New Life, New Love

A Fate Changed By A Backstage Pass: Side Stories




After the anonymous call incident, everything became peaceful again. Sure, there were arguments here and there, but Kevin and her stayed together. Years passed, and they got happily married. She gave birth to 2 of his children, one older girl and a younger boy, named Woo Seomin and Woo Minhyun. But let’s talk about Seomin here, shall we?


Dongho’s POV


“Dongho yah, do you know Kevin’s gonna be a father soon?” Soohyun hyung approached me one day.

“What!?” I ran towards him and shook his shoulders. “Hyung, are you kidding me!?”

“Let go of me and relax,” Soohyun hyung frowned. “And I’m not kidding.”

I let my arms fall to my side. How long has it been since I gave up on her? Since I stopped loving her? Almost 10 years? Yet there was an aching feeling in my heart. I ignored it and continued playing my PSP.


10 months later, she gave birth to his first child. Daughter actually. After my schedule, I went to the hospital to visit her and congratulate my hyung.

On the way to her ward, I passed by the baby room. I stopped for a moment and peered in. Tiny humans laid down in their cots, some asleep, some playing with some toys. I smiled at one of them. She was cute, playing with the toy and laughing to herself. Well at least I think she’s a girl. They all looked so similar I couldn’t even tell their gender.

I continued my trip to her ward. Stopping outside the door for Room 1125, I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

“Come in~” I heard my hyung’s voice sing happily.

I pushed the door opened and stepped in.

She laid on the hospital bed, wearing light blue hospital clothing. Her pale face lit up when she saw me. Kevin hyung sat on the side of the bed, holding her hand and fiddling with the golden wedding band on her fourth finger.

“Hey,” I smiled and sat down at the end of her bed.

“Hi, Dongho oppa~” she seemed so happy.

“How’re you? And the baby?” I asked her.

Her smile turned into a pout. “I’m fine, just not used to not being pregnant.. but Seomin, they won’t let me hold her…”

Kevin hyung reached over and tucked her stray hair behind her ear. “That’s ‘cause they’re afraid you’ll drop our Seomin~”

I laughed. I could already imagine her dropping the baby.

Just then, the door opened and a nurse stepped in, holding a baby who was making weird gurgling noises.

“Mr Woo? The doctor said that we’ll let you have Seomin for the rest of the evening.” The nurse passed Seomin to Kevin hyung, whose face was suddenly bright, and walked out.

He cradled the baby in his arms, “Waahhhh~ my Seomin, you’re so cute, you look just like your mother…” He stared making funny baby sounds, which made Seomin laugh.

“Do you… want to hold her?”

I turned around to face her. “Huh? Me? Hold your daughter?”


“Um… okay? I guess…”

I reached out awkwardly towards my hyung, who placed Seomin carefully in my arms. I let out a soft gasp as I saw her truly for the first time.

Her eyes were positioned and shaped exactly like her mother’s. Her nose was sharp and well defined, and her pink lips formed an ‘O’ when she yawned.

She really did look like her mother.

I adjusted my arms so that she would fit perfectly in my arms. I smiled down at her, making small kissing noises. She laughed (which really sounded like gurgling, but whatever) and reached one tiny hand up, brushing her fingers against my lips.

She smiled, and I knew at that moment, I was in love again.


Seomin’s POV


Who was he? He was so cute, smiling down at me like that. I want to tell him that I want to see his face the whole day, not the doctor’s, or nurses. I opened my mouth, but started yawning instead.

That’s right, I couldn’t talk yet could I? He started making kissing sounds at me. I laughed at his silly face, and reached up for his lips, hoping he would understand what I wanted to tell him.

Hey, I can’t talk yet, but I want to see you everyday. I want to know your name, and I’m sure my papa will tell me. I’m only a tiny little being, and you’re already so grown, but wait for me okay? I promise you I’ll do my best to grow up really fast… so please… wait for me.



Author's note:

Sooooo.... my side stories are done!! Hope you guys enjoyed the same story being told from a different perspective, and the extended ending here~~ look forward to my next fanfic^^ Bye for now~~ thanks for all the support you guys have given me, I LOVE YOU~~~>__<

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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 4: Awwwww so sweet this story !!!!!
Very nice! Seriously!
Sarapyon #3
WHOA!!! Happy ending indeed ^O^
AllAmericano #4
Aaaaaaww poor pedo Dongho..... Haha I bet he's going to be like a second father, though. I'll be looking foward to your next story!
Happy ending yaaaaaay!
Will try to update asap^^ school has started so updates will be slower :(
Update sooon!
AllAmericano #8
How did I just find this?? Pshaw! I guess that I'm going to need to hit a certain subscribe button to make sure I don't miss out on any more :)
Aww poor dongho!
Thank you^^ the next update's a little sadder though :(