ignoring me."

Simon's eyes flickered to yours. "Who said I was ignoring you? I have nothing to say."

You growled in annoyance, pulling him away from the hall. "How about this then. I know you're still my Simon. I see you in there, behind all of this." Simon raised an eyebrow.

Rolling your eyes, you felt a surge of bravery come over you. Your hand wrapped around the back of his neck, fingers dipping down the warm, smooth skin. Simon's eyes widened, his breath hitching. He could feel his heart quickening under your touch. Your other hand went to the front of his neck, moving under the collar of his shirt. The warm surface of your fingertips brushed against his collarbone, sending a shiver down Simon's spine. Both of your hands searched around the warm skin before coming into contact with a cooler metal chain. With a smirk of victory, you pulled out the pendant hanging from the end of the chain. At the sight of the other half of your best friend necklace, you felt your heart melt. He hadn't stopped wearing it, either.

"See?" You gave him a sweet, tender smile that sent his heart soaring. "You're still the same Simon who got mad at me for not standing up for myself when I was bullied."

Simon swallowed hard. "No. No, I'm not the same, Kyungie. I can't be the same."

"But you are. You always will be, Simon." Your voice had dropped to a whisper at this point as you sighed in exhasperation. "Just at least stop pretending like you don't know me. It hurts, you know?"

Simon felt a wave of guilt wash over him. His eyes softened, one hand reaching out to cup your cheek so you'd look at him. "Did it really hurt you, Kim Kyungmi?" You bit your lip and bobbed your head. His eyes closed. "I'm sorry. So sorry. But I'm doing this for you, alright? It's for your own good."

"I guess you would've had to have your own reasons for it." Swallowing, you looked away from his eyes. At this point your face probably resembled a tomato, and your heart was beating so fast it wouldn't surprise you if Simon could actually hear it. "But...stop being as cold, alright? I want my Simon back." Feeling another brave wave crashing against your mind, you went up on your tippy-toes and pressed a kiss to Simon's cheek, just like you did when you were young. Except this time, it sent in a whole new range of emotions.

Simon could feel his blood rushing, heart pounding in his ears. He simply stared at you, skin tingling from your lips. After a few seconds, he nodded, head ducking down. Simon's own lips were tingling, feeling like a fire had been lit within them. He wanted nothing more than to press his lips to yours, knowing your lips would have a cooling effect to the heat of his own. "I'm sorry," he whispered, lips touching your forehead.

That touch was all it took for your heart to melt into a puddle of goo. That confirmed it. You were definitely still in love with Simon. There had always been that feeling that he'd never left your heart, but this etched it in stone. Your heart belonged to Simon, and always would.

Now, you just had to get him to give you his heart, without breaking another.


October 22

Dear Simon,


Maybe, just maybe, you haven't changed as much as I thought you have. You're still in there, I know it. You showed me you today. The real you, the Simon I know.

I missed you. And I'm going to make you come back to me. No matter what.

Earlier today, I thought about what would happen if I hadn't pursued you. If I hadn't caught up to you in the hallway today and demanded you to tell me why you've been acting like this. I imagined you being with another girl. Someone besides me. It hurt too much to think like that though.

But it also made me realize something, Simon.

My heart belongs to you. Since the day we met up until the day you moved away from me, you had been slowly etching your name into my heart like a mason carves his initals into stone. It was a slow process, somewhat painful at times, but it's there, and it is permanent. I'm yours.

I love you.


Forever yours,


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neonpinktear #1
Chapter 9: Update please this is soooo good
Chapter 8: Please update soon.... I hope Simon talk to her nicely
gahh,its getting awesome and awesomeeee!omg,i love danny's moment the most!gee,you're so good!fighting XD
i really like it when simon is all pissed and jealous and seriously talking to himself lol..its cute.. his cool and quiet side is hard to read... but danny is easy going anyone could fall for that.. so i hope to see kyungie simon moments more or else i would really vote for danny soon
Tsk simon man step up ur game .__.
lol,its so nice to see that simon is getting jealous and annoyed.omg,this story is so freaking awesome that i think i'll die while reading X
clodhopper #7
Omg so excited for alone time with Daniel!!!
Ugh Simon you idiot!!!
Simon just man up darn it Dx!
Yerlie1001 #10
Simon, seriously man up! I've got ur back!;) Don't let anyone take her away though before it's too late...