
Boys Are Dogs

A/N: Comment and Subscribe♥




October 15

Dear Simon,


I had my first day of school today. Don't worry, nothing bad happened.

Actually, I might make a new friend. Aren't you proud of me? His name is Daniel, but he said I could call him Danny. I sit next to him in class. Oh, and he's from LA, so he speaks English.

Did you notice Simon? Today I'm writing to you in Japanese. Why? Because I know you like Japanese more than Korean and English. Also because I feel closer to you today for some reason. Maybe it's just being in the same country, or something.

I miss you Simon. Even today, talking to Daniel, I thought of you. He said he had a friend from Seattle too. That and Daniel reminds me of you. You were kind of cold on the outside but you were always sweet to me. Daniel looks scary on the outside, but he's really nice. I'll stop talking about him now because I know you'd be telling me to tell you how I was, not someone else.

I'm okay. Not amazing or horrible. Okay.

I love you.


Forever yours,





"Hey!" Daniel said happily as you approached your desk.

"Hey," you responded with a smile. "Good morning."

Daniel beamed. "Your hair looks pretty today. Did you curl it or is it naturally wavy?" He tilted his head to the side.

You chuckled, touching your dark brown hair. "It's natural. I had it straightened yesterday." Yes, despite what popular media would lead you to believe, Asians could have wavy hair.

"I like it. Never straighten it again."

You rolled your eyes. "I'll do as I please, thank you."

"Feisty," he noted with a wink. "Me likey."

You smiled. *Weird. With Simon, we took a little while to get close, even though when we did you couldn't separate us. But with Daniel, he makes it so easy to get close to him. I just met him yesterday, but it feels like it's been longer than that.* Your hand went up to your throat to play with the chain of your necklace. *Why is that, Simon?*

"You okay?" Daniel broke you from your trance. "You looked a little...zoned out there."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. I was thinking."

"About what?"

"About how that hairstyle really doesn't work on you," you answered with a completely straight face.

He blinked, one hand going to his hair. "You serious?"

Then you smiled. "No."

"Okay good." He sighed in relief. "Thought there was something wrong with your eyes. Because I look hot with this hairstyle."

"Cocky much?"

"A little," he admitted, and you both laughed. *Her laugh is so cute.* Daniel calmed himself down, but still smiled as he stole a glance at you.




As you left for lunch, a hand grabbed your arm. You looked back in surprise to see Daniel. "Hey," he said, "yesterday I saw you ate alone at lunch. So today...want to sit with me?"

"Oh no it's fine. I'm used to eating by myself."

He frowned at that. "Still. I want to eat lunch with you Kyungmi. Can you just accept that, nod like a good girl, and follow me?"

You studied his handsome, sincere face for a moment before nodding. "Fine. Lead the way captain."

He smiled, then took your hand. You jumped; the only boy that wasn't family that had ever held your hand...was Simon.

"So you don't get lost," he assured with a cheeky smile.

You went through the lunch line, Daniel chattering happily the whole time. He grabbed your hand again as he led you to a table where four other boys sat.

Simon glanced up. His eyes widened and he quickly looked down. *Oh no. Daniel you idiot. Kyungie, go away. Please. I don't want to hurt you.*

"Kyungmi, these are my friends," said Daniel. He motioned to one boy. "This is Inati. He's the eldest, a senior." He was tall, and was breaking the school hair color rule. His hair was bluish white, over one eye. He had high cheekbones and full lips, and was overall quite handsome in your opinion, though he did look a bit scary.

"This is Jisu." A boy who had a fauxhawk like Daniel, except his was down to the side instead of spiked up. He had a rounder face and actually looked cute.

"Youngwon." He had reddish-brown somewhat long hair that went down to his chin. On a first glance you thought he was kind of cute and pretty, but looking at his eyes, you saw a cold look that took away any cuteness he would've possessed.

"And..." The last boy raised his head up. Simon had been paralyzed for the past minute or so. But now he guessed he had no choice. *Kyungie, I'm sorry. Please don't recognize me. If you do, you'll only get hurt. I can't let them know I know you. No one can know that we have a connection. It would be dangerous for you. So please don't say anything.*

Your eyes widened. You took in the high cheekbones, oddly slanted, Japanese eyes that were chocolate brown, and firm, straight mouth. He had died his hair sandy brown and pierced his ears along with getting some muscle, but you'd recognize him anywhere.

Before Daniel could tell you his name, "Simon?!" had already flown out of your mouth.

Daniel blinked, surprised. " you know each other?"

Simon's heart squeezed. *. You shouldn't have said that Kyungie. Now I have to hurt you. I am so, so sorry.* He kept his eyes cold as he said, "I've never seen her before in my life."

You stared at him. *He's got to be kidding me.*

Daniel looked in between the two of you awkwardly, not quite sure what to do.

You scoffed, then said in Japanese, "It's me, Simon. It's Kyungie, remember?"

He automatically answered in familiar Japanese, his brain switching automatically. "I don't know what you're talking about." Then he froze. *. She caught me.*

Dalmatian gaped at you. "How did she know you spoke Japanese?" Inati asked him.

Simon shrugged. "No idea. Maybe she's a stalker." *I'm sorry Kyungie.*

"Wow," was all you could say. Biting back the tears in your eyes, you ran away, leaving four boys to stare after you, bewildered.

*Stupid, stupid, stupid Simon. I finally find you...we're finally reunited and this is what you do? I can't believe you.*

Simon didn't look up, even as you disappeared. His grip on his chopsticks tightened. He wasn't hungry anymore, and his heart was squeezing painfully. *Kyungie. My Kyungie. As soon as I got you back, I had to push you away. I'm sorry. Really, all I wanted to do was hold you and never let you go again. Don't forgive me.*




October 16

Dear Simon,


You've changed.






A/N: Sorry it's a little short. I promise it was like 4 pages when I wrote it in my notebook ^.^

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neonpinktear #1
Chapter 9: Update please this is soooo good
Chapter 8: Please update soon.... I hope Simon talk to her nicely
gahh,its getting awesome and awesomeeee!omg,i love danny's moment the most!gee,you're so good!fighting XD
i really like it when simon is all pissed and jealous and seriously talking to himself lol..its cute.. his cool and quiet side is hard to read... but danny is easy going anyone could fall for that.. so i hope to see kyungie simon moments more or else i would really vote for danny soon
Tsk simon man step up ur game .__.
lol,its so nice to see that simon is getting jealous and annoyed.omg,this story is so freaking awesome that i think i'll die while reading X
clodhopper #7
Omg so excited for alone time with Daniel!!!
Ugh Simon you idiot!!!
Simon just man up darn it Dx!
Yerlie1001 #10
Simon, seriously man up! I've got ur back!;) Don't let anyone take her away though before it's too late...