Hidden Feelings, Sudden Happenings

A Fate Changed By A Backstage Pass: Side Stories



Your friend’s POV


I sighed. Everyone was having their happy ending, enjoying themselves with the ones they loved. But me? Well…

When I first met him, I did believe it was a dream. Almost a miracle, even. Then friendships formed, and before we knew it we became close friends. Almost everyday we would chat despite being in different countries.

I have always been in love with him. But I presumed this love was just because he was my bias in U-Kiss. But as our friendship progressed, I realized I truly had feelings for him.

I wanted him to be mine, and mine only.

I didn’t want to face the thought that I wanted him to be mine. I kept those feelings under everyday conversations with him.

That was how I dealt with those feelings. Until my friend got into a relationship with one of U-Kiss’s members, Kevin.

She’d always loved him, and to have them become a couple was something I was truly happy about. He loved her too, and I could trust him to take good care of her.

But there was something else underneath that happiness I felt for my friend and Kevin. Dark feelings. Loneliness and jealousy. I never told my friend about these feelings, afraid that it might spoil our friendship.

Would my friend become so occupied with Kevin to the point that she would forget about me? I didn’t want that. We did lose time to spend with each other, though not too much. Still, I felt lonely.

I confided these feelings to the only person I could trust to keep these thoughts of mine to himself. Lee Kiseop. He kept those secrets well, which was good.

There was another thing. Jealousy. Why was my friend able to end up in a relationship with her bias? Why couldn’t I? What did she have that I didn’t?

Why was she able to make Kevin fall for her when I couldn’t make Kiseop fall for me?

I know it was stupid. There was no way someone like Kiseop would fall for a plain person like me. Unlike me, my friend was sociable. She could get along with almost everyone.

I wanted to be like her. To be able to get along with everyone. Perhaps if I could do that, Kiseop would love me. But I can’t. It was impossible for him to like me. Being friends with him was enough for me.


One day, I was chatting with Kiseop on MSN as usual. Suddenly, he asked me something that caught me off guard.

“Do you have someone you like?”


“Who else, silly~”

How did he expect me to answer? I sighed. “No, oppa… why?”

“Oh… just wondering^^”

“What about you then? Do you have someone you like?”

“Of course… but she doesn’t see me the way I see her. We’re just friends. And I don’t see her that often either…”

I felt a stab of pain in my chest. Not physical pain, but emotional pain. I should not have asked him if he liked anyone. I’ve ended up hurting myself. I hurriedly typed out my reply before I could start crying.

“Oh… oppa, why don’t you confess to her?”

“I can’t… whenever I think about it… >___< Help me~”

“The next time you see her face-to-face, just muster up your courage!”

“I can’t TT_______TT It’s scary~~”

“Aigooo… then how about this: Go to her, give her a hug from the back, and tell her you love her, ask whether she would be your girlfriend.”

“Huh… ok, I’ll try^^ Thanks~ you’re the best friend ever.”

A friend. That’s all I was to him. I shook away that thought quickly.

But I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I buried my face in my pillow and started crying.


Time passed, and for some unknown reason my friend and Kevin broke up. I was perplexed. How could they have broken up? I asked her for more details. At first, she was unwilling to reveal anything to me, but awhile later she opened up to me.

“Well… I got a call from an anonymous fan of U-Kiss. I don’t know who she was, but she said that she had photos of Kevin and I at the zoo. She would release them to the public and Kevin would get into trouble if I didn’t break up with him. So…” she didn’t manage to finish her sentence when tears started rolling down her cheeks.

“Oh my god, don’t cry! I’m sorry for asking!” I passed her a tissue and patted her back.

She took the tissue and blew into it. “It’s just… I… I couldn’t protect…. him… I couldn’t protect him without…. leaving his side…”

Seeing my friend this broken made me feel like crying. No matter how jealous I was of her relationship, I did not want this to happen. “Don’t worry ok? I’m sure there will be some way for the 2 of you to be together again…”

Sure enough, a few days later, I received a call from Kevin. I picked up the call. “ Hello?”

“Hi… are you with your friend now?” Kevin’s voice had lost the spontaneity it always had.

“No… why?”

“Do you know why she broke up with me?”

I hurriedly explained everything to him. When I finished, I asked, “So, what’re you gonna do about it?”

“I’ll find some way to get her back,” was all he said before ending the call.


A week passed. Somehow, we were in Korea. I had no idea what we were doing here, but since U-Kiss sent us free air tickets… it would be a waste not to visit Seoul.

Upon arrival, we were immediately whisked into an awaiting car. Our destination was the NH Media building.

What were we doing here? That was the first thought I had when I first stepped out of the car. But my question was answered within the next 10 minutes when we stepped into the office of NH Media’s CEO.

Kevin was going to let the public know about his relationship.

So that was what he was planning? To let the public know about the 2 of them, so that the fan would have no way to harm Kevin even if he was with my friend?

I had to admit, it was a pretty good plan.

I watched silently as my friend practically shouted at Kevin. I could see hurt flash through his eyes.

Kevin grabbed my friend’s hand and pulled her out of the room. No one bothered following them. Instead, a heated discussion started between Soohyun and the CEO. The other members started looking confused and were asking each other what just happened.

Why did all these things have to happen? Kevin and my friend were so perfect together. “I want them to be together…” I said aloud by accident.


I looked up to see Kiseop standing beside me, staring at the open door which was left ajar when Kevin and my friend went out.

He looked down at me. “They’re perfect together.”

I smiled at him. “That’s what I was just thinking.”

He said nothing, which wasn’t weird since he had always been kind of quiet.

The noise level in the room started rising. I wonder how well Kevin was doing with my friend. My head started to throb.

I slipped out of the room and walked to the end of the corridor, where no noise from the room could be heard. I rubbed my forehead and turned around.

“Oh my goodness! Kiseop, you scared me!” I didn’t expect anyone to follow me out into the corridor.

He merely laughed. I sighed and turned around. My head hurt more than ever.

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around my waist. My hands fell and I turned around. “Ki-Kiseop oppa? What’s wrong?”

He pushed me so that my back was facing him again. “Shhh, don’t spoil this.”


He leaned down and whispered softly into my ear, “I love you. Do you… want to be my girlfriend?”

Huh? Did he just… “What?” I turned around.

“You heard me. I’m not repeating myself,” he made a blowfish face.

“So that time… when you asked me for help…” I was speechless.

He looked kind of bashful, which was really cute. “Yeah. But you said you didn’t like anyone… so I was worried that you might reject me.”

“Oppa, when I told you I didn’t like anyone, I was lying,” I confessed before I could stop myself.

“Ehhh? Why did you lie to me?”

“Because you’re the one I like.” I turned around in his arms and rested my forehead on his chest. The pain had started to return.

“Is your headache better?” he looked at me with concern in his eyes.

“I don’t think so…”

He kissed my forehead softly. “There. Better now?”

“Yeah, thanks,” I laughed.

He tipped my chin up with 2 of his fingers and leaned in towards me. He hesitated for a moment.

I looked up at him. “Oppa?”

“Is this ok?” he pulled back. “I mean, you haven’t actually said I could be your boyfriend…”

“Pabo. I love you.”

He laughed. His laugh was so precious. Then, again, he tipped my chin up with 2 fingers and kissed me without hesitation.

His lips were soft and pressed lightly against mine. His hands held my shoulders.

My mind went blank. All I could feel was him. I put my arms around his neck, and pressed onto him.

Just as I was about to pull away, Kiseop suddenly pulled me closer to him. His hands slipped from my shoulders and held my waist. He bit my bottom lip, and-

“I can’t breathe.” I pulled away from Kiseop, gasping for air.

He started laughing really loudly. Louder than I have ever heard him laugh.

I pouted. “What’s so funny?”

“I don’t know! It’s just, when we were kissing, you just suddenly said you couldn’t breathe…” he said between laughter.

“You 2 kissed!?”

I peered behind Kiseop. The rest of U-Kiss was in the corridor, staring at us.

I looked at them and played with my fingers nervously. Just then, Kiseop spoke up.

“We’re going out.”

Everyone was silent for awhile. Then, all the U-Kiss members started crowding around us and asking questions.

After what seemed like an hour (which it really wasn’t but you get the picture), we finally found Kevin and my friend in one of the dance studios. Apparently they had made up, which was really good.

The feelings of loneliness and jealousy were gone now. All I felt was love. Love from my friend. Love from Kiseop. I felt that I was a blessed person.

Before we left Incheon International Airport, Kiseop gave me a gift. “A necklace,” he said. “To match the one I have.”

I smiled. He was the sweetest boyfriend anyone could have. “Oppa, I don’t want to leave you…”

“I’ll find some way to visit you soon ok? Wait for me,” he hugged me and rested his chin on top of my head.

“Ok, oppa. I promise I’ll wait for you,” I breathed in deeply. I think Kiseop just showered. I laughed to myself silently for that observation.

Then, when I turned around, I felt his arms around me. For a moment, I recall the time when we were confessing to each other and then kissing in the NH Media building.

I smiled and turned around, meeting his lips.

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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 4: Awwwww so sweet this story !!!!!
Very nice! Seriously!
Sarapyon #3
WHOA!!! Happy ending indeed ^O^
AllAmericano #4
Aaaaaaww poor pedo Dongho..... Haha I bet he's going to be like a second father, though. I'll be looking foward to your next story!
Happy ending yaaaaaay!
Will try to update asap^^ school has started so updates will be slower :(
Update sooon!
AllAmericano #8
How did I just find this?? Pshaw! I guess that I'm going to need to hit a certain subscribe button to make sure I don't miss out on any more :)
Aww poor dongho!
Thank you^^ the next update's a little sadder though :(