
Boys Are Dogs

A/N: Thank you for the support!

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*Note: 'Okasan' means mother in Japanese ^^




-Present Day-


Today was a lazy day. It was drizzling outside, the sky dark and gray. On top of that, it was a Sunday.

You yawned, turning over in bed and giving the alarm clock a quick glance. 10:03 AM, it read in bright red. Sighing, you sat up in bed. Your stomach grumbled, signaling that it wanted food. "Yeah, yeah," you muttered, throwing your covers off and setting your feet on the carpet before venturing off into the kitchen.

Your mom was making breakfast. She smiled at you. "Morning hon. Sleep well?"

"Yeah. What's for breakfast?"

"Omurice. You mind?"

"Not at all." You sat down at the island table thingy, pulling up a bar stool. "Did appa leave yet?"

"About an hour ago. He had a meeting about something this morning."

You nodded, your hands unconsciously moving to your neck to play with your half of the friendship necklace. You always wore it and only took it off to shower.

Your mom set the plate of omurice in front of you. She drew a butterfly on it with the ketchup. You grinned. "Thank you okasan."

"Of course dear."

If someone were to walk into your house and listen to you all speak, they'd get confused quickly. In your house, you spoke Japanese, Korean, and English almost interchangibly, sometimes even mixing in the languages. With your mom you'd mostly speak Japanese, with your dad, Korean. However, since your dad wasn't fluent in Japanese, he often spoke a mix of Korean and Japanese. Then when your mom wanted to practice English, you'd speak that.

You quickly downed the delicious breakfast then headed into the living room to watch TV. There was some dumb reality show on. "Okasan, were you watching this crap?"


"Did you understand it?"

"Most of it."

Rolling your eyes, you quickly changed the channel.




Later, when your dad came home, he had a big smile on his face.

"What are you so happy about?" you asked with one eyebrow raised.

"I'll tell you later," he assured. "After dinner. But it's great news if you were wondering."

"O-kay," you muttered, confused.

Then it came after dinner.

Your dad's big news.

"So," he began. "I got a promotion!" You and your mom applauded with smiles, happy for him.

"That's wonderful dear!" your mom kissed your dad's cheek.

"But that's not all." You both looked at him now, heads tilted. "We have to move for this job."

"Move...where?" Your mom's eyebrows furrowed.

"To Seoul." Your mom blinked at him blankly, but you panicked.

"WHAT?! We have to freaking move to the other side of the world?" you started demanding in English. "NO! I can't stand for this! My life is here!" *This is where Simon will look for me if he comes back.*

"Now honey let's keep an open mind about this," your mom said, putting a hand on your arm. "Your appa got this wonderful oppurtunity. Aren't you happy for him? It it makes him happy, won't you at least think about it?"

You stopped, swallowing hard then looking down. "Fine." You looked away, then got up. "Let me sleep on it, okay?" Your parents nodded, so you went to your room.

As you laid in bed, you began to brighten. *South Korea equals Simon. I'd be in the same country as him.* You smiled at the thought. *Maybe...maybe I'd get to meet him one day. Like, it could happen on accident. We always used to say we were fated to be together. Maybe he was right. Maybe this is fate.* You let out a breath then nodded. Okay. You'd go. It wasn't like you had any friends here anyway. You rolled over to get your journal from its hiding place in your dresser.

Your mom had gotten it for you a few years ago. There were a lot of pages, so you hadn't filled it out completely yet. You acted like you were talking to Simon in the journal. Chewing on the cap of your pen for a second, you began to write.


October 12th

Dear Simon,


Guess what? I'm moving. Guess where? SOUTH KOREA! That means I'm coming to where you are!

You know I miss you right? I say it every day when I talk to you. I miss you. I miss you. But if you were here, you'd probably smack me in the back of the head and say "Kyungie! Missing doesn't do you any good. If they were worth missing, they'd leave you enough memories to make up for it!" with that stern look of yours.

But that's the thing Simon. We didn't have enough memories, and you're worth it. So I guess even you can be wrong, huh?

Anyway, even though I'm going to Seoul, I'm well aware that I probably won't see you. I probably won't see you ever again now that I'm moving. I'm sorry. I really am.

You know what my mom told me the other day? She said that I should just forget about you and move on--I'd make other friends. I guess she doesn't know. Just like you didn't know.

You're my first love Simon. My first friend. My first everything almost. And yet she expects me to let you go so easily? Yeah, yeah. It's been four years since you left. And honestly, I don't know what you're like now.

Probably tall and handsome like when we were little, only more so. Maybe you have a girlfriend. But it hurts too much to think like that. And I know you'd get mad at me if I was weak about this. So I'll stay strong for you, okay?

I love you Simon.


Forever yours,




A/N: Sorry, it's a little short ^.^

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neonpinktear #1
Chapter 9: Update please this is soooo good
Chapter 8: Please update soon.... I hope Simon talk to her nicely
gahh,its getting awesome and awesomeeee!omg,i love danny's moment the most!gee,you're so good!fighting XD
i really like it when simon is all pissed and jealous and seriously talking to himself lol..its cute.. his cool and quiet side is hard to read... but danny is easy going anyone could fall for that.. so i hope to see kyungie simon moments more or else i would really vote for danny soon
Tsk simon man step up ur game .__.
lol,its so nice to see that simon is getting jealous and annoyed.omg,this story is so freaking awesome that i think i'll die while reading X
clodhopper #7
Omg so excited for alone time with Daniel!!!
Ugh Simon you idiot!!!
Simon just man up darn it Dx!
Yerlie1001 #10
Simon, seriously man up! I've got ur back!;) Don't let anyone take her away though before it's too late...